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The Official League of Legends Thread!

The only thing I fear is saving up a bunch of points to buy a Champion that looks interesting...then finding out I hate playing as him/her/it. :/
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The only thing I fear is saving up a bunch of points to buy a Champion that looks interesting...then finding out I hate playing as him/her/it. :/
Which is why there are 10 champs that are free to play, that change every Tuesday. Try out the free champs, if you like one, save up for them, get them, have fun. <3
Still, there's like a googolplexian Champions by now, so it can go some time until I've tested them all. Still, gonna try to play some League when I get home.
On a side note, I really hope Riot games and Valve will cooperate to make a cinematic where LOL Champions fight DOTA2 Heroes
If you missed it, I did make a gag Ms. Fortune photo set that looked like she was in game XD
Where? I wanna see it! I also wanna see Miss Fortune vs Ms. Fortune!
Omega Squad Teemo Legendary Skin
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Dat shroom.. SO ugly...

Where? I wanna see it! I also wanna see Miss Fortune vs Ms. Fortune!

It's too buried by now, so I'll reupload em.

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I might play the little fucker just for this skin itself. I like it so far on the pbe. They need to update the mushrooms still.
It's so when you unlock champions you have a sense of progression and that you earned them.
It's a better f2p model than most at least.
That's how I like to rationalize my progression through the champion list exclusively with IP. I make sure that I practice each new champ I get. It's helped me improve as a player and my style and preferences changed over time and with exposure to more champs via free rotation. I'd still prefer to just have the entire cast unlocked from the get go though. Even though there are champs I just don't feel interested in (looking at you Riven), there are enough champs that I would like to just dive right into without grinding IP for weeks.
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Omega Squad Teemo - Legendary Skin - Voice
Omega Squad Teemo Special Interactions
so, played a ranked game as jinx (per usual) and most of the enemy team got fed (Cho, Yas, WW). Cho started to talk trash in all chat, getting super cocky. I tried to warn him a few times that he's getting cocky. You know, trying to be nice as getting cocky will lead to ruin. I hit full build and ripped his fat ass to shreds. He left the game afterwards.

Moral of the story: Play to win, play to have fun, play and be friendly.

Match in story: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1772273387/212067181?tab=overview
I've decided. I'm gonna play Annie Support for my first ranked game. I love her too much for her to NOT be my first. I still haven't decided exactly when I'm gonna play my provisionals, but soon...
@Rynozilla The good news is that you'll actually be able to get your role 95% of the games since you play support =P
@Rynozilla The good news is that you'll actually be able to get your role 95% of the games since you play support =P
WHY DOES NO ONE PLAY SUPPORT. It's literally the easiest role. Every other lane is kinda BS, imo... But bot lane actually makes sense. And being a good support isn't rocket science. I will never understand... e.e;
here's the reason why some people just don't like playing support:

some people don't like being treated like a bottom bitch.

and you'll never get better by just playing support. you're gonna need to hone your skills in other lanes ESPECIALLY TOP.
Many people feel like they arn't contributing to the team. many feel assists are useless and want to be apart of the actual kill, not just hanging back, hoping to land that critical Lock down or Exaughst.

I actually now second Support. I love Thresh and Blitz, along with a couple of healers like Soraka. Thresh is my To goto champ though as my Hooks are godly as of late XD
I only play Jungle.

Which is great because with the new jungle changes, Everyone hates the new jungle, so every time I request jungle I get it xD
Why no one plays support:
Support requires more game knowledge than mostly any role except maybe Jungle. You need to know where the best places to ward are at any time, meaning you have to have an idea what areas are contested and where opponents may be. You need to know when to engage or not to engage because you normally have less health and items than anyone else in the game.
Support is easy at first because you don't have to CS and worry about doing damage to targets. At the same CS'ing and doing damage is easier than knowing when to engage fights, in my opinion. Support extends your knowledge of the game in terms of objectives, teamfighting, and overall decision making, not technical skill, CS'ing, or making crazy plays with Leblanc or Zed.

Most of all you cannot carry the game. You can have the best engage with Leona but if your team gets flattened all you can say is "Welp, I tried." You give the game to your other lanes and players to win when you play support.
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Where to ward: Second lane bush, in certain situations. If your ADC and you put pressure, they're kinda forced out of that second bush anyway. So this is kinda depending situation. Ward river brush after putting pressure on the bottom lane, ESPECIALLY if the support or ADC is killed. Someone ALWAYS comes bot. My ADC and I killed both the opposing, and Lissandra came bot. I actually went AROUND tri-bush (which is great, if that could also be warded), as she went to attack, I stunned her from behind, and Draven killed her too. Warding Dragon is a must. Warding Baron mid-late game is important, if the enemy team is desperate for a turnaround, or if that's gonna be their final nail in the coffin. Also. I must disagree with not being able to carry games. Almost every game I Annie support, I end up helping to carry games. I don't get triple kills or anything, but I stun with Tibbers, Zhonya's, and > W while my team engages on the stun. I get a kill here and there, and we almost always end up winning the team fight.
So yeah. Maybe it's just because of how much I play the role, but Support is 2EZ.[/user]
Also, not many play support cause they are seriously depended on. There's a saying: "An ADC is only as good as their support". Pretty much meaning you 2 have to synergize well. You can't just go "Meh, I'll play Thresh" when your ADC is someone who doesn't synergize well with him. Why I was complaining about not wanting to ADC Jinx with Annie. They don't work very well together.
Yeah, Annie and Leona are examples of supports that can carry by setting your team up for kills and winnable teamfights. The understanding of warding is there as well, but you said it best in there, "In certain situations". You gotta choose what you wanna do more often than any other role.
In mid lane? I farm. I have to, there's no decision there. I punish my opponent when they go for CS. These are all straightforward compared to support's thought process =D

All I'm saying is that support requires a lot of thought for not much reward sometimes.
It's way easier to say "Hey Leona engaged it's time for me to do what I do and do damage" rather than being Leona and saying "Okay NOW is when I go in" against a 5v5 situation.
Then you get those teams that don't capitalize on your good engages, etc. All that good stuff.
Good to see some support love going on in here.

All I'm saying is that support requires a lot of thought for not much reward sometimes.
It's way easier to say "Hey Leona engaged it's time for me to do what I do and do damage" rather than being Leona and saying "Okay NOW is when I go in" against a 5v5 situation.
Then you get those teams that don't capitalize on your good engages, etc. All that good stuff.
This is probably one of THE hardest things to pull off right as a support. Knowing when is a good time to try to engage/disengage from a fight.
I remember one time I told a vayne player I Hook pre level 3 to slow them down or scare em away. Every time I landed a hook, they dove in when I didn't even pull myself into the hook. You got to make sure you and your adc knows the plan, and follows it.. it's THE hardest thing about support... syncronizing with your lane mate.
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Never. Give. Up.

Lol Ryze was 11/2 or something ridiculous at 25 mins, with partly me to blame. Azir can't fight Ryze early due to mana problems and I didn't get blue buff from jungler at 8 min so RIP me.
Azir still scales like a beast.

@Kit Ballard
Why did it take you guys so long to close at 50min once you started winning teamfights according to match history? Death timers are like 45 seconds X.X
On playing Support:

I have the most experience playing ADC (I don't necessarily want to say i main it, since I've recently been branching out and playing other lanes and have been getting burned out on it) and I learned to play support in order to play ADC better. Seeing bot lane from the point of view of a support definitely helped me play ADC better, and vice versa. It helped me learn WHEN to go in as opposed to just doing it at every opportunity. Playing support also helped me develop a better sense of the macro strategy and objective control, in addition to learning about where and when vision is needed (though playing jungle also helped this).

While it's difficult to 'carry' as a support in terms of getting kills and doing damage (though you certainly can with zyra, velkoz, YOLO battle Sona, etc at lower levels) deciding when and where to engage is a very valuable skill to have. If you're on a playmaking support like thresh or morg, using your superior vision control to make picks and force objectives CAN let the support 'carry' the game. Sure, if more than two teammates feed you're pretty screwed but that applies to every position.

In fact, recently I've had FAR more success playing support rather than ADC, since NO ONE in silver V seems to wants/knows how to play support.

Of course, it really sucks when your ADC is bad. After you lose tower sometimes you just need to roam and help the jungler or midlaner get some picks while keeping your side of the map warded so the ADC doesn't die while he's farming (though you can only do so much to help some people. i've had an adc trying to take the 1st tower in a bot lane and not moving while a katarina walks all the way down river IN VISION while i'm pinging like crazy to fucking leave and they die anyway.)