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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Just gonna leave this here

Rest easy young warrior. You've earned it.
Wait, that character select seems fake on a second look-though; The pics are conflicting on whether the space next to Pit is locked or unlocked, and Marth's P1 pic is transparent even though the hand isn't hovering over Marth while holding the chip.
So people are pointing out there are two spots between donkey kong and kirby. Dixie/K.Rool confirmed?
Kind of loose evidence but it would make sense.
It would be absolutely terrible if they didn't add another DK rep. Come on, they had plenty of time, Dixie's gonna be here this time around.

Wait, that character select seems fake on a second look-though; The pics are conflicting on whether the space next to Pit is locked or unlocked, and Marth's P1 pic is transparent even though the hand isn't hovering over Marth while holding the chip.
You're right. Seems the blue outline of player two has selected it and the name apparently ends in a "Y"... But what character ends in Y who is somewhere else entirely on the pic. And the second could be explained by them getting rid of the hands that grab the tokens and just letting the player move the token directly. It's a little farfetch'd, but it's possible. Though I agree it wouldn't make sense to leave out the hands since they've been there since the beginning. Much like Captain Falcon.
That particular pic has the P2 screen use the Metroid crest, so obviously someone's trying to shoehorn in "Ridley's playable after all!" hype along with the "leak" (Maybe the Ridley thing was the whole reason behind making a character select?)
That particular pic has the P2 screen use the Metroid crest, so obviously someone's trying to shoehorn in "Ridley's playable after all!" hype along with the "leak" (Maybe the Ridley thing was the whole reason behind making a character select?)
Hold up... You're right... And that spot is exactly 2 spots to the right of Samus (the one immediately next to her obviously being Zamus)

Ima laugh my fucking ass off if that shit's for real lol.
There's also that not only is P3's screen right next to P1 (skipping P2, in fact), but the other pic shows multiple P3s! (though you could argue the 3s are the CPU strength, since 3 is the default)

Also, the Metroid crest isn't angled the same as the others in the ----Y pic (before a naysayer says it's just C/right stick dickery, the Metroid crest isn't angled like the Smash Bros. crests either, and even the 3s look kinda inconsistent with each other.)

Though it doesn't disprove anything, there's also the subtle fact that it seems like Zero Suit is locked (assuming it's not like that cause beta, though.)

OK, i'm done with that for now. :PUN:
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Also that Megamnan is quite clearly locked and then unlocked. And that Metroid emblem does look very inconsistent.

I'm leaning towards fake now. This design just seems too simple. They got everything else right though.
On the other forum I frequent this got torn apart immediately.

But that screen, I gotta say, it's really fucking ugly.
Like for a demo, to have your characters spaced apart so much with spaces that aren't going to be used for the demo (especially when Brawl's demo was so simple and concise) it's a really bad design choice to be like character lock lock lock lock lock lock character lock lock lock lock and so on.
Okay. Obviously fake. That thing doesn't even remotely match the rest of the character models. Hell it looks like some internet parody of Ridley more than anything official.
That almost makes the Rhythm Heaven video "leak" look real by comparison. They would've actually fooled some people if it weren't for that one screen-shot.
what are you talking about guys
everyone knows that photorealism is the style that smash 4 is going for
that ridley would look completely in-place
Pic of the day.

Here's a look at the revival platforms.

The color of the bottom mechanism changes from yellow to red to warn you how much time you have left before you drop into the fray.

Call me crazy but the revival platforms have always been one of my favorite things about the older Smash Bros.
You know, now that I think about it, why has nobody made jokes about Samus's Chozo DNA?

Most jokes about armorless Samus are on her body or her bad representation in other M or her heels.

Are we...are we just going to ignore the fact that Samus has super future space chicken DNA in her?

I've literally never seen one joke about this, it's a little worrying.
Awkward Zombie to the rescue!

And I mean, there are a lot of jokes about the Morph Ball as well, if you wanna count that.
Thanks, though the second one does say part Metroid.

I guess the Morph Ball does, but I was referring to how everytime Samus is without armor she always is devoid of those jokes. (Like I'm glad to finally see a bird joke with Samus, but she was still in her armor, you know?)
IGN: Bad graphics, overused style, and unbalanced: 10/10

Naw, it's Nintendo. They'll say it's "literally a perfect game but it won't save the WiiU nor will it convince me to buy one. -8 points from an otherwise 10/10 game"
To be fair, the upcoming Mario Kart 8 got mostly 9s and a large portion of those reviews actually stated that it likely wasn't enough to save the Wii U :P
Goodbye18000 said they dropped 8 points from an otherwise 10/10 game. I said they were mostly 9s