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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

You know, I went through the Gen VI Pokémon and Hawlucha seemed honestly the most plausible Gen VI to become an actual SSB character (followed by Panchan and maybe the Froakie family, but singling out a starter would probably be a bad idea). I will remain hopeful.

Yeah I'd go if the Pokemon trailer is represented as a Gen VI with Chespin, Braixen, and Greninja.
He's supposed to be Samus' mortal enemy who's quite smart.
He's the leader of the space pirates, and even in Other M he was shown to at least know to spin his body to avoid Anthony's plasma beam
he also finished law school and became a judge

this is canon
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he also finished law school and became a judge

this is canon
Damn, Ridley. My views on you have changed. I shall now call him, Monokuma.
Oh hey if we're back on the subject of random-ass characters that we want to be playable I have a new submission.

Probably not?
Very very unlikely?
Okay, then.
i would welcome valkyrie-chan as a namco third party
she's cute as fuck
and also
cute as fuck
She's also in, like, every multi-franchise Namco crossover.
Namco Chronicle, Namco Super Wars, Namco X Capcom, Project X Zone, Namco High.

Wait, ShiftyLook's shutting down?
Wait, ShiftyLook's shutting down?

Yup. By the end of the month the site is shutting down. It's accomplished it's mission of resurrecting some old franchises, and now it's done. Bravoman's comic just ended, and the ending made me fucking cry. All that's left is the new Wonder Momo game from Wayforward, and then that's it.

Shiftylook was the best use of dormant IPs any company has ever done. It makes me really sad to see it go.
Quick! Archive everything so that stuff isn't lost! (except maybe stuff that can't be archived like Namco High)
Wait Bravoman's a video game franchise? I thought he was just some flash cartoon (featuring Rob Paulsen) parody of Mega Man. ::mind blown::
Quick! Archive everything so that stuff isn't lost! (except maybe stuff that can't be archived like Namco High)
I'm pretty sure Namco High can and is already archived. As for the rest of the comics, I'm sure they'll be viewable online in some form.

Wait Bravoman's a video game franchise? I thought he was just some flash cartoon (featuring Rob Paulsen) parody of Mega Man. ::mind blown::

It's a weird old game that would have never seen the light of day again (Namco X Capcom excluded) and yet they turned it into one of my favorite webcomics of all time.
i would welcome valkyrie-chan as a namco third party
she's cute as fuck
and also
cute as fuck

and would make a great team together with paultena and pit
oh guys. New leak, apparently the character select screen.

Not sure... this one is kinda legit looking. Good character selection. Seems believable. BUT for now I won't trust it until we get at least a confirmation on Issac.

>No Lord Helix

U srsly expect me to believe this garbage?
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oh guys. New leak, apparently the character select screen.

Not sure... this one is kinda legit looking. Good character selection. Seems believable. BUT for now I won't trust it until we get at least a confirmation on Issac.

TOLD YOU! (let me dream)
oh guys. New leak, apparently the character select screen.

Not sure... this one is kinda legit looking. Good character selection. Seems believable. BUT for now I won't trust it until we get at least a confirmation on Issac.


I'd main the shit outta Shrek. lol
No doge

-10/10 would buy anyway
Looks very nice. I am predicting that the stage is auto-scroll.
Full post. It's a biggun, so wall of post warning:

"Pic of the day. Here's some info on the Nintendo 3DS stage called Super Mario 3D Land! First, it advances by side-scrolling…"


"Then you continue into the valley--it's in 3D Land, after all. The protruding stone blocks change the angles of the platforms."


"After that, back to side-scrolling. Now it gets you moving--you'll have to trot downhill here."


"And finally, you get back on rails to go farther into the stage. It takes roughly two minutes to complete a lap, and at the end you go into a giant pipe that takes you back to the beginning. …I know this sequence goes above and beyond a traditional Pic of the Day, so consider this a little something extra on the side from me."


Other than the fact that the name literally is Super Mario 3D Land, it looks pretty damn interesting.
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So that's four Pic of the Days in One.
People are not allowed to bitch about this week with this
God I hate side scrolling stage-

[Gets shot]
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Actually, the interesting part is I think the canyon bit makes it the first Autoscroll stage that actually comes to a full stop so the fight can be in one place, almost like one of the "On Location" stages with multiple stops. Well, I think Icicle Mountain stops, but i'm not sure.
I don't think it "stops" per se in that screenshot he's got. I believe it travels upwards through the canyon, the walls changing and shifting the platforms occasionally, then spitting us out at the top of it to continue side scrolling.

Unless that's what you meant by a full stop, then disregard this...
Ruin: Seems more like Mushroomy Kingdom mixed with how Subspace does autoscroll-stop to fight-autoscroll.

Rellek: Oh, that seems more likely.

Wow, confusing replying to 2 different Rosalina avatars.
don't forget the section where it move forwards through the area with the spiky spikes shooting through the terrain
Would that count as a stop? I mean we continue moving towards the background, platforms appear to come in from there as well. Perhaps it stops at the pipe and you gotta get the hell in before time runs out and you DIE
i mean the stage itself isn't moving up/down or left/right
so it would be more like a delfino plaza with hazards on the way in that regard
Overall one of my favorite stages.

But, Sakurai, now that we know basically how it goes in it's entirety, how about we see some of those one-off stages like Kid Icarus Console, Lumiose City and all that, hmm?