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The Official League of Legends Thread!

The Swain Rework trailer was just one of the rare ones where they seriously don't go and make a great video. Check out League's backlog on Youtube. You'll see a ton of amazing animations.
The Swain Rework trailer was just one of the rare ones where they seriously don't go and make a great video. Check out League's backlog on Youtube. You'll see a ton of amazing animations.

Really m8?
They already have other awesome animations like the Annie one already uploaded?
Lolz, I gotta see more of these vids for myself ╹‿╹)~★

(Havn't been this spontaneously hooked on a series since a peep here encouraged me to
give Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood a shot haha ◠‿◠))
Really m8?
They already have other awesome animations like the Annie one already uploaded?
Lolz, I gotta see more of these vids for myself ╹‿╹)~★

(Havn't been this spontaneously hooked on a series since a peep here encouraged me to
give Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood a shot haha ◠‿◠))
Being a Jinx Main (and lover), I personally loved her reveal.. and to think this video's over 4 years old XD
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Being a Jinx Main (and lover), I personally loved her reveal.. and to think this video's over 4 years old XD

Soooo Cool!

Love the song, Love the directing and choreographing, Love the way they're able to describe exactly what kind of character jinx is in the first 10 seconds

(I mean before watching this, All I knew about the character was her name and
what she looked like but, after seeing this I now know how much of a chaotic, human wreaking ball
she is)

and I sooooooo love the mix of 2D and 3D here! I mean, Doooood doing that and making it look
as amazing as it does here is just-!

And the best part is that this is completely different from the Annie one. Both in tone and style~<3
Ahh, I'm so hooked on the LoL trailers!
And I love just about everything about jinx ◠‿◠)~★

(On an "I like you as a character" level, Sorry but Jinx is a bit to wild for my style.
Plus I'm not into girls lolz =‿=)
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Riot is redoing Annie's story from her being a super powerful magician that captures a type of beast as a teddy bear to a super sad story.
So...is this Daisy connected to Ivern's Daisy?
Really disappointed design-wise, I don't know why in recent years people insist having their Not-Venoms have their fucking cool facemask down all the time.
You mean to tell me she's been in the Void since she was a child and didn't get mutated just an inch?
Really disappointed design-wise, I don't know why in recent years people insist having their Not-Venoms have their fucking cool facemask down all the time.
You mean to tell me she's been in the Void since she was a child and didn't get mutated just an inch?
I mean, Malz is constantly connected to the void and he hasn’t mutated at all.
He got a Third Eye just from worshipping it and never actually went there.
Pre or post rework? Cuz I don’t remember reading about a third eye in his old lore.
Oh, well I don’t yhink he had that pre rework. So I think they can have people connected to the void and not be mutated.
I'll admit, it's a pretty interesting ult skin. They are getting really creative.

edit: These roasts XD I love the taunt at Braum.
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Am I the only one that hops we get another troll champ at some point? As in, the race Trundle is part of. There's only a little bit of lore about them, so I feel like there's a lot that can be done with them.
She's certainly gonna be annoying to fight.
Isn't the original term payback is a b**ch? Which means that they just replaced b**ch with goddess. So the skin is actually named Gun B**ch Miss Fortune?
it's more possible a VU, as his kit's pretty decent, for an adc. Honestly though, Riot's older chars shoulda had more priority..
I'm just glad Varus didn't get a rework... that buff on his ult if just MMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH though.
i just lost the one thing i love and need a distraction anyone up for some league please
i just lost the one thing i love and need a distraction anyone up for some league please
If I wasn't always working, I'd offer some throw down
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