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Them's Fightin' Herds

75% reached and 8 days until the campain finish, gonna make it?
with a last day push that usually happens... yeah... it might be a little close but it has the possibility of making it.
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Ninja was secretly a brony all along and has a folder full of mlp reaction faces, spread the word.
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Ninja was secretly a brony all along and has a folder full of mlp reaction faces, spread the word.
actually no. I personally find the whole show nice for little girls but anyone else i find it erm... tsk... i don't hate it... I tolerate it. just as long as it's not in my face.
Iirc, doesnt igg allow slacker backers as long the initial goal is met?
As long as the goal is met they also have a chance to reach other stretch gals post campaign.
Probably you posted on the wrong topic, but I guess that the enthusiasm is always appreciated.

Hate it when I'm reading one thread and pull another page in a new tab, and end up replying to the wrong thread cause i'm not paying enough attention >_>

Still hoping this makes it as well, though. It looks like a ton of fun...
I'm still pretty hopeful about this IGG. I've also definitely got more money to toss out, should it be necessary.
You pony folk are crazy.

That said, I might bump up to the beta tier for funsies.
Cartoons are for kids! We don't need that here, it's beating a dead horse. The show hasn't even had simplistic morality tales that end in friendship lessons for a few seasons if anyone found that aspect cringe worthy, more natural character development even if the pastel ponies are a deal breaker.
actually no. I personally find the whole show nice for little girls but anyone else i find it erm... tsk...
"Acceptable." I believe the word you're looking for is "acceptable." ;)
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"Acceptable." I believe the word you're looking for is "acceptable." ;)
yes thank you... Look I don't tick off anyone who is a mlp fans. And I did have a friend who was into mlp to the point were it was concerning, at least to me it was. Look I understand people loving a cartoon, heck I fucking Love Samurai Jack, but i draw the line where I start dressing up as the characters on a daily basis in public that is not for a convention.


Whatever... Just give me my Goat Character so I can do Strider/ SpiderMan wall jump combos.
Oh yeah I heard about that like a few years back. being able to make Spider silk via Goat's Milk and encoding this in the Goat's genes. Oh dear... I kinda want to see if Mane6 were to make the Goat race a super scientific society and they made the next generation of Goat Warrior that can shoot out webs...

That would be kinda weird and cool at the same time.
Oh yeah I heard about that like a few years back. being able to make Spider silk via Goat's Milk and encoding this in the Goat's genes. Oh dear... I kinda want to see if Mane6 were to make the Goat race a super scientific society and they made the next generation of Goat Warrior that can shoot out webs...

That would be kinda weird and cool at the same time.
My simic senses are tingling

The Simic are basically what you said, represented by Green/Blue in Magic.
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Velvet owned the competition in her Lore! Lauren explains in the comments how such a prissy reindeer was even able to go so far:

It's point based. No eliminations. Velvet knew she'd recover lost ground in the fighting competitions.

She has some kind of accent too. It will be interesting to see what sort of voice they give her.
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It's going to make the base goal. Already at 80% with a bit less then a week left. If this was the final day they wouldn't even have to make as much as their first day to clear it. Question is if they can shoot for some stretch goals as the deadline gets closer.
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It's better people don't get too comfortable and keep donating though if they can. A steady stream of donations is better than hoping for the final day push to come through.
Okay, so I raised my donation tier and managed to get the rights to make a lobby accessory and character palette. I currently have no preference for what they are. I'll probably make designing those things a contest here as a way of thanking the Skullgirls community for supporting this game. When I get a deadline and a more concrete set of rules and regulations from Mane6, I'll get more details on how this is going to work. But for now, free entry, only requirement is you need to be a member of Skullheart.
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OH god I never checked this thread now it's 21 pages... We should try get some questions answered.
Thanks to all those who've donated and thanks to all those that think it looks like an interesting game even if you don't donate!

But mainly those that donate.
Cool! Oreo has been answering gameplay questions sporadically so there has been some contact with you guys.

Assuming you guys get funded (of course you will) will Lauren keep releasing lore and artwork periodically to tide us over in addition to gameplay updates? She's a busy person of course, be sure to pay her well.
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Yep Oreo's been holding it down.

Lauren will be part of the team and will continue to refine our story parts! Not sure if it'll be releases as updates on our site/eventual forum or what though. We'll find out together!
I'm so happy it's picked up the pace. I was getting a tad nervous when it hit that wall a week back or so.
Waited a few years for this campaign to arrive, and when it finally did, it caught me comically broke. Life is the best joke, if a bit on the dark humour side.

Didn’t think I’ll be able to support it financially, but I managed to scrape together at least a nominal sum. Very happy to be part of this project and looking forward to seeing it funded!
Waited a few years for this campaign to arrive, and when it finally did, it caught me comically broke. Life is the best joke, if a bit on the dark humour side.

Didn’t think I’ll be able to support it financially, but I managed to scrape together at least a nominal sum. Very happy to be part of this project and looking forward to seeing it funded!
I saw you doing work out there. Thanks for spreading the word!
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I was afraid I wasn't gonna make it on time but I've finally managed to donate to this, I'm so hyped!
Hoping that they can power through and the fans will come together quickly...
Looks like they're going to make it. Only 10k left with 2 and a half days left. They're at 98%. I wish they get some stretch goals though. Now Indivisible needs to pick up and I'll be a happy gamer.
Made my donation finally. They'll send the beta keys by email, right?

unless donations get a major final push, i doubt we'll get Goat...
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Ok so they are 100% [with how dumb IGG does with percentages it's less then 2k currently] funded now. With less then 3 days left assuming the final day is somewhat similar as their first day they might manage some stretch goals. Goat and maybe even the story/stage is still possible depending where they are at in the next 24 hours. Their pace has accelerated for awhile now.
The page shows it's still 1500 short.

Ah, okay you mentioned that.

Yesh, they might get a stretch goal.
I imagine it's like, 99.5% or something, and IGG just rounded up.

EDIT: Whoop, nevermind, they made it.