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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

"Pic of the Day. Be sure to watch EVO and see how I didn't design my games to be played. Sometimes I cry into my pillow so much my wife has to go sleep on the couch. I'm sorry Michiko.

Also here is Pikachu's left foot."

"I buffed that left foot. You're welcome."
Have you ever thought about what capcom being bought by one of the big 4 platform owners would do to the FGC? Particularly Nintendo? The entire scene basically orbits around capcom games, after all. Eventually arcade stick manufacturers are going to have to get a wii u PCB working, and a lot of 3rd party fighting game devs are going to see a wii u port (or even just a wii u exclusive game) as a pretty good idea since this is the console that you know street fighter and marvel fans already have and own an arcade stick compatible for.
Kind of off topic here but it is an interesting idea.
Wow. WOW. Back when I enjoyed Smash Bros Pikachu's left foot was intentionally bad. Now that it's good, I have no reason to play any more. I'm going to mod the game my own way so that his left foot is just how it was when I enjoyed Smash Bros. I'm so done with "Bufferai".
Speaking of.
The Wii U's been found hackable/moddable.
Brace yourselves, Project M 2.0 is coming.
Because hey guess what people are still wallowing in the past.
"When the past calls, don't answer. It has nothing new to say."

Too bad these guys all have the past on speed dial

Anyway, as long as Ninty let's them and it doesn't interfere with the actual game, whatevs
On the one hand, that would boost Wii U sales because PM fanboys would have to buy a Wii U and the game.

On the other, guh Project M HD now with even more "improvements".

Let's hope Nintendo's patching it out. There's already hackers on Mario Kart 8's online.
I just dislike Project M so much because it feels like such a fucking epeen boost for those Melee fanboys that can't accept change.
And now it's just gonna happen again all over.
I'm alright with the project itself, and the people who work on it are cool and approachable.

It's fanboys, however, are not. Saying that they are doing stuff that Sakurai would never and how they're better game creators.

It's like that one guy at the Q&A who said he'd fight Sakurai and balance the game if he won.

And Sakurai's response sums up how I feel: "Have you ever made a game?"

Cause modding =/= creating a licensed, certified, balanced experience.

The team knows that. The fanboys do not.

"When the past calls, don't answer. It has nothing new to say."

For one, the assumption that progress is inevitable as time moves forward. Not every continuation is automatically better for the sole reason that it occurred afterwards. Like, Mike Z's panel, where he talked about all the bad things that have been cropping up in recent fighting games, and there were a lot of examples of older iterations of a game getting it right while newer ones got it wrong. I DON'T EVEN LIKE MELEE MORE THAN BRAWL BUT THE IDEA THAT NEWER=BETTER IS RIDICULOUS.

For two, this has nothing to do with video games. If I play an older game then it's because I want to experience that older game again, not because I want to learn something new from it. You don't throw out your copy of Pikmin 1 when Pikmin 2 is released.

For three, this quote has to do with the progress of information, not entertainment. Once again, newer does not equal better or smarter.

Because hey guess what people are still wallowing in the past.

I understand that the ability to not get caught up on the past is important to have, but you know,
people can like things. And the inherent nature of the progression of time means that things you like will eventually get old. And when they get old you're still allowed to like them.

And it's not like every idea Sakurai has had is perfect.
But you also don't take your copy of Pikmin 2, and mod it so it's more like Pikmin 1 because you like it more.

Just go play Pikmin 1 again.

You do if Pikmin 2 was super slow and felt like the entire game was held under water and had particular enemies could decimate you easily before you could even have a chance to react, but at the same time has a wider variety of scenery and puzzles that you still want to be able to enjoy.
God dammit are we really shitting on competitive players again?
Let me go get that text file...
Actually, considering I 100% know I am not going to play or follow competitive play and will just be playing with friends and my sister, I don't even know why I care about competitive play

so yay casual for days
items on
wily castle
all custom movesets
lets go video games
If you can completely ignore something and other people find happiness in it why the fuck would you ever stop it?
It's like saying "I hate strawberry ice cream therefore strawberry ice cream should be banned."

On the one hand, that would boost Wii U sales because PM fanboys would have to buy a Wii U and the game.
So basically one more wii u sold
Because mew2king is the only person bitter enough to actually avoid the wii u because smash 4 doesn't have wavedashing.

But you also don't take your copy of Pikmin 2, and mod it so it's more like Pikmin 1 because you like it more.

Just go play Pikmin 1 again.
For the record this is pretty common when the sequel is moddable and completely alters the feel of the game. For example, there are several for left 4 dead 2 if you know where to look, some of which actually take out some of the new content.
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Play the game as you like, don't go bashing people who see the game from a different angle as you.


How 'bout them Kirby combos. THE N64 KING IS BACK.
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Play the game as you like, don't go bashing people who see the game from a different angle as you.


How 'bout that them Kirby combos. THE N64 KING IS BACK.
Brawl's Kirby combos were far better and there was less hitstun in that one :P
Project M fanboys =/= talking about competitive players

I'm not against PM. I'm against those who think Brawl was a 2/10 worst game ever because Sakurai and that PM is "the only way you should play". The ones that say "I'm not buying this because we can make it ourselves and make it BETTER".

It's like saying "I hate strawberry ice cream therefore strawberry ice cream should be banned."

What if every time you tried to eat Strawberry Ice Cream, someone hit it out of your hands and said that the only way you should eat it is to take out half the strawberries and replace it with blueberries.

I'm fine if people like Straw-Blue-Berry Ice Cream, they can go right ahead and enjoy it.

What I don't like are fanboys. The type that act holier than thou.
For the record this is pretty common when the sequel is moddable and completely alters the feel of the game. For example, there are several for left 4 dead 2 if you know where to look, some of which actually take out some of the new content.

Or when modders alter Skyrim to recreate the content from Morrowind or Oblivion.

I'm alright with the project itself, and the people who work on it are cool and approachable.

It's fanboys, however, are not. Saying that they are doing stuff that Sakurai would never and how they're better game creators.

The thing about bashing fanboys is that the only way to attack them is to hate the things they love. It's a zero sum game. You don't hurt the fanboys because they'll be more than happy to demonstrate that they can do that to themselves, and you don't hurt the project because its development and intentions exist independently anyway. If Project M didn't exist then people would find some other way to express their unreasonable demands towards the people actually making Smash.

I agree that sometimes modding a new game to resemble an old one might seem ridiculous. However the fact that any of these projects ever get anywhere shows a respect for the source material through a constructive effort. I'd like to think of that as a positive thing.

As for fanboys... they exist whenever something is popular. The sort of behavior on their part that you criticize is inherently self-destructive to their own intentions. Better to just sit on the sidelines on that.
See what happens when you don't reveal veterans or new stages in these shots, Sakurai? This thread goes back to the casuals vs. hardcore BS.
You act as if it's Sakurai's fault.
No, this is a problem endemic in fandom. To attempt to end it is to attempt to destroy media itself, which ain't gonna happen until an apocalypse occurs.
I still kinda hope we'll get more Mii Classes as DLC or in Smash 5.
Also when are we getting information on that damn Tomodachi Life stage.
I don't think the Mii's would need extra classes. It already seems varied enough with close range, medium range, and long range.
No Mages though, but eh, I just think it could be neat.
I'm totally fine with the three classes as is.
I don't think the Mii's would need extra classes. It already seems varied enough with close range, medium range, and long range.
lmao seriously. 3 is good enough seeing as the game would be perfectly fine without even one of them.
I kinda would like a Mage / Knight / Thief set.

Though I guess you could almost make a Mage gunner top (with magic wand instead of gun), Knight as swordfighter (duh) and theif as fighter (give them gloves with dual blades in hand, aesthetic only)

With the whole customization element, there's a lot you can do and I'm really excited for it. I'd even be willing to pay for content packs.
I kinda would like a Mage / Knight / Thief set.

Though I guess you could almost make a Mage gunner top (with magic wand instead of gun), Knight as swordfighter (duh) and theif as fighter (give them gloves with dual blades in hand, aesthetic only)

With the whole customization element, there's a lot you can do and I'm really excited for it. I'd even be willing to pay for content packs.
This is Smash bros, not Final Fantasy
I mean yeah, what am I saying? It'd be so weird to have a mage




and thief in this game

Project M fanboys =/= talking about competitive players
They're the same group though. You're getting angry at them for changing brawl to be more competitive.

I'm not against PM. I'm against those who think Brawl was a 2/10 worst game ever because Sakurai and that PM is "the only way you should play". The ones that say "I'm not buying this because we can make it ourselves and make it BETTER".
It's the free market. If sakurai chooses not to cater to competitive players and makes a very shallow game they don't have to buy it. Quid pro quo and all that shit. Not everyone has to buy smash 4 and nintendo isn't going to go bankrupt from those people (here's a visual hint on what they'll look like when smash 4 launches) so let them beg and plead for what they want. Unless the mere thought that somebody wishes wavedashes were back ruins smash 4 for you, I don't see the problem.

What if every time you tried to eat Strawberry Ice Cream, someone hit it out of your hands and said that the only way you should eat it is to take out half the strawberries and replace it with blueberries.
Except that's not accurate at all. Did someone run into your house, take your brawl disc, break it in half and replace it with a version that could only play project m? Because if they did I'm pretty sure you should call the cops.

What I don't like are fanboys. The type that act holier than thou.
You mean exactly what you do all the time? Because you seem to have a casual high horse thing where you play the game the way it's meant to be played and you're not living in the past like those tryhard competitive guys what nerds!
Still kind of wish the miis could just steal any other character's moveset like in soul calibur.
That way you could use charizard's moveset to make ridley playable
Sooo... You need Mii versions of them why?

Because more playstyles are cool. If we're not gonna be getting non-MC Fire Emblem characters, it'd be cool to try and make 'em myself.
Because more playstyles are cool. If we're not gonna be getting non-MC Fire Emblem characters, it'd be cool to try and make 'em myself.
I'm afraid "Because it's cool" isn't a reason that would warrant more development hours towards making it become a reality for DLC.
I mean, the gunners are essentially mages in terms of stats (guys who can't take any hits but have long range and powerful sp. attack) and I don't even know what the difference between a knight and a swordfighter is.
Maybe you can say Thief hasn't been done yet, but then again there's not a whole lot of room for a thief class in a fighter, that's more RPG's and tactical games than anything.