Anyone know how good Aatrox is?
And why am I not seeing the broken aspect of Riven? Do I suck that much? :(
I bought Aatrox when he came out and tried him a couple of times before my mouse stopped working (;_;).
-He's great at 1v1
-At early lvls his lifesteal wont save you at all if you opponent know how it works, he has a great dmg at lvl 3 sure, but don't think -that the lifesteal it's everything.
-You get a mayor lifesteal buff when you're below 50% hp, but at that hp a lot of champs can burst you down If they use their tools correctly.
-If you get a ranged opponent he's just going to bully you out of the lane.
-If you actually comunicate with your team, his ganks are awesome.
I seriously think he works better in the jungle, at least I think that place suits him better than top.
But yeah, I don't really know how to use him and I may be wrong in a lot of ways I make his build
, but that's my first thought about him.
Pd: I think im going to start playing again in a few days, If you guys are up for a couple of normals with a guy that doesn't even remember how to last hit, feel free to add me or something. My nick is SmellTheJava.