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The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

Perhaps it was just placebo. It definitely feels less effective. However I also didn't have a problem with the old one at all. Thought it worked fine vs any zoner she was up against. I still would prefer the old one but if other Parasouls like the new version, I wouldn't complain about keeping it as is.
The additional distance seems helpful v. Robo beamspam; I think it'd be nice getting actual breathing room for a couple tear tosses to (try to) compel a return to neutral or even counterzone while M Egret is up.
Perhaps it was just placebo. It definitely feels less effective. However I also didn't have a problem with the old one at all. Thought it worked fine vs any zoner she was up against. I still would prefer the old one but if other Parasouls like the new version, I wouldn't complain about keeping it as is.
In the case of Peacock, I have found that the increased length of Dive helps me avoid chipouts and find more opportune places to approach because I can start forward movement as soon as she calls plane. In the corner at midrange it's even more impactful than this as it means she can't zone from the corner whatsoever
In the mirror and vs Robos who like to press beam at full screen it's significantly more impactful due to the length of the dive and how fast he goes; it gives me plenty of time and space to approach
I know this is a hard ask, but is there a possibility of being able to move bugfixes to retail before combo breaker? (Notably the Bella elbow bugs).
If this isn't possible / presents challenges / is time consuming I understand, just wanted to throw it out there before we run out of time to talk about it.
The additional distance seems helpful v. Robo beamspam; I think it'd be nice getting actual breathing room for a couple tear tosses to (try to) compel a return to neutral or even counterzone while M Egret is up.
In the case of Peacock, I have found that the increased length of Dive helps me avoid chipouts and find more opportune places to approach because I can start forward movement as soon as she calls plane. In the corner at midrange it's even more impactful than this as it means she can't zone from the corner whatsoever
In the mirror and vs Robos who like to press beam at full screen it's significantly more impactful due to the length of the dive and how fast he goes; it gives me plenty of time and space to approach
The increased length doesn't really help vs robo or peacock especially if they're running assists like brass or bomber which would just go through the egret. Even without those assists robo just repositions in the air and peacock still threatens with item drop. I won't argue that the change is better for setup. However, She doesn't really get to set up vs those 2 characters. She has to get in. The increased length doesn't really do much other than lock her out for longer (I had to go back and test. Those 6 frames can matter). Perhaps if he traveled faster across the screen so She doesn't have to wait because one forward dash would instantly put her past him rendering him useless.
After the Curtain Call events yesterday (and the one taking place today), is there any chance at all that we can reconsider running beta at CB instead of retail?
At the moment, I legitimately can't think of anybody that would rather play retail over beta willingly that isn't just doing so exclusively for CB practice. We only have so many offline majors a year, and I (and I'm sure many other players) really do not want to wait a few more months just to watch (and play) the current beta changes we have now in an offline major setting, even if 99% of the SGCS has been run on retail.
I understand if it isn't possible at this point to push the current changes we have to console, but if there's any chance at all that we can reconsider playing CB on beta over retail, it would be much appreciated.
I agree with the other posts about the armor change, it does not feel good. I really do not think the way armor works in retail is an issue at all, especially if exceptions are going to be made anyway.
If people aren't happy with M Egret in its current state of staying out longer but at the same speed as retail, maybe it could stay as retail dive time but dive out faster, therefore travelling further? It'd let her move out further without being locked out of using Egrets for longer, but maybe that's too strong. I haven't had to use M egret much since the recent speed reduction so I haven't had much experience with it, but I think it's worth considering. Seems unsure if we have time to make the change and play around with it though, judging from Liam's time constraints.
I don't expect we'll ever touch it again, sorry. You can achieve this already though by following these steps:

- Delete contents of endless beta install folder.
- Copy the entire contents of your regular Skullgirls install folder into that.
- Create a file called "steam_appid.txt" in the root folder of the new endless beta install folder.
- Paste the app ID of Skullgirls Endless Beta [208610] (or any other game that is not Skullgirls) in that file and save it.
- Launch Skullgirls Endless Beta through Steam using -beta launch option.
- Launch regular Skullgirls.
- You now have two versions open at the same time, one using the ID from Endless Beta and one that uses the regular ID.

The steam_appid.txt file works for every game on Steam btw, not just Skullgirls.
Thanks so much for this however I've been running into some problems trying to run both the endless beta and the main game at the same time. For instance, I did some testing and it seems like every time I switch back to the endless beta after switching to a different window once, every time I try to open training room it gets stuck. Here's a video to give a better example of what I mean. There's also this weird thing that happens where endless beta switches from P1 side to P2 side after I switch focus from endless beta window to the main game, then back to endless beta window. This only seems to occur when I enter the main game first then the endless beta like I demonstrated in the videos I linked. On the flip side, if I start the endless beta first then the main game, the main game will not respond to any of my commands. I apologize for the long post as I'm sure you're pretty busy with the beta updates but I wasn't able to find anyone who could really help me so figured I'd ask you instead. Also, I forgot to mention that I do have the -oldunfocusbehavior launch command enabled so the main game and endless beta don't read my inputs at the same time. The endless beta will be on the bottom right on the screen and the main game will be in the top left of the screen just to avoid any confusion
Can we expect Valentine to get the option to use :HCF: + assist to get Bypass + Assist in this beta cycle?
It would be the cherry on top

+ assist in the air for cross+assist? pausechamp
The increased length doesn't really do much other than lock her out for longer (I had to go back and test. Those 6 frames can matter).
I can make it recover 6F (or more) faster so there's no difference in cooldown, or I can just fully revert it. Let me know the preference Parasoul players - it's intended to be a buff and not a sidegrade, no matter how small and niche it is in application.

I agree with the other posts about the armor change, it does not feel good. I really do not think the way armor works in retail is an issue at all, especially if exceptions are going to be made anyway.
I intend on splitting the differentiation between armored normals (100%) and armored specials / supers (50%). It was really close to that since Marie copy pasted from Cerebella / Band instead of newer characters like Robo-Fortune and Beowulf. The only change needed I believe would be Painwheel taking 50% damage during Level 3, but perhaps she shouldn't since it's Hatred Guard and she wants the full reflect damage on it.

I've been running into some problems trying to run both the endless beta and the main game at the same time.
I'm unsure what's going on there off the top of my head and don't think I'll be able to troubleshoot this right now. I think if we pushed the most recent patch to Endless Beta for real, you'd probably run into the exact same problems though, so good to know that's not really a silver bullet.

Can we expect Valentine to get the option to use :HCF: + assist to get Bypass + Assist in this beta cycle?
I ran into some Parasoul players using my point Peacock team and thought the new M egret change was waaay more effective at getting in the way of my zoning while also helping her close the gap more effectively then the old M egret did, honestly made the MU a lot more fun to play against and I would love the change to stay for when I play as Parasoul vs zoners.
I can make it recover 6F (or more) faster so there's no difference in cooldown, or I can just fully revert it. Let me know the preference Parasoul players - it's intended to be a buff and not a sidegrade, no matter how small and niche it is in application.
I think this should 100% stay, non-negotiably, this is a straight buff in the purest form
In fact, while we're on the subject, would it be possible for Parasoul herself to have some inherent projectile invincibility to cover herself while the egret comes out? This would come into play in situations where a Peacock is trying to chip me out, or Robo does raw beam super or something, or in a zoning war in the mirror, and I avoid the projectile rather than get counterhit during startup.
I think this should 100% stay, non-negotiably, this is a straight buff in the purest form
In fact, while we're on the subject, would it be possible for Parasoul herself to have some inherent projectile invincibility to cover herself while the egret comes out? This would come into play in situations where a Peacock is trying to chip me out, or Robo does raw beam super or something, or in a zoning war in the mirror, and I avoid the projectile rather than get counterhit during startup.

I think Parasoul being able to instantly dodge something like Bella level 3 done an inch away from her in a single frame is very silly personally. I think the way it works now is good.

Item Drop shouldn't fall through her, and Silent Scope also doesn't need to get dodged by it, etc.
3.7.7 is live:
Known issues:
- There's an issue where Umbrella's new taunt doesn't trigger unless you press LP + LK at the same time that I'm aware of.

EDIT: I have that fixed and also sped up the taunt quite a bit. It's 82F now, and the part where Hungern eats is marked on the FD bar by a missing red square for clarity.

I'll release this sometime tomorrow.
Last edited:
I think the M egret is good now. He doesn't get passed after one dash. He's on the screen long enough to block a little more than one rotation from Peacock but he doesn't stay locked out too long leaving Parasoul too vulnerable if Peacock/Robo repositioned before Parasoul could get in.
Weird bug i saw while testing.
  • Reduce how long the Egret stays on the screen by 13F, when using Egret Dive.

Just to be clear, is that 13F taken out of the time where he can block projectiles, or the recovery animation afterwards?
the recovery animation afterwards
This one. Time blocking projectiles is the same.

I think the M egret is good now. He doesn't get passed after one dash. He's on the screen long enough to block a little more than one rotation from Peacock but he doesn't stay locked out too long leaving Parasoul too vulnerable if Peacock/Robo repositioned before Parasoul could get in.
Weird bug i saw while testing.
What is the bug here?
I am very surprised that the general balance changes have turned out well since the Season 1 Pass is completed. But Squigly is not getting any changes so far since the final patch before release. What gives? Why the omission of her?
Just wanted to add that the little increase in hitstun from the new patch to Dahlia's ice shot enables the ice > doily > fire reset setup again. It fixed the issue thx! <3
Bless you for the snack taunt, Liam. Now my opponents will actually have to stay in my face and cook me to death when my dumb ass falls into Starving instead of just running away and playing lame.
3.7.8 live:
low content post
Now this update that just dropped tweaked the Renoir sisters. This is pretty dang interesting as heck. But I am a little disappointed that this balance patch won't be live before Combo Breaker like others.
never made a skullheart post but its better than saying nothing at all

the biggest issue i have about the umby rework currently is the overstuffed hungern rush nerf. in early beta stuffed rush enabled such a different approach when it came to overstuffed routing and it felt more exciting to experiment and mess around with. after the nerf it felt as bad as before and doesnt really have a use except for a possible ender (even then sns and grinder is better for an ender honestly). i think reverting the change would encourage more umbrella players to play around in overstuffed to find more combo routes and possible mix. im fine with OS having terrible neutral thats the point but when you get the hit you should be able to do routes such as the ones early beta stuffed rush presented. pretty sure the original idea for the umby rework to begin with was to enable umby players to try out different modes and early beta stuffed rush was definitely going in the right direction with that.

another big issue that has recently come up is the rav wish maker nerf. i understand it falls under the "rav bubbles with worse properties" moves but i want to at least chain m bubble after wishmaker for a certain ptootie restand (
). its the same idea as sqrt setup but it doesnt camp rav so i think making this a possibility wouldnt really hurt. umbrella will still have to go to satiated either way. the difference between sqrt and this ptootie restand is that sqrt can be done over and over again without consequence leading to repetition that is almost unbearable. ravenous is the mode where you can get a cheap reset but forced to go back into satiated later. its not as enabled as sqrt but the concept is still there.

it would be nice for 2lk being able to low profile pea 5hp cannonball to deal with the matchup a little bit better, but i wouldnt mind if it wasnt reverted since its not that big of a deal. it would be more of a qol thing for her. its def something not enough umbys have used when she had it. i also think its a good design idea concerning her character, a small child that bends the rules and sneaks through any danger that gets in her way. just wanted to put it out there.
another post on behalf of SewrRat regarding the umbrella rework. (his skullheart account wont let him post anything for some reason so he dm'd me his thoughts and told me to post it)
Would it be possible for Marie's jMK to enter superjump state a few frames after startup? i want to do assist > jMK but I use MKHP macro for assist two so it's a little awkward to release on time. I can't really switch my macros with my other characters
Okay, essay time.
I'm still surprised that I'm seemingly the only Umbrella player that's okay with the big OS hungern rush bounce being gone. We just got all of her other bounce moves bounce EVERY character higher, giving us OTGless combos on heavies and way easier combos on the rest of the cast, which can also open up new routes. I'll definitely admit that it was fun as shit and I'll absolutely be happy if it comes back, but I'm still not convinced that she desperately needs it, some of the replies here sound like they're saying overstuffed is useless without it. I will always say that a DP that is relatively quick and gives you a combo after in a state where your neutral is impaired it far from useless - I feel way less helpless in neutral overstuffed than I did back in retail to the point where neutral overstuffed is uncomfortable, sure, but not game losingly bad.

What I would love to have is under the weather dropping overstuffed back to satiated since that was briefly considered in one of Liam's previous posts, but I definitely understand not letting it do so since you're spending only 1 meter to be in a massive advantage - a bunch of bubbles that knockdown all the while you get put into your Good Neutral state. Maybe it'd be too strong, maybe not, but meh either way.

I hadn't labbed cLK low profiling peacock sHP ball but knowing that it doesn't does make me sad, I hope we do get that back.

Also I will still harp on about auto chomps for salt grinder, my fingers hurt teehee.

(this seems likely to be the last update for balance patch so thank you for your hard work Liam!)
My understanding is that this is the the last balance patch for the foreseeable future. Please keep that in mind when posting. Also we're locked into retail for combo breaker, so asking to not play that version isn't gonna do anyone any good.

I think it's fine to speculate about the future of the game and provide feedback, I just want everyone to know that at this point, realistically, we're past the finish line for this balance patch and the period to discuss changes has ended. I would keep that perspective in mind before asking for reworks, changes, etc.
*moderator hat on*

While established members can get some leeway with a bit of silliness, let's try to keep the off-topic posts to a minimum on this thread, especially image posts such as these? The forum rules apply to everyone and I don't want to moderate on a 2-tier system.

*moderator hat off*
Can we fix the shadow nerf on painwheel 2lp? It was supposed to be 10f start-up (4f armor) as of the last mention of it in patch notes in 2017 but its 12f (6f armor) now. It's still 10f on whatever version is on endless beta.
Hey Liam if you see this, wanted to post this hoping it's not too late for this change. Me and Emi talked about this at the last local, but is it possible to buff Squigs Lvl 3 for more damage? Costing 3 bars to get the hit (and because it is a multi hitting super and scales as much) feels like there should be more bang for the amount of meter being used. SBO has always been the great super, and I always use it for many purposes. But the need for level 3 for me has only entered my mind a few times since I can get more damage doing SBO routes or something else. Not to metion after the lvl 3 hits in a route, (say like jmp HK soon after) adds even more scailing to the damage.

So yea, probably the only other thing I like to have for squigs, but I am indifferent about it because Squigs is pretty good as is.
Hello, I am back from vacation.

If you have noticed critical issues or bugs, the time to report them was many days ago, thank you!

Can we fix the shadow nerf on painwheel 2lp? It was supposed to be 10f start-up (4f armor) as of the last mention of it in patch notes in 2017 but its 12f (6f armor) now. It's still 10f on whatever version is on endless beta.
Oh! Appreciate you bringing it up... I don't know if it was intentional change or not, it's a hard to tell from reviewing the file history. It does seem like it may have been oversight? I know that 2LP specifically was supposed to be worse as a panic armor button when the armor changes were being implemented back then because it overlaps with the downback input for crouch blocking, where as 5LP forces her to stand up. I'm inclined to just leave it as is if it's been like that for a long time. :X
I know that 2LP specifically was supposed to be worse as a panic armor button when the armor changes were being implemented back then because it overlaps with the downback input for crouch blocking, where as 5LP forces her to stand up.
For comparison, both 2hk and 2mp have faster armor than 2lp at 5f, and 5mp is only 1f slower at max charge than 2lp but has double the armor (!!). It's just weird for this button to exist the way that it is tbh.

But that being said, my only real gripe is just how slow it is with no charge, 12f for a regular little jab like that is crazy to me so maybe bringing down the start-up back to 10f but keeping armor at 6f could be an option?
Was L bang into lenny supposed to get less frame advantage on hit? going form +42 on hit in retail to only plus +34 on beta makes L bang > lenny > back dash argus a lot tighter of a combo to land when the opponent is in the corner.
Three bug fixes I wanted to bring up that I didn't see were fixed for Beowulf:

1. Canis Major not consistently killing as the game ender finisher even when at the threshold of 1500
2. EX Wulf Dive/Press Slam killing
3. Headbutts/Knees not killing opponents in the "standing dying" animation.

I have video examples of these scenarios in the 2e-Bugs channel in the Discord if needed. I'm pretty sure other Beos have brought up these similar instances with their own videos as well. Thank you