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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Lucas is a definite maybe but I can see them revealing him during the presentation.

Ness will definitely be in but given that he's ussually a secret character, I'm sure he just won't be reveald until the game drops.
Like Captain Falcon.
Heh, no one realizes/ is complaining that they didn't include Lucas, Ness, or anybody from the Mother franchise to be in the new Smash.

I would have lost that bet tenfold.
Mother already has reps in the form of the Franklin Badge and Mr. Saturn so it's a high probability that Lucas will return and it might as well be guaranteed that Ness is returning. One of the original 12 being cut? Please.
so long as my OG Captain Falcon is back, I don't who else returns.

cept Jigglypuff. don't screw with the Puff.
I still think they should add Ninten just to complete the trio and give MOTHER 1 some love
but that's just me (I'm like one of the three people that actually appreciates mother 1 it's such a lonely road)
(I'm like one of the three people that actually appreciates mother 1 it's such a lonely road)

You know who would make an awesome assist trophy though?

(it's EVE btw)
no see
I think EVE should be Ninten's final smash
just have her drop in and wreck shit
then explode at the end and you hear the melody

saddest final smash
(also add Mt. Itoi as a stage with the giant robot or Giegue as a boss woop)
(also add Mt. Itoi as a stage with the giant robot or Giegue as a boss woop)

As actually amazing a stage that would be (especially with all the bears) you know what people would say when they see THIS right?

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I seriously think if we're getting veteran reveals at E3, we're getting Meta Knight

Because in an attempt to one-up the previous direct there's only going to be one???
Because in an attempt to one-up the previous direct there's only going to be one???
If any veterans are revealed, it'll be Meta Knight. And Captain Falcon.
"We would like to present to you, Meta Knight. Last time, we made Meta Knight very powerful. So this time, we have made him weaker in a few areas. For one, he can now only hop two times, like most of the other characters. Second, his up-special has been replaced with this tornado that used to be his neutral special. Third, he no longer uses his sword, but instead a mop. Please understand."
I'm actually willing to bet with gliding gone, his Up-B will change into his previously Neutral B.

And then give us something cool for his Neutral B like his Quick Draw from his Samurai minigame
I'm actually willing to bet with gliding gone, his Up-B will change into his previously Neutral B.

And then give us something cool for his Neutral B like his Quick Draw from his Samurai minigame
Um, yeah about that....

That was his down B

and it sucked balls
If any veterans are revealed, it'll be Meta Knight. And Captain Falcon.

Because in an attempt to one-up the previous direct there's only going to be two?????

Also, why would Falcon, who's generally been a secret character, be revealed before Lucas, who in his one appearance was a starting character.
because falcon is fucking popular and can you really say that lucas would generate more hype than captain falcon

I honestly think Falcon's gonna remain a secret character this time around and that most of the hyper built up is going to come from surprise newcomers and really unsure veterans, someone like Snake or Mewtwo even.

And IF he's not and he is shown at E3 during the Smash presentation (which is entirely possible) he'll be the last of the veterans revealed after some of Brawl's starting roster like Meta Knight and Lucas.
I do actually think we'll see Meta Knight at the presentation as well as Lucas and probably a couple other veterans.
The only way I see Falcon being a starter again this time around if there's another F-Zero character to join him. I doubt it'll happen but it would be nice. I'd love to have Deathborn playable.
I honestly think Falcon's gonna remain a secret character this time around and that most of the hyper built up is going to come from surprise newcomers and really unsure veterans, someone like Snake or Mewtwo even.

And IF he's not and he is shown at E3 during the Smash presentation (which is entirely possible) he'll be the last of the veterans revealed after some of Brawl's starting roster like Meta Knight and Lucas.
I do actually think we'll see Meta Knight at the presentation as well as Lucas and probably a couple other veterans.
Who thinks that Dr.Mario was one of the cloneist clones ever?
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The only way I see Falcon being a starter again this time around if there's another F-Zero character to join him. I doubt it'll happen but it would be nice. I'd love to have Deathborn playable.
If anyone should be playable, it should be Goroh
Like Missing all the time
actually while it does have hard aiming it is a good movement teleport because you can feint the sword strike and recover qucikly, also those who took the time to learn MK have learned how to aim well with it and does awesome damage
actually while it does have hard aiming it is a good movement teleport because you can feint the sword strike and recover qucikly, also those who took the time to learn MK have learned how to aim well with it and does awesome damage
I will say it is good for recovery as it teleports you near the other player. But its still a pain to actually get a hit with it
I will say it is good for recovery as it teleports you near the other player. But its still a pain to actually get a hit with it
nah you control it, the opponent has no idea where it is comming from
nah you control it, the opponent has no idea where it is comming from
I never knew that! I always thought that it always went behind the other player, thanks for telling me that!
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"Pic of the day. Here's Ike, Marth and…a brand-new stage!"

"We've added a familiar setting from the Fire Emblem series, the Coliseum. In the original game, this place is filled with both hope and despair. There is machinery in the ground that activates variable platforms."

Well that takes care of stages for Fire Emblem. Now let's see some DK, Star Fox, Kirby, Yoshi and any franchise yet unrevealed related stages. Oh and Metroid still needs a 3DS version stage.
Hey, no more generic stuff!

Strange though. The Arena wasn't in either of the GameCube titles, nor Awakening. Is this calling from Shadow Dragon? Cause that's a portable game. I was expecting something RD/PoR based, but ah well.
So long as we get Together We Ride as a song again.

And hey, Medeus statues are cool too
It said in the original game. I assume that's referring to the NES one, which was remade as Shadow Dragon.
I find it funny how even though Marth was made more manly in this version, he still looks more like a chick next to Ike XD
I find it funny how even though Marth was made more manly in this version, he still looks more like a chick next to Ike XD
To be honest, if it was revealed that it was actually Lucina this entire time that was Marth, would any of us actually be surprised?
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To be honest, if it was revealed that it was actually Lucina this entire time that was Marth, would any of us actually be surprised?
Who's Marth?