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The Overwatch Thread

Struggle Tire

You do realize that dying doesn't cancel the Ult, right? You don't run half the map away, you run behind near-cover and send it behind enemy lines.

by your argument, Reaper shouldn't be far enough to infiltrate because the tanks have to be in front of him. no tank can match Genji and hanzo's mobility, so that's debunked too.

Did you not read the bit where I separated damage dealers (People like McRee and 76) From people whose gameplan is to flank (Like Reaper, Genji, and Tracer)? Because those are two separate things.

you can have a Junkrat on the front line and kill everyone on the enemy team if they're good enough.

Replace 'good enough' with 'if the enemy team is bad enough'. ANYTHING works if the opponents don't know how to play the game. Justin Wong could kick my ass with Servbot in MvC2, that doesn't mean that he's going to play them vs anyone who plays the game.

like, there are methods you can do, but if you rely solely on those methods of this goes here, that goes there, you're gonna be predictable and get caught out super hard because you're predictable.

Just because you're unpredictable doesn't mean that the strategy is sound. Like, not even slightly.
You do realize that dying doesn't cancel the Ult, right? You don't run half the map away, you run behind near-cover and send it behind enemy lines.
yes, i know that. but I'm still not gonna put myself into a position where I'm useless for some time because i died. that's not my concern.
also, pulling out the rip tire where people can see you is stupid because you're then a big target and people can take the tire out anyway because they shot it along with you.
you gotta pull away in order to make sure nobody can fully know where it's coming.
also, it's hard to utilize choke points when the most basic thing a symetra is supposed to do is set her turrets up ON choke points.

Replace 'good enough' with 'if the enemy team is bad enough'. ANYTHING works if the opponents don't know how to play the game. Justin Wong could kick my ass with Servbot in MvC2, that doesn't mean that he's going to play them vs anyone who plays the game.
and that'd be a valid point if there was a massive slope of tiers in Overwatch like in MvC2.
last I checked, there's no bad heroes in this game.

Just because you're unpredictable doesn't mean that the strategy is sound. Like, not even slightly.
I'm not saying anything about being unpredictable.
I'm saying be malleable.
there's a difference between following a plan to a T and changing it up because you're getting countered really hard.

jesus, all this because I mentioned i'd like the tire to not be targeted by turrets.
like, I checked the Overwatch forums and many people say it would be completely fair if turrets didn't target the tire.
dunno why it's a problem here.

like you're assuming I'm a fucking mouth breathing idiot but I'm literally not asking for much in terms of a tire not being targeted by turrets.
it's not like I'm saying "I TINGK I SHOUDN' GET HIT WHEN EYEZ FIRE MUH GUN!"
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So... For people that have played both, AND have played LOL AND dota... Which of these games is better... Battle born or overwatch?

I haven't played overwatch yet, but I've got battle born and it generally pisses me off kinda like league pisses me off:

Things are low damage and it takes forever to kill anything unless your team is focus firing it, or the enemy dived your position, or you dive the enemy.

And the other thing I really don't like is wow, battleborn has soooo much lag online and looks kinda terrible. I have a mid ranged PC, can't remember exact specs but it's I5 8gb ram nvidia GTX 970 and the game doesn't look all that decent on my rig even with everything turned up.

So battle born doesn't seem like the juice to me.

The question is... Is overwatch that much better?
well, Overwatch is more fast paced, so I'd say no.

and many tanks can easily be shredded so damage is still heavy.
Well that's what happens when you play a Moba, everything is potato damage. Overwatch on the other hand isn't a moba, it's a team based shooter
So... For people that have played both, AND have played LOL AND dota... Which of these games is better... Battle born or overwatch?

I haven't played overwatch yet, but I've got battle born and it generally pisses me off kinda like league pisses me off:

Things are low damage and it takes forever to kill anything unless your team is focus firing it, or the enemy dived your position, or you dive the enemy.

And the other thing I really don't like is wow, battleborn has soooo much lag online and looks kinda terrible. I have a mid ranged PC, can't remember exact specs but it's I5 8gb ram nvidia GTX 970 and the game doesn't look all that decent on my rig even with everything turned up.

So battle born doesn't seem like the juice to me.

The question is... Is overwatch that much better?

The comparison is dumb, Overwatch isn't a DOTA-style game, It's an FPS. BattleBorn isn't really an FPS, it's just a DOTA game in first person.

a better comparison would be Team Fortress 2, overwatch definitely is very similar to it. If you enjoyed TF2 you will love this game.
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Soooo over watch cinematic s are going to be in theaters now apparently. Is anyone going to see them?
So... For people that have played both, AND have played LOL AND dota... Which of these games is better... Battle born or overwatch?

I haven't played overwatch yet, but I've got battle born and it generally pisses me off kinda like league pisses me off:

Things are low damage and it takes forever to kill anything unless your team is focus firing it, or the enemy dived your position, or you dive the enemy.

And the other thing I really don't like is wow, battleborn has soooo much lag online and looks kinda terrible. I have a mid ranged PC, can't remember exact specs but it's I5 8gb ram nvidia GTX 970 and the game doesn't look all that decent on my rig even with everything turned up.

So battle born doesn't seem like the juice to me.

The question is... Is overwatch that much better?
Special Genji Guide on taking out Players Like a Real Ninja

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the only thing that would have made it better is just having D.Va sit there horrified.
Ah, that's some genius promotion from Blizzard. Good thing they hired Kajetokun as their marketing guy.
for the love of god Blizzard, release the damn game, people are getting desperate here
Huh, always thought Genji was full on robot now. Didn't think he still had his face left.
My main problem with Lucio is that his push back requires ammo where as nobody else's specials have that limitation. So you will always resort to trying to flail at your opponent by the time you get them. But then again his push back is one of the only specials that do come from his weapon, other then Mie's Ice Wall. So either way it just kinda awkward and weird when you do go on the offensive with Lucio, just because of the lack of ammo is really what kills you in the end.
well, at least the game offers unlimited ammo.
and FPS games have taught me "if you have a moment to reload your gun, do it now"
Huh, always thought Genji was full on robot now. Didn't think he still had his face left.
Genji is basically Big Band if he didn't get fitted with Tubas and shit.
I really want to try this game out to see what all the hype is all about. Too bad my piece-of-shit PC can't run it...
PS4 version runs great.

Overwatch just got called the heck out.

Basically, earlier today Krunk made an animation predicting how the trailer would be because the writing in the shorts were so obvious and one dimensional. He turns out being almost 100% right on a silly rant.
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Those incense sticks were definitely honor bomb fuses
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Reactions: ZeonicCrab
Huh, always thought Genji was full on robot now. Didn't think he still had his face left.
I'm pretty sure the eyes are just what's left of his face.
I can imagine it like OG Cyborg but with a lot less.

I'd say a small chunk of his torso, and parts of his head.

anything that wasn't salvageable got amputated probably.
Genji is basically Big Band if he didn't get fitted with Tubas and shit.
Now I want Big Band Genji skin.