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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I've been playing a ton of evelynn jungle lately. It's tons of fun. Just rushing up to someone when they can't see you and then chasing them down. It's fun. I don't quite know how to build her yet, but I'm currently going for mostly ap with a few ad items like warrior stalker's blade thrown in. Been thinking of trying devourer since her e does on-hit effects and throwing things like wit's end and nastor's tooth and see if it works XD. I have a ton of doubts, but I might try it for teh luls.
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There was once a time, back in season 3.

Where i was with a complete premade team.

So we were fighting against another complete team.

We were getting beat, destroyed, killed.

And then, all the 5 of the other team lose connection, at the same time.

Worst/best comeback ever?
Do I need specific runes to jungle?
Because I was gonna try Jungling at first with Kindred so.
just ones that work for your champion should do.
there's no runes that do things like, change your smite, so you'll be fine.
well, if you're playing a tank, I'd suggest some armor.
but do what you want.
After 8 games I'm finally off my lose streak in ranked. 5 days of nothing but losses and Taric turned it around (as well as a team that knew what they were doing). There's a reason Taric is my #1 support despite him not being that great. He is literally my #1 played champ in ranked and I have the highest win rate with him over anyone with close to the number of games I've played with him. Never underestimate the power of gems. That's when you get a hammer to the skull.

I've been using the same rune page for literally 6 years for every champ, so.
I've had the same incomplete rune page since last season. I made it into Silver from bronze with that page. I might never complete it just to remind myself that runes help but skill helps more.
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I just realized, in that game where I NEVER GAVE UUUUUUUUUP my Udyr kept complining how we didn't have enough wards.
little punk ass placed the least amount.
Not many junglers buy Sight Stone early like they used too in season 4. That was my second item after finishing Spirit of the Elder Lizard with Pantheon.
I never bought sight stone for my junglers, only lee sin, but i suck with lee sin.

I normally buy normal wards, and i try to make a lot of money with jungle farm and kills.

But hey, in this actual season, i'm playing once a month, so there is that.
Not many junglers buy Sight Stone early like they used too in season 4. That was my second item after finishing Spirit of the Elder Lizard with Pantheon.
like, not even normal wards.
I was warding all over the place and sweeping as much as I could, yet it was never good enough for him.
Shadowfire Kindred Splash Art
Do I need specific runes to jungle?
Because I was gonna try Jungling at first with Kindred so.
If I had my league on, I could tell you my Jungle Rune Page.. Though it's an AP Jungle page for Ekko and I dono what the new champ runs...
My first Jungler was Gnar (before the Jungle update), then Moved to Teemo... And now Ekko's my primary Jungler =3
for Jungling just get a masteries page that boosts/reduces damage from neutral monsters. If you're playing a tank jungler like Skarner and Udyr to an extent then focus on defensive masteries with runes that buff hp regen and damage. If you're playing a warrior jungler like Yi then you want attack speed and armor penetration with a bit of damage. If you're doing a mage like Evelynn or Elise, get runes that boost their recovery but focus on cooldown reduction. Masteries should be a basic set around said jungler but with points put into reducing damage from neutral minions. It's usually good to put a few into utility to get the extended time boost for pots and neutral monster buffs, since that can make your sustain in the jungler longer.

It's pretty simple, but highly depends on which jungler you're playing. I don't have a rune set specifically for my jungling and I do pretty decently overall.
what rank are you lol
Jungle isn't my main role =p I stopped doing Gnar Jungle after the rework and Teemo for Trolling =p Ekko works pretty well in the jungle for me. If I do Ranked Jungle, I'd take Ekko for sure. Else I can play Yi.

I'm B3 last time I was playing.. but easily somewhere in the Silver area if I was still online. Last season I was S4.
Good lord last night I got so salty.
Against all the loser newbie champions I lose it against that baby?
The worst feeling.
Then I got to face someone's who's just as bad as Akali. Diana

Hate that bitch.
Dunno if I'm playing League at all today, the salt's still kinda fresh.
I'd only play with some friends to contain it
I just started playing ekko. Oh god, he's so much fun. I have no idea if I'm any good as him since I've only played bot matches with him, but he's fun a hell. Also I now have Thresh. All this time I play a mean support, and now I finally have my first hook champ. THE WORLD IS NO LONGER SAFE! MWAHAHAHA
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I just started playing ekko. Also I now have Thresh. THE WORLD IS NO LONGER SAFE! MWAHAHAHA
1. Ekko is Vayne and Diana's child. (With Lucian and Zilean sprinkled in there.)
2. Hookers are EZ PZ, have fun making people cry.
Ekko is so much fun. Grab a rylai, some boots, a rabaddon, deadman's, maybe warmogs if I feel like build uber hp heavy, and some mr or extra armor, and just never die! AND STILL HIT LIKE A FREAKING TRUCK!
Ekko is so much fun. Grab a rylai, some boots, a rabaddon, deadman's, maybe warmogs if I feel like build uber hp heavy, and some mr or extra armor, and just never die! AND STILL HIT LIKE A FREAKING TRUCK!
Yup.. Ekko is fun. Should try some of these ideas =3
Spirit Fire Brand Skin/Splash Art

Cosmic Reaver Kassadin Skin/Splash Art

Demon Vi Skin

My favorite champion is getting a beast skin. I'm so trying out Vi's new skin tonight.​
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