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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I didn't get that far. Great! Now I can actually use an enchantment based on game play instead of always needing "Fuck gotta get back faster"
edit: YUS! Server side item sets finally. That'll fix an issue I've been having with my client..
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Oh I didn't see those minion changes. It looks good to me. But who knows?They do say they'd remove it if it tears the game apart.
Remember guys, the minion's power buff is pretty inconsequential to the champs. They'll give more exp and more gold as well. Basically its to make it so one-sided games end faster and give the other team a chance to come back.
I'm gonna need to reinstall League soon, so I can see how much better my FPS and graphics are with an actual graphics card
finally, you can set your graphics settings, from medium, to MEDIUM HIGH!
and there it is, and badaboom.
it's a masterpiece, oh god look a' dat.
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I played old dank ass midget Poppy one last time.

it felt like it was saying goodbye to a friend in a way.
sure, we're gonna get a new much better looking version of Poppy,
but who will we make fun of for her lame duck face and bullying charge?

gonna be real sad when we say goodbye to pizza feet.
Now Shen, your next mission...

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Snow Day Bard/Snow Day Gnar/Snow Day Syndra Splash Art
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I was hoping I could get some help; I play almost exclusively Smite now (MMOBA-wise, fighting games still take up the majority of my time), but I used to play League and I've started trying to get back into it. I don't remember basically anything about the game and was wondering a few (hahah yeah not really) things:

Are there buff starts? This leads to a few other questions I have. In Smite, you start with jungle buffs; mid gets damage, solo gets mana, jungle gets speed, etc. This game doesn't have them, right? You start straight in your lane? I assume this because the mana buff seems to change which lane it is depending on
which leads to me asking: are there "assigned" buffs for the different roles (as well as how does the mana buff changing sides work)? In Smite, there's a buff good for every role, I.E. it doesn't make sense to take the jungler's speed buff as a solo. If, say mid for example (I have more questions about the specific roles as well) is walking by a random buff, is it a big deal if they take it? Speaking of this, I also wanted to know; what buffs exist? Just mana and damage, right? I have no idea what the map consists of jungle-wise. Also, i there some form of Smite mid camp the mid shares with their jungle?

About the mana buff changing sides:
First, I wanted to know what the specific roles consist of. There is a solo, who is top lane, a mid, who goes... Mid, obviously, a jungler who roams, and a support and ADC bottom lane? Is Solo still mostly an assassin/bruiser with sustain (usually), or is it a less/more varied spectrum than that?
I ask this all because I don't see how the mana buff changing sides vertically due to which team you're on (if it even does change, but I'm pretty sure it does) creates an unfair advantage to one side. Surely an ADC would have less of a use to the mana buff than a solo?

Some other stuff:

When do people usually go for the dragon/Baron Nashor? At what levels, I mean. Can I expect someone two people at level 7-8 to go for the dragon in a pair, or four people level 16 to go for Baron Nashor?
What are the main items for ADCs? I really don't know the ADC item meta right now (the whole meta, really, but I'm not going to have someone cover that for me), and ADC is my main role, so I'd like to get at least a decent grasp on how to build.

One more question; what are the supports like? In Smite, supports are basically tanky CC powerhouses that set up kills for their ADC. There are barely any "traditional" (health/mana healing) supports. Is that the same case for LoL?

I know this is a lot, but I really appreciate any answers so I can get used to how this game plays. I also wanted to know if anyone would be willing to play and help me learn. I've literally only played like 3 games so far, but I'm MeowProfessor in-game if you'd like to play.
A lot of this can be answered with a bunch of friends in a bot match, but We'll help you out. I'll admit, I just skimmed the post.

Jungle you don't have a buff to start with, but you gain it from the 2 large monsters. Using Smite on other medium sized monster will get you sub-buffs (like Smiting Gromp, the frog, will enchant you with poison).

Dragon is more of a "asap", as getting dragon buff stacks for the whole team is nice. barron is more of a "Let's push" mode now, but it can also quickly turn the tide.

Support depends on who you've picked. I like Thresh and Morgana, since they both can lock down enemies and save allies. And they do set up kills for your ADC.

I used to know the ADC Item Meta but it's changed for this season so I'm outa the loop..

Lanes typically go Tank/Powerhouse top lane, Mage/Assasin Mid and ADC+Support Bot.

The list of buffs that I can remember goes like this:
Red guy gives you Burn DoT, Blue gives Mana Regen+Cool Down. Dragon has 5 levels that I can't remember all of them, but I know they are Speed, damage, and lvl 5 is everything 3x plus burn dot. Barron Buffs close by minions with a quicker recall. The new Critter near top lane I forgot as he's new for this season. Scuddle Crab gives Vision and Speed buff when passed through. The Smites go: Gromp - Poison, Wolf - Vision Whisp, Blue dude - Mana recharge, Red Dude - Health Recharge, Rapters - Ward Vision (find wards), Rock dude - Monster stun after a few attacks. I think that's if for those
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A lot of this can be answered with a bunch of friends in a bot match,
Bots don't follow certain roles/get buff starts regardless, so they weren't much help. I skimmed the jungle quickly, but I'm asking because I got confused when I saw the buffs seemed to change sides, so I just wanted a definite answer.

Thank you for the reply, though, I appreciate it.
Course! But I suggest bots with friends cause you can still train your role, even if they don't. How I learned to jungle. My main Role's ADC. I started training by using Bots and learning how those new roles play out, even with champs I don't know much about yet.

The only set of buffs that are not on both sides of the map is Dragon, barron, the new critter, and Scuddle. Dragon will give stacks, so you don't loose em (cept lvl 5, as that's timed) if the other team snags one. The enemy can screw up your jungle if they steal one of your critters though
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Bots don't follow certain roles/get buff starts regardless, so they weren't much help. I skimmed the jungle quickly, but I'm asking because I got confused when I saw the buffs seemed to change sides, so I just wanted a definite answer.

Thank you for the reply, though, I appreciate it.
the sides are reversed depending on which team you are on.

if you are on blue team, your blue buff is closer to top lane, whereas if you are on red/purple team, the buff on your top lane jungle is red.

and both buffs have the same placements of camps: damage/fighting buff is closer to the outer lanes, stealth/warding buffs are closer to the middle lane.

red camp has the stun buff and a stealth ward reveal enchantment as it's neighboring camps,
and blue camp has a poison enchantment, and a camp where it will summon a ghost which will ping your team if an enemy is invading that part of the jungle and will eventually reveal them.
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well, it will make a PING noise, and will reveal champs if they stay in the jungle long enough.

it then pings with an "on my way" marker
well, the wolf camp has done that for a long time.

and even my old and busted potato does the pings.
I mean, the Ping thing's new. I knew about the whisp as I was in Season 5 for almost the whole thing.
the ping has been on the whisp for a while though. :<
Must of been added sometime after July, as it never Pinged before then, just followed the foe around while granting vision.
Here's a little advice for everyone since I'm back in the Ranked grind during the pre-season trying to get better.

Always ban Garen
These three simple letters will save you so much headache. He never falls off. You can bully him earlygame but once he get's a cleaver it's over for everyone. He won't die. And he'll be back in lane after pacing the jungle for health like nothing happened.
I took my best top laner against Garen and won the early laning phase. The game ended with Garen being something in the ballpark of 19/2 and god know how many assists.

Always ban Garen. No matter the meta he'll always be broken.
Champion Spotlight: Poppy, Keeper of the Hammer
Rip Diplomatic immunity and her old passive.
It will not be missed.
This game is now free of the worst character ever.
If Akali is reworked next then I think I can play this game with an 100% less risk of Salt.
As little as Poppy actually sees play on any Elo I'm surprised that people actually get salty about her.
I was there brother. Her burst was ridiculous but I never got upset with her. At least you knew she had to charge and q you to take off half your health.
"Didn't I just knock you away?" lol XD nice one Riot.

edit: All this Poppy talk's making me want to find that tourney video where they pick poppy and the commentator kept saying "Here comes POPPY!" every time a play is about to go down with the demon XD

Edit2: Found it =D

Ok, it's not often, but the line I remember the most happens around the 28min mark. Still fun watch.
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Challenger Nidalee Skin