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The Overwatch Thread

Only with a better turret that doesn't have some disgusting cooldown and a great ult. I find Symmetra to be far too stationary for my tastes. I've definitely seen some good ones, but I prefer engie in every situation except maybe the first point on defense to get a tele up.

As for Torb, he can be played pretty quick. Run, drop a turret, and leave it there while you go elsewhere. l-click is super solid (though it requires practicing with since it drops so fast), and r-click is gross up close. He can pseudo-heal a bit using armor packs on himself too. Just because he can pump a turret to level 2 doesn't mean he should every time he drops one. On offense, the only time I'll put a level 2 up is after we clear the team, and I have the time to get a position that will be a big thorn in the opponent's side. I use the level 1 for chip damage, distraction, and time waster. Like I said, he's basically mini-sentry engineer. You can even drop one under pressure during scramble situations. It will build itself after all.

@SanoBaron I missed your post.

Yes, Torb can be a wall (a surprisingly easy to kill wall with a surprisingly easy to kill turret which leads me to believe that the hole up style of play you see is the wrong style of play). So can Bastion. But they are more than that too.

I covered(ish) Torb above, so let's just talk Bastion. His recon mode is good. Don't set up as turret bastion unless you've got the drop (you can also set up in mid air if you can jump from something). It is also almost as fast as a reload (can't tell if it is faster or about the same but either way it is close). People who set up Bastion in one area are just asking to die whether it is from a Tracer dash, dash ult, a Reaper who gets behind you (and they all get behind you), a Hanzo ult or split arrow, etc. His recon mode has a solid gun with solid accuracy at all ranges (using burst) and solid damage. Use it, change form when you get the flank, change back when you need to reload or move, etc. Stay super mobile.

They may be less than ideal at certain roles, but lets face it, they aren't fucking up games any worse than the swarm of shitty Genjis, the double sniper comps, the tank who switches the moment the game hack software starts, the Tracer or Pharah who refuse to touch the objectives, etc.

Tornbjorn is basically a casual game Hero.

In competitive he is near useless, since people know to kill the turret. But I figure hes pretty OP on consoles where aiming is bad.

Tornbjorn is basically a casual game Hero.

In competitive he is near useless, since people know to kill the turret. But I figure hes pretty OP on consoles where aiming is bad.

As a console player, Torbs is just as garbage on console as he is on PC.

What the hell?! Tell the webmaster to stop using brazillian servers! infrastructure here is a nightmare
She'll be revealed at BlizzCon since October is gonna have a Halloween event that will take up the month.
Let's hope we don't get another timed event skin packs.
Leaks, leaks, and more leaks.
There's been a leak for Halloween Lootboxes
There's been a leak for Halloween comic (Junkenstein)
And apparently there's been a leak for Sombra's design (Apparently she's getting shown tonight)
Sombra is a fucking mix of Luara from SF5 and that Gansta Chick from Battle Born

no for fucking real... look.

You know what Sombra needs?

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If Ana didn't come out without her mask I probably would've said the same thing, but they're probably gonna make her mask a skin tbh

And I agree with DDB give her shades, make the other one a black jacket with shades fuel the Matrix jokes
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I hope thats fake, I wanted Sombra to be an omnic.
Maybe this is your legendary skin. Ana halloween skin looks adorable.
Maybe that picture is one of her alt costumes.

I'm hoping that the Halloween stuff is craft-able with coins, most of my loot boxes these days have been duplicates and piles of coins.
Unfortunately a feeling in my gut is telling me Blizzard doesn't care and is gonna make them limited time, duplicate possible, non purchasable item special loot boxes again like the summer games and completely ignore feedback and backlash tbh
Maybe that picture is one of her alt costumes.

I'm hoping that the Halloween stuff is craft-able with coins, most of my loot boxes these days have been duplicates and piles of coins.
Craftable with coins? You mean purchasable with in game money?
Yes, that is what I meant. Sorry, its just I keep seeing those piles of coins when opening loot crates and keep calling them that.
Hmm, if that is Sombra I hope its one of her alt skins. The side-shave hairstyle is sooo oversaturated in fantasy/sci-fi games as of late, its become the shorthand for 'this is a strong non-traditional female character', but they rarely add anything else to the design to make it standout. If this is Sombra, she got the hairstyle (meh), her claw (ok), and... a boring bright purple coat? That's just how I feel.

I was hoping her default costume would look like her blurry photograph in the newspaper, with a long cloak covering her expect for her spindly legs. I think it would have given her a really unique silhouette, and would have been really fitting if she is meant to be a speedy or stealthy character.

The background she's stood in front of is the only thing that makes me think its fake, it doesnt look like any of the maps currently ingame, so unless its a new map coming with the update then im not sure why shes stood in front of... a field? Is it the background of the Numbani map?? That and her garish colour scheme doesnt scream stealth character to me.

it's the background for numbani

so... yeah the background checks out.
hopes: dashed

Still, its seems unusual for an official promo image too have such a boring background. I'd expect her too at least be stood on the map somewhere, like in the main menu screens. I dunno I'm just clinging onto this one hope lol
Blizzard has been taking this leak down every time it comes up.

That makes it seem pretty legit to me.
So yeah, halloween update. Damn, I must have that reaper skin.
Also the Halloween brawl is pretty much identical to what was written in the Sombra leak, which more or less confirms it as true.
I want a Candy Emote

gimme an emote where you toss out candy.
You're in luck, that's exactly what Ana's Halloween emote is.
*checks watch on amomentincrime.com* aaaaaalmost there...
I hope that after all of this, it just cuts to another countdown.
they reveal a character that isn't Sombra and Sombra gets another countdown
Anyone done the math on the countdown? I'm guessing maybe Midnight PST is when it will reach 100% at this rate.
That's her Release. Her Video though I bet drops tonight
well... don't wake me then. I just got thru looking at all of the new sexy intros. and I am quite tired. so fuck you Sombra. I don't give enough of a shit anymore.

she pulled a HF3 on my ass and made me wait too long.
Hijo de.......it slowed DOWN!

Damnit blizzard!