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The Wulf Den

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Holy cow Beowulf already has colored frames.
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It's more likely that it's just a cool wrestler themed intro that isn't supposed to be taken as a literal representation of his powers or skills. It looks cool but since he's the only character whose intro literally breaks the 4th wall it does raise an eyebrow.
Concepts still look cool though so I'll just follow the MST3K mantra. "It's just a showgame, I should really relax"

Just doing my job. :PUN:
I agree, I think it's like Silver Samurai's awesome intro in Children of the Atom. Also +100,000 points for an MST3K reference. I like your snipin' son. *salutes*

Also, HELL YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! HYYYYYYYYYYYPE!!!! HYYYYYYYYYYYYYYPE! Wulf is comin' for ya brothers and sisters! He's not gonna blow your house down...he'll pick it up- with you inside it, and slam it straight through hell! All the way to the other side. When that happens, what...are..you...gonna do?! Awoooooooooooooooooooo!
That's the spirit brother!

Also, what makes this all the cooler is I had an awesome night and the moon wss partially visible! : D
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Oh man just wait until we finally get footage of the panel, I'm going to bed right now so it can come quicker!
Good night Wulf Pack and remember; The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack!
Hmm. People aren't as excited as I thought. If it was annie people would be haveing seizures.
Sorry I was watching Weidman vs. Machida, what I miss?

*scrolls through the page*

Now you know how I feel when I'm late for the Eliza updates. But I have the time zone excuse. :P

I'm not sure these are finished frames. They could just be decently polished concept sketches. I could be wrong but his proportions seem kinda off in them. It'd also be decidedly strange for them to finish Beo frames before Eliza has even half her colored frames done.
You are right. It could just be a well done mock up.
Nonetheless, and while it was not necessarily in that order, when Eliza was being gradually revealed, it started with frames from all the non fight related actions (like that win pose bathrobe everyone vehemently insisted was a fan art).

Link to the image? Haven't seen it yet.
I was expecting her to have some nuts n' bolts a la Robo Ky. Again, she could have but the blurriness makes it hard to notice.

My Sides
RIP in peace​
I was expecting her to have some nuts n' bolts a la Robo Ky. Again, she could have but the blurriness makes it hard to notice.

Oh, she does. That pic doesn't properly convey how robo-fied she is.

Also that "colored frame" of Beo is just his model sheet, not an in-game frame, which means no, he does not have what you would consider "colored frames" yet. ;) (not trying to sound sassy there...)
Oh, she does. That pic doesn't properly convey how robo-fied she is.

Also that "colored frame" of Beo is just his model sheet, not an in-game frame, which means no, he does not have what you would consider "colored frames" yet. ;) (not trying to sound sassy there...)

Hopefully we'll see some better quality pictures soon ;)
Oh, she does. That pic doesn't properly convey how robo-fied she is.

Also that "colored frame" of Beo is just his model sheet, not an in-game frame, which means no, he does not have what you would consider "colored frames" yet. ;) (not trying to sound sassy there...)
Cool. When word got out that Robo-Fortune would be shown at AX, I thought you guys would pull a fast one on us and show her headless as that seems the part where all the suspense is at.

About Beowulf, I know the model sheet has little to do with the in-game model but I meant the intro sequence. Looking at it closer, it doesn't seem to have the detailed shading of the other in-game frames. In my defense, it was around 5AM when I saw the update (us non-US citizens have to make a choice between hype or sleep...which is kind of a null point because hype kicks sleep to the curb).
In any case, I'm surprised you guys had more to show than the model sheet and/or a idle stance frame.

Speaking of model sheets and forgive the audacity for so cheekily seizing a perceived opportunity buuuuut, will you folks be releasing Eliza's model sheet? :3
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, where's that panel video?
Whoever filmed it better not be holding out on us, I swear to Beo I will find you and destroy you.
it'll float up at some point..but from what I was able to glean it was mostly just the stuff Shin posted. Lots to look forward to I guess after Eliza is done.
if by year of beowulf you mean three to four months of development after july or august ...and then all the more casual fans dropping the game over time following the realization that he is actually hard to play, then sure.
That some people like talking about characters more than actually playing games..and it's been the case for every single character so far currently in the game and for the most part. Beowulf fans are no different. Skullgirls has a very unique fanbase in this way.

A stoic general observation. I'm not questioning the wulfpack or the character's canon power level or whether beowulf will have fans post patch.. not even how strong he will be after patches are done.

I'm basically questioning longevity.
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That some people like talking about characters more than actually playing games..and it's been the case for every single character so far currently in the game and for the most part. Beowulf fans are no different. Skullgirls has a very unique fanbase in this way.

A stoic general observation. I'm not questioning the wulfpack or the character's canon power level or whether beowulf will have fans post patch.. not even how strong he will be after patches are done.

I'm basically questioning longevity.
ahh the good old "skullfan" yah the voted characters have a lot of that stuff behind them and that when he is actually in the game people will forget about him because a lot of them dont even play the game
Like background and fluff have a place...just not when it comes to being good at fighters.

Or say talking about a fighter 12 months after content has been released.
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