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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Someone hack the game and turn it into Melee 3.0 :^)


I saw the video, and goddamn, I did not think Nintendo could put up a goofier video than their Luigi parkour video.
*AHEM* so how does everyone fell about that there Yoshi remaining mostly unchanged, other than his forward dash animation be different but still being exactly the same functionally.
Personally I'll be floored if he remains mostly unchanged from brawl 'cus he was my jam.
I lol'd at this. He's obviously been pretty well revamped. Yes the moves are based heavily on Brawl, but the mechanics are altered quite abit. There's a lot of changes to most of his multihit attacks and tail swipes tog give it more oomph.
And speaking to the egg-throwing topic, in Brawl, the distance of the egg was controlled by how long the B button is pressed during the startup. Tapping up b resulted in a short egg throw while holding it until the animation is over yeilded the largest distance. The range wasn't static and fixed so assuming that the max range on the egg is the range shown in the pics is a bad assumption. I can't imagine it being
Now wait a minute, I thought that the Tether Recovering was dropped. Why else would ZSS get a new recovery? Sakurai, you confuse me sometimes.
It was never explicitly stated that tether recoveries were dropped, simply that ZSS gets a new upb. She even has the same side b. And we even see Link grappling to the ledge in a pic from one of the massive photo packs (or a potd, not sure, but it's there and I don't have it)
Smash 4 tourney?!?


All I can say is, it better be a helluva lot better than that single elimination bullshit tourney thing Gamestop did for Brawl...
Nintendo now has no excuse to not bring Smash 4 to EVO. NO EXCUSE!

Also kind of sucks there's no press conference again but whatever, tourney is probably better anyway.
well, it might be hard to have multiple 3DSs for a tournament setting.
All I can say is, it better be a helluva lot better than that single elimination bullshit tourney thing Gamestop did for Brawl...
I know, when I went, it was me as Wario vs a Meta Knight on Mushroomy Kingdom 1-1. Even after the crippling I got for the "No secret characters" rule keeping me from using Ness, I already knew I was disadvantaged for playing a then-unknown moveset, coupled with the fact hindsight reminding us that Wario's recovery sucks on that stage if you fall in the ditches (keep in mind that no one would've known about jumping from the bike at the time). Obviously, Meta Knight beat me (rather prophetic, that), and I got out on my first fight.

Of course, after they let us play after the tourney, my next fights had my Ness curbstomp a Marth and a Dedede. I knew I should've used Lucas. Sniff...
I want more info on the best buy thing. What stores are participating? Are there only going to be booths that I have to wait in a super long line for, or can I download the game to my 3ds while I'm there?
I want more info on the best buy thing. What stores are participating? Are there only going to be booths that I have to wait in a super long line for, or can I download the game to my 3ds while I'm there?

She said "Nationwide" which I would take to mean any Best Buys with Wii U or 3DS Kiosks. Meaning those consoles they have set up in the store that people can walk up to is what you'll have to play it on. They actually did the same thing at Best Buy for Smash Bros. Melee IIRC. I remember going to Best Buy just to play matches with my friend before Smash Bros. Melee launched. :D
Smash 4 tourney?!?
Well a whopping 16 PEOPLE are gettin in on that action, whoo! The rest of us are stuck to lonog-ass best buy lines.
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Or we could just watch the tournament. Especially if the people participating are people like Ken, M2K, or people like that.
Correction, ya'll are gonna be stuck in a long-ass line, I, on the other hand, have a tent and sleeping bag.

Though I gotta say, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for them to not just release the demo through the eShop, the way they did it with Dual Destinies or something.
I guess Best Buy just really needs the customers that badly.
Wii U version

The WiiU version has internet connectivity.
And an eShop.
You could still put demos on it too.
The WiiU version has internet connectivity.
And an eShop.
You could still put demos on it too.
But then you'll have the demo forever and that's kinda lame.
Nintendo puts usage limits on their demos. So if they were to ever put a demo for Smash up before launch (which isn't really likely, but hey), they'd probably limit it to 30-60 launches.
Nintendo puts usage limits on their demos. So if they were to ever put a demo for Smash up before launch (which isn't really likely, but hey), they'd probably limit it to 30-60 launches.
But if you're like me and never turn off your ds, that would last like 6 months.
I thought the point of the Best Buy one was to play against other people you don't know. I mean they're not going to give internet connection for a demo.
Plus it convinces people to go to Best Buy and discuss the game through word of mouth. Basically it's a giant publicity stunt. If it was a demo people'd stay home and not talk directly to other people in public, just online.
I thought the point of the Best Buy one was to play against other people you don't know. I mean they're not going to give internet connection for a demo.
My idea was to just set up a big download play lan party that everyone can bring their DS to with some kiosks for people who happened upon it. That will make the lines less painful.
Are they doing 3DS as well? Because they would only need one WiiU and 4 controllers to let people play it.

Though I guess doing both isn't out of the question...?
I thought the point of the Best Buy one was to play against other people you don't know. I mean they're not going to give internet connection for a demo.

It was the goddamn buggiest online ever, and it was practically impossible to finish a match,
there were only 6 characters and one was ridiculously OP,
but it had online.
Are they doing 3DS as well? Because they would only need one WiiU and 4 controllers to let people play it.

Though I guess doing both isn't out of the question...?

If they are willing to I'd say that they would likely set up both, to increase buzz for both, but the Wii U version could potentially overshadow the 3DS version and I don't think they'll risk making the sales of the 3DS version worse. I mean the whole point of releasing the 3DS version in Summer and the Wii U version in the winter is to help the sales of the 3DS version which they expect to be rather low and dismal. But they could have playable demos of both games at Best Buy, I don't see why not.
you know what would be cool
if before the Invitational
they revealed like 4 newcomers
and then Invitational was only newcomers
There's definitely going to be newcomer reveals at E3.
Probably only 2-3.

And then the demos gonna be starting roster only.
No Ness.
No Falcon.
For glory mode only

Final Destination

Can only play as Fox

Pic of the day.

With the Super Leaf, any fighter can have ears and a tail. You can also float in the air by pressing the jump button. We're still figuring out whether you'll be able to attack with the tail...
That shameless Marth cape clipping. SHAMELESS I SAY.

Also I had a feeling that's what it did anyways. That's the main draw of the tanooki.
Tanooki Peach. :3

Or, actually not even tanookis, just raccoons.

I was hoping for Peach and Rosalina to have revealing badonkadonk's again.
But what happens to characters that already have tails?