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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

So all we need is a stage from the Tellius games for Ike and Fire Emblem's complete covered on stages, since Arena Ferox is for Awakening and the Colosseum can represent Marth and Lyn both.
I'm lovin the Coliseum level because it further fuel's my pipe dream of having Lute in the game <3
Hey, no more generic stuff!

Strange though. The Arena wasn't in either of the GameCube titles, nor Awakening. Is this calling from Shadow Dragon? Cause that's a portable game. I was expecting something RD/PoR based, but ah well.
So long as we get Together We Ride as a song again.

Iroincally that's the only FE game I've played but I don't even remember the colisseum. I think I entered for a moment, got worried someone would die, forfeited and never entered again.

Like how they referenced a bunch of characters with all of those Sonic palettes

Like how they referenced a bunch of characters with all of those Sonic palettes

What are you referring to? was that sarcasm it's hard to tell
The only things that are references are how Green and Red have the Crystal Ring from Sonic Adventure (albeit not blue) and how Yellow has Silver's gloves.

I read somewhere that there was actually weren't comfortable with making Sonic not blue, meaning they had to find ways around that. I think, however, with the advent of Sonic Colors (lel) and Lost World's multiplayer mode adding Red, Green, Black and Pink "Virtual Hedgehogs", we may see actual colors this time.
Come to think of it, I would love a Ravio alt costume for Link/Toon Link (probably the latter.)
He could even use his rental weapons instead of the standard stuff.
Sonic had the worst alternate colors in Brawl. I hope they deviate from his standard blue this time around.
Come to think of it, I would love a Ravio alt costume for Link/Toon Link (probably the latter.)
He could even use his rental weapons instead of the standard stuff.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking too. It really fits and is an awesome color to boot.
Similar vein, I want the Dark Pit outfit (it'll be back, I'm 100% sure) to have different weapons as well. Silver Bow instead of Palutena, another Arm weapon for his side special., Pandora's magic for his Up Special... Well, the only one that can't change is the Guardian Orbitars, cause they're the ones that have a shield.


I bet you the pic of the day is going to be STUPIDLY BORING for both days until THE HYPE BECOMES REAL
I want a Death Stare Luigi alt.

Pre-order bonus. Power to the players.
You know what's terrifying? A level 9 CPU Ness on Jungle Japes!
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I'm of the opposite mentality. I see no reason to fear the inevitable. Plenty of reason to dislike it, but no reason to fear it.
Then what about the fact that your existence as well as the existence of reality in and of itself is ultimately meaningless?
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reality is just a construct of the white man to get us to buy overpriced bottled water
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"Pic of the day. Remember the video that introduced Greninja joining the battle? Every Pokémon that appeared in that video will make some kind of appearance in Super Smash Bros! By the way, here's one of the Pokémon that didn't make an appearance in that video--Meloetta. Its vocal attacks reflect off land forms, so they'll be especially effective in a closed environment."
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Fuck yeah Swirlix confirmed. I swear if it's not a Pokeball summon I will cry.
...But Meloetta WAS in the Direct...

Oh he meant the Greninja trailer specifically, nvm. Still, it was in the Pokemon section of the Direct.
It is nice to get confirmation of what everybody was already thinking, that the Pokemon in the Greninja trailer are also gonna show up in-game.

Though the wording has me curious, it kinda sounds like they won't all be Pokeball Pokemon.
I bet some are going to cameo in Pokemon stages.
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Poke Floats Round 2?
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Then what about the fact that your existence as well as the existence of reality in and of itself is ultimately meaningless?
Again, a point of view not a fact. Instead of complaining about being given meaning and purpose, why not give yourself meaning or purpose? Why would I need a premade purpose? Why not enjoy what's here instead of complaining that joy is meaningless?
Sakurai just tweeted:


Which, according to various translations sources, is:

I will take the plane from now. In order to etc. That said E3, it is not cut as much as possible the time you are in the development field, and stay a minimum amount of time who is in Japan on the 12th. I will not even visit of course. I'm going.
Fly off from now on. E3 and the saying though, is to cut the development time as much as possible, to 12, are in Japan minimum stay time. Tour of course also cannot see why. I'm going.

So, he's off to E3 but will return on the 12th to cut down on lost development time.


ところで、飛行機のお供にiアプリの『テラリア』買いましたよ。 でも、vitaならPS3のデータが使えると思って、そっちも買いましたよ。 しかし、家にvitaを忘れてきましたよ。 およよですよ。
By the way, "Teraria" I bought an i-appli to the attendant of the airplane. But, I thought that it can use the data in the PS3 if vita, I bought over there also. However, we have to forget the vita house. Is Oyoyo.

Seems he's loving Terraria. It's really cool how Sakurai plays other people's games. It reminds people that they're not just Nintendo game devs, but people too.

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hey that means we're gonna see Inkay in some form
I like Inkay
I hope it causes shenanigans
Inkay can go one of two ways

Bad: He'll flip the stage (like Palkia and Skull Kid. Boring)
Good: Sprays ink on the stage which is hard to see and causes tripping, like an invisible Diddy Banana. That'd be awesome.
i was thinking more like
he uses topsy-turvy to flip your controls
Bad: He'll flip the stage (like Palkia and Skull Kid. Boring)
What if after he flips the stage, he evolves into malamar? Then he picks a target and attacks using superpower?