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The Official League of Legends Thread!

whats the pricing of the project skins again?
First Strike // 9/8 - 9/15 23:59 PDT 1350 RP: PROJECT: Fiora // PROJECT: Zed // PROJECT: Lucian // PROJECT: Leona
1820 RP: PROJECT: Yi
Week Two // 9/17 00:01 PDT - 9/24 23:59 PDT 975 RP: PROJECT: Fiora // PROJECT: Zed // PROJECT: Lucian // PROJECT: Leona
1820 RP: PROJECT: Yi
First Strike // 9/8 - 9/15 23:59 PDT 1350 RP: PROJECT: Fiora // PROJECT: Zed // PROJECT: Lucian // PROJECT: Leona
1820 RP: PROJECT: Yi
Week Two // 9/17 00:01 PDT - 9/24 23:59 PDT 975 RP: PROJECT: Fiora // PROJECT: Zed // PROJECT: Lucian // PROJECT: Leona
1820 RP: PROJECT: Yi
I thank yew.
I dislike Wukong, his escape clone is ridiculous and annoying. I really hate champs that can do things like that. It's not as bad with champs like Leblanc, where you see her and the clone and have to decide which is which, but stuff like Shaco's extended stealth and Wukong's substitution escape tool really aggravate me.
I like some gimmicky characters in lol, and wukong is one of them. Of course, my main is not gimmicky at all (Vi).

But what i find fun about the clone with wukong, is when you just stop, and your oponent think that is a clone and you get a free escape route. xD
wukong is strong if you get fed just like any champion
his team fight is good but his ult can be avoided pretty easily or he can get locked down etc
technically, explode would be better words for it.
Wukong is an okay champ, he's just, not really a standout champ in terms of his abilities.
like, his decoy is great for fakeouts but if you're against a nasus you're not gonna wanna stand there anyway because it's Nasus whose about to drop his mix tape on ya.
and you can't tell me you'll out-damage him.
the clone is only good against other fighters.
it might as well be tissue paper being thrown at a tank.

again, I don't hate Wukong, I just think his decoy isn't as hyped up as people make it out to be.

btw, I have been playing...

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the only one that wont return(?) is the riven one

They stated this last year during the release of Championship Shyvana.

They would re-release Championship Riven when the Championship set was completed as a bundle.
okay, I am feeling a bit euphoric.

I took on Kayle and Tryn as Renekton, and won.
they didnt even stand a chance.
I feel so amazing you guys, seriously.
how? kayle and tryn are op a'f omg
probably becausew they were bad, but I don't care.
I beat Trynd and Kayle.
I even caught Tryn split pushing and I smacked him with my W like"no! that is not okay young man! get outta here!"

and then I double killed Trynd and Kayle.

also yes, the kayle was terrible. didn't even upgrade their jungle item.
but I could fuck tryndamere up any change I wanted to once I got tiamat.
I don't care, I still beat tryndamere.
he even had a 2 kill lead and I still whooped his ass.
thanks to my team though. they were a bunch of cool guys.
Took a day or two break off league. Needed the break for work and because I was on tilt and almost dropped back into bronze. Decided to relax in normals and play some Top lane Singed. Trollish I know but he's a relaxing champion to me.

First game was a wash but the next two...It goes to show what a good jungler and Warmogs will do for the mad chemist.
This Rammus was a God and Screw you Fiora, eat poison gas
Elise is on sale. I picked her up without a second thought. Really enjoyed her in ARAM and when she was on free rotation, but all the 2 matches Ive played with her there've been miscommunications, forcing me to play in lane instead of in jungle DX
elise is the god in jungle right now

shes aight top but mid she just doesnt get things done and can get fucked up early game
I finally re-installed the game after two years so I could play with my buddies.

They changed mah boi Mordekaiser into Hol Horse with a mace.

I am irrationally upset.
elise is the god in jungle right now

And when one ascends, they will eventually descend. Those nerfs coming next patch will tone her down a bit.
I was forced to play Elise as ADC...It was an interesting experience to say the least.

I find i been using a lot of guides to determine my builds...but yet I still build my Vel'Koz and leona how I please. I mean, LASERS, amirite? Well that and my Leona build got wiped when I switched computers cause they ain't saved to your profile, but rather your computer, which annoys the hell outta me.
I been playing a lot more of my main, Vel'Koz recently. With the right team and early ganks, he just absolutely wrecks shop. I haven't quite found a good build for him yet, but I tend to prioritize geting Athene's Grail and then shoes, cause the mana recover and then go for rabbadon or rylai. At that point I sell doran's cause Rylai and Grail have the same effect just better. I tend to then just go for whatever. Either nomicon for cooldown or Liandry's for penetration...I don't even know if I'm building him effectively, but c'mon man, LASERS
So on Twitter, @RiotSupport was talking about som'in about "If you haven't played in a bit" with a link to some kinda video. I told em that I miss playing due to my cellphone connection. They pleasently said that sucks (in their own way) and wished me to return when I can. Anyways, now for the reason I'm posting lol. I Thanked them and then Jokingly told them to consider more Jinx skins. They replied back that I could suggest one in a forum topic. So i did =D Up vote this topic I posted please =D was a really cool video I seen a while back and be a nice skin in my oppinion.

I was forced to play Elise as ADC...It was an interesting experience to say the least.

I find i been using a lot of guides to determine my builds...but yet I still build my Vel'Koz and leona how I please. I mean, LASERS, amirite? Well that and my Leona build got wiped when I switched computers cause they ain't saved to your profile, but rather your computer, which annoys the hell outta me.

I actually bitched at Riot's help desk about this very thing, mostly because the Item Saves wasn't working on my computer for some reason, no matter what I did. I told them to bring it up with their teams to move it to server side..
Interesting topic. So they take suggestions for skins on their forums? I have a few ideas for some XD

Like, again, rapper Zac with a gold tooth, a gold stud at the end of the antennae of his, gold chain floating his stomach, gold watch floating in his arm, silly stuff like that. Maybe even a microphone in his stomach area XD

Characters like Zac, Vel'Koz, Elise. They all have two available skins and desperately need more XD
Well, Zac did get a skin and a chroma pack not too long ago, so lets not get greedy now.
We want good quality skins for everyone.