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The Wulf Den

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That reminds me more of litchee or however you spell her name from from blazeblue
With all this progress coming along, we'll be hearing his voice pretty soon right?
The hype is getting to me
So, dem chair toss assists surely might complement a point keepaway Peacock... *mental note*
Overhead chair assist with Peacock's projectiles jesus christ.
That line tho about not having the stuff that Mike initially wanted him to have yet.
how much do you want to bet that it has to with a grab mode super? cause that would be pretty boss.
5$ on test your might and a couple other things.
I just wanna sprint at my opponent full tilt and wreck them, is that too much to ask?
5$ on test your might and a couple other things.
are you kidding me? Test Your Might was like guaranteed when we saw the sketches of him at EVO. that move looked to bad ass not to be put into the game. I was just thinking that Beo would be able to do a super while in grab mode, just like how he can snapback the opponent.
Mike was talking about Beowulf not having the stuff that would make him Beowulf. I don't think the Test Your Might blockbuster is all that important in defining Beowulf as a new and unique character. I don't even think it's guaranteed. It was a cute sketch by Emlan but I haven't seen any indication that it would be included.
I'm not disagreeing with Ninja...but the implication from Mike was that he was still missing some cool stuff that he had immediately picked out. Thus test your might probably is a grab super in my eyes. They have added every other cool concept they could find and it could be ripped directly off of lord raptor's giga-dunk.

I mean in terms of defining him as a character we are still missing whatever mechanics deal with crowd hype so that's probably a thing, moves that generate said hype, and a few big damaging grabs. He's a grappler so some sort of grab super is a guarantee imo.

I do doubt that he will have much in the way of speed or rushing moves. He's shaping up to revolve more around his big hitboxes and projectiles as a means of getting in.
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Test Your Might is weird for me because so far the only Hammer Space stuff that Beowulf has is Grendel's Arm and his Championship Belt. Every other move is done with his own body or with The Hurting. Test Your Might looks really out of place in comparison. Also as I said before it was a drawing by Emlan, not by Alex. I mean I'm not completely throwing away the possibility of it getting in the game, I just don't see it being guaranteed.

This is focused discussion so maybe it should move to the Retirement Thread.
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So we are creating imaginary limitations on hammer space now? (Also you forgot the microphone and the trashcan). I'll agree alex's drawing have more pull...but rule of cool is always number one.
Hammer Space just becomes stupid after a certain point.
Just look at Valentine.
Going to agree to disagree on hammer space man. He's already overdoing it as is. Why not amp it up to 11?

hmmm. Now that I think about it...dude isn't missing too much stuff just generally. A couple more supers including a level 3 (Moonsault and ???). A dp special and between 2 and 4 others including grab enders. A snapback. Tech animations and cleanup of everything else.

Beo has been dang fast in terms of development.
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are you kidding me? R. Mika's super pulls out a whole Wrestling Ring so she can jump off of it so she can do a mixup or a follow up move on the opponent. I think the Hammer Space has been a part of fighting games for a long time. so i don't mind if a Strong Man Game comes up from the ground right underneath the Hurting so Beo can launch the opponent into Space.

Come on and become a hype dog.
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The ladder super would be cool too...in a funk brothers spinning around in circles sort of way. Actually, wait that would be a hilarious way to integrate gief's lariat.

That's what this game needs. Projectile invincible spinning wrasslers.
Are you kidding me? R. Mika's super pulls out a whole Wrestling Ring so she can jump off of it so she can do a mixup or a follow up move on the opponent.
Beowulf doesn't need visually awkward props to look cool like every other fighting game character.
My opinion also ties in with the fact that Beowulf is the only character without superpowers in the game.
Throwing around a bunch of toys and weapons from out of nowhere like he's Batman would take away from that.
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Hammer Space just becomes stupid after a certain point.
Just look at Valentine.

It could just drop down then Beowulf could throw it aside if hammer space bothers you.
Weeeell Grendel arm is kinda out of nowhere. Unless he has very large pockets. In which case I understand him, large pockets are the best
And ps it's not a fishermans slam..


It's a scoop slam and or body slam. Fisherman's slam is a thing from tekken that involves Bryan Fury being a dick and only using one hand.

A fisherman suplex is a thing but it's a very different thing.

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large pockets are great for holding your backup meat, like bacon and ham and turkey and beef and slim jims and a couple dozen cheese burgers, you know the stuff that is necessary for a person to do the things they need to do in a day.
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large pockets are great for holding your backup meat, like bacon and ham and turkey and beef and slim jims and a couple dozen cheese burgers, you know the stuff that is necessary for a person to do the things they need to do in a day.
You still didn't go to bed did you.
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You still didn't go to bed did you.
nope. and i am loving it. i can hear things that sound weird and yet cool. i think i might be hallucinating things thanks to lack of sleep. that or some one next door is making noises.
Beowulf doesn't need visually awkward props to look cool like every other fighting game character.
My opinion also ties in with the fact that Beowulf is the only character without superpowers in the game.
Throwing around a bunch of toys and weapons from out of nowhere like he's Batman would take away from that.
Agreeing with this. I've been a firm proponent that Beowulf should be kept as "straight" as possible in terms of abilities. He's strong with a strong chair and so far we've seen him tout one of his trophies as a weapon for the ring. That all is very consistent with what we do know of the character and consistent mechanically. Hype is a great mechanic for a character who is a wrestler so I'd like to see how that factors into his playstyle.

His design is arguably already finished and it's all just down to L0 implementing features and moves, but let's not try and personally give him too much or he would lose focus much like I've noted is the situation with Eliza.
Well I don't think we can personally add anything..because lab zero are the ones making him.

And the whole using weapons thing goes along with the "anything goes outside the ring" blurb lab zero released a long time ago and hardcore wrestling in general. I mean he literally uses a chair as a weapon and he's a wrestler....which is a disqualification under normal circumstances.

Yes Beowulf is strong...but he's not some normal guy like Adam. So therefore we get heavy use of hammer space. Still disagree about Eliza to boot.
That really wasn't my point. It was more so that because of that strength and his drive to win you can't just expect some vanilla guy who only does elbows or plays like ryu from street fighter. Nowhere in that official decryption does it say he wants a fair fight.

Or better yet you can't just project that image upon the character. He gladly uses trashcans, arms, and anything he can find to win outside the squared circle.
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I think the moment we saw him pull the severed arm of his former opponent out of nowhere to hit people, we could cross off "vanilla guy" from the list of things to describe Beowulf. And as far as projecting, sure I am projecting my own impression of Beowulf onto my thoughts of his remaining moves. I don't think he's going to be a guy who uses morphing tools and nothing I've seen so far has caused me to doubt that. I don't think he needs a shape shifting chair since the whole point of the Hurting is that it's just a super reinforced steel chair and nothing more. But in the hands of Beowulf it becomes much more devastating.
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The ladder may be a morph attack..but test your might is pretty consistent with everything else already in the game imo. I mean if they did give him a ladder attack he could just pull out a ladder anyway.
yeah I'd like to see Adam use Grendel's arm like Beo can.
Hey, Adam is an elite soldier.
Swinging around a giant arm might be a bit much for him but he isn't one of those beltway pansies.

All I'm saying is that Beowulf doesn't need a wrestling ring to slide in from nowhere or a commentator's table to just appear for him to suplex someone into it. So far his use of Hammer Space has been tame, restrained, and handled very well considering the size of the object he's using. I just don't want another Valentine in the game.

I would rather see his glory come from him, rather than some prop.
The hurtings a prop...and he has at least three moves involving a disembodied gigan arm.

And to go into how you are wrong about Eliza even though it is a little off topic.

The ibis is the sacred bird of egypt venerated by the people living there based off of the god thoth..the bull is a god worshiped by egyptians..the servants are servants..the assists are servants..the crocodile is less a crocodile and symbolic of the god who decides how full of sin your heart is in the egyptian underworld. Thus deciding whether you go to heaven or hell i.,e godlike powers. Sun god jump hp. Worm devouring the sun...yet another godlike gesture literal control of the sun and the heavens. A sphinx is literally a statue or ya know a graven image saying how great x person was in life. Wings again sacred birds, horus, and junk.

What part of she's chaotic evil conceited and wants to be worshiped is hard to understand. She's literally turning herself into a living picture of gods and goddesses in egyptian culture in her neutral form...and how exactly is any of this tacked on versus simply not meeting your personal expectations. I mean they might be real world references but they still get the idea across. Her parasite form provides the undercurrent of violence in terms of appearances versus reality. The horrific image underneath that doesn't need to pretend to be a god. Hungry for more power.

The only one that is even questionably is the scarab level 3 and the thing about that one is that it's actually more of a reference to Eliza's true form. Scarabs actually were used as talismans to protect mummys tho.
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yeah I'd like to see Adam use Gerendal's arm like Beo can.
Now I want a Adam/Beowulf tag team match. The greatest wrestler and the greatest (normal) soldier in one ring defending the honor of the Canopy Kingdom against all comers.
maybe in SG II my friend. Maybe in SG II
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