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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

KO Punch can't be beat
Little Mac doin' the boxing game proud
KO Punch can't be beat
Little Mac doin' the boxing game proud
Hawlucha will have his time, just have some patience.
::Yawn:: Another filler screenshot. C'mon Sakurai, we still need stages for Kirby, Star Fox and Donkey Kong. I don't think you have that much time left to mess around with shots like these.

I have no idea. But a lot say that she's the reason why the Star Fox series went meh.

Those people are ignorant and can bite me. The reason Star Fox went meh, which wasn't until Command, was because of bad gameplay ideas like forcing you to shoot down missile WHILE also flying through rings.

But really, Krystal strayed from the whole theme of Starfox, I feel. She seems so distant in terms of the overall cast of charcaters. Psychic powers? Princess type shit? Sexual themes? CROWNS?! Stay to your fantasy world, you sick excuse for character development! We're living in a technologically advanced world with spaceships, warp gates, force fields and metal legs so just go home.

Princess? CROWNS? What the hell are you smoking because none of that is in Krystal's character. Sexual themes? Outside of the provocative poses in the official art (And that's more Rare and Namco's fault than Nintendo's) there was never really any of that w/ her relationship w/ Fox. See this is why I can't stand the people who hate on the Star Fox franchise from Adventures on: their arguments are unfounded and they just whine.
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And as for Project M online play, Dolphin.
Yeah! And use a shit computer and have 2 FPM [Frames per minute]. Because we all can run Dolphin.
Yeah! And use a shit computer and have 2 FPM [Frames per minute]. Because we all can run Dolphin.
And here we have my problem with PC gaming. So yeah, if you wanna play Project M online, you'll need a good computer.

Personally, I'd rather spend the money on a console that guarantees I can play the games I buy for it. Maybe that's why Nintendo cut Wii's online, to hopefully get people to buy a WiiU which is much cheaper than a fancy gaming computer. Hell, you could prob get a WiiU and a bunch of awesome games for less.
That's why I have consoles, outside of exclusives. Now, I've gotten a test run of Wind Waker to run at about 10-30 FPS at random intervels on this, but until I can figure out a way to only see Wireframes, no chance.
And here we have my problem with PC gaming. So yeah, if you wanna play Project M online, you'll need a good computer.

Personally, I'd rather spend the money on a console that guarantees I can play the games I buy for it. Maybe that's why Nintendo cut Wii's online, to hopefully get people to buy a WiiU which is much cheaper than a fancy gaming computer. Hell, you could prob get a WiiU and a bunch of awesome games for less.

I don't want to derail this thread but I have some small beef with this.
I've had my mid tier $500ish PC I made for around 5 years and I can still run current games like Bioshock Infinite on it just fine, not the highest graphical settings mind you but still it runs and looks quite well. I gotta say though, the PC really can have bullshit problems that popup that do not make explicit sense. It's not that frequent though, so I accept it in exchange for the things I really like about PCs. But yeah, I totally get wanting a more consistent experience on consoles, but I just don't like it when people assume that you HAVE to have a super expensive PC to run games consistently on it.

And on the topic of emulating Project M, I'm under the impression that the reason Project M runs so badly on computers is more of an emulator problem than the hardware itself. Considering my friend can run Super Street Fighter 4 just fine on his laptop but when it emulates Project M the only stage that is actually playable is Pictochat and even then it stutters.

But uh yeah woooo I'm fine not talking about PC vs Consoles anymore in this thread.
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Emulators rely on optimization, adaptation and speedhacks.

The game wasn't made for PC hardware, that's why emulators exists and that's why a reliable emulation withhout being too different from the console experience or bugged is so hard.

Hell, even today some cellphones can't handle SNes emulation without graphical and sound glitches! and they can produce ps2-level graphics.

So... emulation is not an option in competitive play (not frame-perfect) and some games are just hard to emulate.

Still, the PC library is pretty respectable and emulation of older consoles (say... n64 and below) is pretty good, with results even prettier than the original console.

Both ways have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm a pc/portable player myself: big games on PC, emulation and exclusives on the go
Don't forget though, Yoshi's New Island doesn't have a Japanese release date so far.
It could be EVEN LONGER.

Wait, Japan hasn't got Yoshi's New Island yet?

That doesn't sound right.

"Little Mac's side smash attack is his straight right punch...but it can transform into an uppercut if you tilt diagonally upward, or a body hook if you tilt diagonally downward. The body hook is the most devastating of these moves and it doesn't blast the opponents away."

Little Mac's Side Smash changes the attack (not just the angle) if you hold up or down during the charge, a first for the series. Also, I think this is the first post about a character's moves that used the 3DS version for the pic.
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really neat actually

Mac showing off how he's the best yet again.
We got Tekken in Smash Bros.

It's getting everywhere oh my God
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Eh, Luigi had the same thing where you could direct his karate poke thing. Nothing too new, though those are totally different attacks which is nice as opposed to his arm's position just moving.
Super Smash Bros: Little Mac Analysis 2 (Secrets & Hidden Details + Your Ideas! - Wii U & 3DS)
Pic of the day confirms Tortimer Island from New Leaf.
It's been confirmed to have randomly changing layouts.

And hilariously, Sakurai's comment is great
"I've been here countless times to catch bugs"
Even Sakurai grinded for Gold Beetles.
Wow, this week's pictures sucked.

So...veteran confirmed for Monday?
With the Island shown again, here's the not-needed-but-I-wanna-do-it-anyway-so-there list of the stages across both versions:

-Arena Ferox (Fire Emblem)
-Gerudo Valley (Zelda)
-Rainbow Road 7 (Mario)
-Spirit Train (Zelda)
-Tortimer Island (Animal Crossing)
-Find Mii
-Reset Bomb Forest (Kid Icarus)
-Nintendog Playroom
-Mushroom Kingdom (Mario)
-That underground ferris wheel place that vaguely looks like it's from DK Returns

Wii U:
-Wily's Castle (Mega Man Classic)
-Garden of Hope (Pikmin)
-Mario Galaxy
-New Skyworld (Kid Icarus)
-Pyrosphere (Metroid)
-Skyloft (Zelda)
-Windy Hill (Sonic)
-New Smashville (Animal Crossing)
-Yoga Room (Wii Fit)

With Battlefield and the Boxing Ring in both, and not counting that area in the 3DS version that seems like some Adventure Mode type place, that makes 24 stages with an even 12 each.
Glad to get a better view of that stage finally. Seems pretty straightforward and kinda flat to me.

I'm hoping we'll get stages revealed for the rest of the confirmed cast soon. Metroid still lacks a 3DS stage, Kirby lacks a stage for either version, Star Fox lacks a stage for either version, Pokemon lacks a stage for either version, Mega Man and Sonic both need 3DS stages, Donkey Kong lacks a stage for either version, Pikmin lacks a 3DS stage, Wii Fit lacks a 3DS stage, Fire Emblem lacks a WiiU stage and that's not even getting into stages based theoretically on characters not yet revealed. (Provided that Yoshi does get revealed next week, I'm assuming he'll also be showcasing a stage or two)
Metroid still lacks a 3DS stage

A Metroid 3DS stage?
Well, the only handheld Metroid games were Fusion, Zero Mission, and Pinball.

With Zero Mission I could see the Chozo Temple or Pirate ship as a stage.
Where in Fusion would make a good stage, though?
A Metroid 3DS stage?
Well, the only handheld Metroid games were Fusion, Zero Mission, and Pinball.

With Zero Mission I could see the Chozo Temple or Pirate ship as a stage.
Where in Fusion would make a good stage, though?
What ever happened to Metroid 2?

And besides, in Fusion, there's a ton of rooms. Probably the lava room in Sector 1.

But I'd put my money on Sector 2.
What ever happened to Metroid 2?

And besides, in Fusion, there's a ton of rooms. Probably the lava room in Sector 1.

But I'd put my money on Sector 2.

Noooo, we've had literally all but one Metroid Stage be lava-based. Let's go for some other trope, shall we? Like ice-y

or hell, even generic space ship hallways would be better.
A Metroid 3DS stage?
Well, the only handheld Metroid games were Fusion, Zero Mission, and Pinball.

With Zero Mission I could see the Chozo Temple or Pirate ship as a stage.
Where in Fusion would make a good stage, though?

Ooh Chozo Temple. Never thought of that.

My mind's blanking on the area name but it was where you fought Nightmare. That's the Fusion themed stage I'd want.
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Ooh Chozo Temple. Never thought of that.

My mind's blanking on the area name but it was where you fought Nightmare. That's the Fusion themed stage I'd want.

The guide apparently calls it an "electronic junkyard". That'd be cool, especially if Nightmare's a hazard. I mean, he has a 3D model from Other M. Just import that.

Do it, or you'll make him cry

"Please Sakurai..."
i want nothing more than a metroid fusion stage with the nightmare as a stage hazard
just have him fucking shit up and screwing with gravity and it's perfect
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i want nothing more than a metroid fusion stage with the nightmare as a stage hazard
just have him fucking shit up and screwing with gravity and it's perfect

That'd be tight as balls. I actually loved Dialga and Palkia's shenanigans on Spear Pillar, mostly because I knew how to work them while my friends didn't.

Actually, speaking of, what Brawl Stages do you want back for this game? And do you think they'll bring back Melee stages too?

Personally I'd love Delfino Plaza back, to see that in HD would be awesome. And maybe Halbred.
And I can't not see Pirate Ship coming back, as it was a perfect stage for TL and with WW HD it wouldn't be too hard to just import stuff from that.