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The Steven Universe Thread! [SPOILERS]

I assume it's Lapis. Also wasn't she from Homeworld? She did use her wings to fly back to her home. Perhaps she agreed with the idea that Earth should be manipulated by Homeworld but Pearl and Garnet are against it so they imprisoned her?
Pearl and Garnet couldn't have imprisoned lapis in the mirror, lapis is way stronger than them.
Notice Lapis says "you knew I was in there" not "you put me in there" and pearl, garnet and amethyst have no idea who she was, so the only way it was the crystal gem's fault is if rose did it without telling anyone.

Not to mention that there were so many virus-like machines. I wonder what they're for? Maybe they're from Homeworld?
The virus machines probably have to do with the process of creating gems at a kindergarten. Amethyst says she's a "parasite" so they probably use some kind of virus to create new gems at the kindergarten.
New episode about Lars and Ronaldo. Lars was trying to be cool even when he was a kid and Ronaldo didn't change much either. I wonder how Lars became that way.
New episode about Lars and Ronaldo. Lars was trying to be cool even when he was a kid and Ronaldo didn't change much either. I wonder how Lars became that way.
He became a teen. what other people think suddenly becomes that much more important.

anyway, great episode, though i didn't expect that ending
I thought it was a ploy by Steven and Sadie to try and get Lars to be less of a dick, and to be more sensitive to the romantic tension betwee Lars and Sadie. I like how Ron and Sadie clicked to the point of shipping and Lars's reaction to it. and of course, Ron's last line was pretty hilarious.

I swear, Lars is like a more likable/realistic version of Rob from Gravity falls
This is obviously a sign.


This episode made me somewhat like Ron and I'm very glad of that, I couldn't stand him before, being a mocking stereotype of the idiot obsessed with conspiracies and stuff
Now he's just a weird kid
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Lars is such the stereotypical teen (but he is such a diiiiccccck, god). He kinda reminds me of myself when I was sixth grade. Caring about what everyone thought, wanted to be liked by everyone, wanting to please everyone, wanting friends, loneliness etc. That's what I appreciate about Lars and just these characters in general, you can find something to relate with them about and shiz.
Would looooove to see Lars back story.
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I've been meaning to post in this thread, even though I'm way out of touch with SU (ever since CN changed their schedule to Thusrdays I'm all fucked up)
Deepest condolences for your Crossover loss.
Of all fucking things
Uncle Grandpa?
I'm not sure how I should feel about the crossover...
Uncle Garandpa would just fuck up the whole feel of a Steven Universe Movie and vica versa. Those two should not be allowed to crossover. Steven is more of a genuine humor with actual serious bits in it. Uncle Grandpa is like we tell jokes that we think may be funny and really bad slap stick. Although I kinda want to see Steven eat that smug fuck Pizza Steve cause fuck that guy, he's too smug for that show. And a powerpuff girls reboot? come on... give me my Samurai Jake Movie, THEN reboot the Powerpuff Girls, jesus.
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There's that too, the fucking shows have two completely different feels and styles, other crossovers can mesh well together, these two don't.
Let's also not forget that Steven Universe has, you know, an actual story and good setting.
OMG just compare their ratings I cannot (I haven't even watched it yet)

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I'd say it probably is more of a consistent 7 show.
while I'm not a fan, i can see the appeal it has to others.
there's nothing wrong with sevens.
at least it's not a 5.
Let's all forget that the crossover exist and talk about Winter Forecast.
Winter forecast was a little confusing but it was pretty nice. Connie's parents finally warming up to steven and his dad was a real treat. Really not much to say here, but i kinda feel like they're taking their sweet time with this Connie thing

Also Clarence is great. Wouldn't make a good crossover with SU, but don't say it's worse than Uncle Grandpa because the only thing possibly worse than Unclegrandpa is Problem Solverz
I'm still stuck on Garnet's maternal kiss to Steven on the forehead. I love Garnet. And I love forehead kisses.
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Garnet and Pearl are the most motherly. Amethyst is like the silly older sister. They make a cute family. you know cause Steven's mum is... uh... kinda dead? Part of Steven... might be part of Lion too... idk... I also Noticed in the Mane of Lion there was a sword right next to the tree, is that going to be part of Steven's gem weapon too? A Sword and a Shield? I would find that kinda cool. you know when Steven becomes a teen and learns how to fence by Pearl.
Pearl is a bit of a nag. She is motherly, yes, but if I had someone like Pearl hovering over me all the time, I'd go crazy. Garnet is pretty trusting of Steven and she shows a type of unwavering confidence in him that I don't really get from the Pearl and Amethyst (not saying that they don't believe in him, I just get a different feeling). I would assume the sword will become a weapon of Steven's, he did summon it in Lion 2: The Movie. Well, Lion gave it to him but he used it. lol

What's really cute is how much Connie and Steven like each other. The love is like over 9000. Too cute for words.
Wow. Just watched the episode. It was.... Kinda intense...
Anybody else notice the episodes are getting both cuter, and darker, and the same time? Anyway. Poor Garnet. Having to live through that... All the time... Throughout all her life... Forever...

dad mum? one of her parents is JAPANESE

oh wait... her dad is

wow that thing were he can't drive good... hmmmmmmmmmmmm...
does this explain the anime voice actors they have or no
You forgot Teen Titans Go.

That's worse than Uncle Grandpa.
I disagree. TTG is, in my opinion, something you'd see in a web series that is/would be mildly popular. UG is just a hodgepodge of randomness that attempts to be tied together with a theme-of-the-week but usually handles them awfully

On Pearl vs Garnet as a mother figure, Pearl seemed to have been the main mother figure at first, since she had shown the most concern for him (at least directly), like with "Strong in the real way."

But it seems they've been recently moving in a different direction with Garnet making her a similar mother figure as well, and it's good. I felt Garnet was the most flat of the three until Episodes like Future vision.

Speaking of, was it just me or was PEarl like, SUPER CREEPY in Lion 3?? Watching him sleep like that?

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What was the evidence that proved Connie‘s mom was Japanese? O.o
the only remotely japanese thing I saw was Connie saying "itadakimasu" while eating the egg sandwich
which looks more to me that connie is a weeaboo more than anything else
I could see Connie saying they visited Japan and such, among other places.