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The Wulf Den

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It's a New Year so that calls for a New Topic.

1) What was Beowulf Doing during his Retirement?
(I'm guessing it was a 7-10 year retirement, the height of his career would be his early 20's, and he's around 30 years old)

2) What are your New Year's Resolutions?

(By the way, I haven't abandoned the Team Star Wulf Logo, I'm just lazy)
It's a New Year so that calls for a New Topic.

1) What was Beowulf Doing during his Retirement?
(I'm guessing it was a 7-10 year retirement, the height of his career would be his early 20's, and he's around 30 years old)

2) What are your New Year's Resolutions?

(By the way, I haven't abandoned the Team Star Wulf Logo, I'm just lazy)
1) I love that piece of fan art with him and The Hurting in a library. I like to think that after he retired, he did some traveling, soul searching and quieted down. Maybe he had no job and comfortably lived off his earnings? Maybe as another user previously suggested, maybe he became a librarian at Filia's school? I overall like to think that Wulf is quite the thinking man and he recreational activities would reflect that. Also beer. He had lots of beer!

2) Not going to have a solid one this year, but I'm just going to try and improve myself little by little when and where I can. :)
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So I've settled on something like this for my upcoming(?) Beowulf theme. I need lyrical ideas.
Oh, you're actually maybe making a Beowulf theme song?
I'm no musician, but I think half of the song's lyrics could be taken straight from Gurren Lagann speeches.
I'm not kidding, watch a few episodes of Gurren Lagann and you'll get a general idea of what we want to hear.
It's a New Year so that calls for a New Topic.

1) What was Beowulf Doing during his Retirement?
(I'm guessing it was a 7-10 year retirement, the height of his career would be his early 20's, and he's around 30 years old)
I think it would be hilarious if Beo worked on Annie's show.
Hello ladies, look at your man. Now back to me, now back to your man, now back to me. Sadly, he isn't me, but if he stopped using lady-scented bodywashes and switch to Wulf Spice, he could smell like me. Look down, now back up. Where are you? You're on a boat, with the Wulf your man can smell like. What's in your hand, back to me. It's a folding chair, with two tickets to my next match. Look again, the tickets are now diamond drops! Anything's possible when your man smells like Wulf Spice. I'm on The Hurting.
I will edit this post later properly.

Now that it is 2014 I am going to make some changes to the way I do Salty Reminders. This will probably be my last Dedicated Reminder, there just isn't enough content in the fandom to keep doing what I used to do every week.
Any further Reminders I post will simply be short additions to the larger posts I make, they will still accomplish the purpose I intended which is to make sure that The Wulf Pack is aware that Salty is on. I am also going only going to post the Reminder when the stream actually starts, I'm sure that will be helpful for those who don't want to wait around watching an offline screen.

Wulf of the day goes to @DDB for that fantastic post.
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This will probably be my last Dedicated Reminder, there just isn't enough content in the fandom to keep doing what I used to do every week.

Break down the walls and institute your own content or similar content (images of wolves?). In light of us losing all the content in which I compiled before my sudden powerup, should we re-discuss Beowulf's content again? Maybe discuss again, and further in depth, about his normals, specials, and supers? Costume ideas? Stage Ideas? Music? So on and so forth.
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>Wulf Den
>Gameplay General
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How many times has this happened now? Four or five?
It makes more sense to be easily found here, people who are new to the community are more than likely going to look in the Beowulf forums for this stuff rather than the "unreleased future characters"
Well, you know, if we ACTUALLY ALWAYS talked about Beowulf, maybe that would make sense. Unless you're going across the mindset that they want to see "Beowulf fans in their natural habitat", I don't see how we actually belong there.
if that is the case it really didn't belong in the unreleased future character area at all. you guys are almost always talking about stuff relating to Beowulf, it makes sense to put a Beowulf social thread here
Edit: for the sake of not going off topic send any complaints via PM
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Come on guys let's not be troublesome, the Beowulf Section is a fine place to call home. Besides, The Wulf Den has been all over SkullHeart since it first began on the night that Beowulf won the DLC Character Vote.
You could call us a nomadic tribe by now, I think that's pretty cool.

It's important to remember that it's not The Den that makes The Pack, it's The Wolves.
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Eh, I'm actually fine with it. I really wanted to say "Beowulf fans in there natural habitat" though.
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Finally just ordered the Dak'kuul Dabu t-shirt and feel invigorated with the spirit of Yu Wan-ness. Hey, by the way of that Yu Wan is a veteran fighter, do you guys think there may have been any chance that Yu Wan may have fought Beowulf while they were in their primes? (Assuming Yu wan isn't actually that old)

Seriously though, judging from what Alex Ahad once said on Salty Cupcakes, Beowulf is around 30 years old.
I'm assuming that Yu-Wan is a bit older but I wouldn't be surprised if their paths crossed in the past.
Both Beowulf and Yu-Wan seem like they've been around the block back in their days.
So, we're officially the best fighting game of 2013! THAT'S AWESOME YOU GUYS!
I'm sorry that your announcement was met with silence. It's no secret that The Wulf Den has been deserted lately.
I think the recent move is the cause, we're farther away from other threads so they're less likely to chat with us.
ANYWAY, YEAH THAT'S AWESOME! It's nice to have a little victory that the whole fandom can enjoy. I'd hate it if the rest of the Skullgirls fans never felt the joy that The Wulf Pack felt on that fateful night.

Also, apparently Squigly has a bio now. Found this on a Tumblr:


According to the Tumblr, someone got Render to make a Squigly bio and put it on the Shoryuken wiki. Can we get a confirmation or denial on that?
well the facebook page also said that her little reveal trailer is also done so I would think it is likely
Ah, Squigly has now become even more adorable. I love when they flesh out a character. Now what would Beo's look like?
Ah, Squigly has now become even more adorable. I love when they flesh out a character. Now what would Beo's look like?
I'm gonna make one up, give me some time I bet I can do him justice.
I bet he likes DDTS.

Double Decker Triangle Sandwiches.
I bet she'd frequent Yu-Wan's restaurant at midnight hours.

That is, if she can even eat.
Aw, I love the little details about Squgly; so cute, loving and peaceful. It makes it all the sadder that she suffered like that. :(

Huh, 28, I didn't realize she was gone for that long.
Huh, 28, I didn't realize she was gone for that long.
She was alive for 14 years and dead for another 14 years. During the time she was in the ground she did not age.
I just want to make sure everyone understands that, it's a little confusing without any written information to go by.

Also I'm writing down all of these likes and dislikes everyone's coming up with, keep them coming.
Dislikes cheaters I'm gonna guess? It wouldn't be too far off, I'm presuming.

Likes Books! By the power of Emlan, he likes books!
Dislikes cheaters I'm gonna guess? It wouldn't be too far off, I'm presuming.
Actually I don't think Beowulf is above cheating, surprising as that is. If you look at his DLC description it says this:
"In addition to standard pro-wrestling moves like dropkicks and powerbombs, souvenirs from past victories may aid him in battle - after all, it’s only illegal if there’s a referee."
To me that sounds like Beowulf is willing to break the rules in order to break his enemies.
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I thought that made bit Denizen bolded makes him pretty interesting and to me, adds to his personality. I like to see him as a guy who enjoys a good brawl from all sorts of types and even though he's a great all-around guy isn't above equalizing things in a crazy match. I guess I see him as a guy who just loves the fight, but isn't a heartless or brainless thug.
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I'm going to need one vigilant member of The Wulf Pack to fill me in on everything that happens at Salty tonight.
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