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The Steven Universe Thread! [SPOILERS]

The pear represents Garnet's thighs
but why would Garnet's legs be crying
psst it's a crying breakfast
One of Steven's Crying Breakfast Friends stickers...

A real breakfast...

A Mouse...

Drama faces (Jamie?)

Obv. Sardonyx is Obv.
but why would Garnet's legs be crying
It was easy...
She's a really...
I rechecked and it's "Crying Breakfast Friends", but I wasn't even half serious when I said that. I mean I'm not sure if a pear is one of the Crying Breakfast Friends.
From what I can tell, they showed off a preview of Steven Universe at Comic-Con or whatever. Sardonyx was there.
And she's a Garnet and Pearl fusion I guess?

It was pretty hard to hear her over the exciting screaming of the audience, but I think she said she has something to do with communication?
these fusion dances... they are just so perfect. a balance of emotion and nice hints of eroticness. mmmmh too good and for a kids show slightly... sexy.
Cue "What Do You Mean, It's for Kids?" trope.
I dont know how i feel about this
I dont know how i feel about this
does it make you feel...

  • hot
  • sweaty
  • hairs on your arm or back perking up
  • having to lick your lips multiple times
  • tightening of clothing
  • the urge to dance for no reason
Then you might be under the effects of Stevenitus. Remain calm and just rest for the day eating chicken noodle soup and watching high quality cartoons.

If you are still under the effects of Stevenitus for more than 4 hours please consult your doctor.
i swear in the Steven Bomb if something huge happens i might die. I'm afraid of something sad happening in the bomb too, it's going to make me cry. Okay serious talk here, i'm not one to show emotions but this show has managed to break thru my thick heart, it has the ability to make me cry like a kid. That is the power of Steven Universe, the power to make a viewer actually care about the characters in the show. Not just the main character, but all the freaking characters. NUTS.
Yellow Diamond's head turn shook mountains in her hype explosion
i just want Sardonyx to be voiced by Janelle Monae
she has the suit and everything
it's the only correct choice

oh god

oh god i want to high five you until you disintegrate

I kind of want to wait for her to be the big bad, doe.
oh god

oh god i want to high five you until you disintegrate

I kind of want to wait for her to be the big bad, doe.
If she sung something of Arcandriod I would squee.
we all know who Yellow Diamond should really be
the only actual correct choice is
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What the fuck, Pearl is literally going to get addicted to fusing with Garnet??? The fucking implications man! The more we learn about fusion the more fucking disturbing it becomes.
I really hope we get a non-spoilered surprise for once so that's not sardonyx but citrite instead, and we get a Jasper-Peridot fusion.
As much as I love this show, the authors spoiler it too freely and it's very annoying and kind of unprofessional. What's the point of building hype if you're gonna give almost all the answers already?
Take some lessons from Alex Hirsch forreal
So ...the Nostalgia critic is doing SU vlogs

They did their 1st 4 episodes out of order due to the DVD listing ( laser light cannon was first, then cat fingers, bubble buddies and finally gem glow) but they will be in order from here on out
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I'm still playing the mobile game btw, which I love.

MY Pearl is broken lol, she's literally the tank five levels above everyone else, haha.

They can't hold out much longer, they've gone nuts from the wait.
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jesus DDB... where in the hell do you find this stuff?

How much time do you have on your hands? oh wait nvm stupid question you spend most of your time with your waifu Annie, how can I forget?
I'd spend more but she's not playable.

Thanks for that, all of you.