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Toonami Thread

I dunno. I'm a little scared.

Will you hold my hand...?
I'm gonna get alot of hate for this, and I'm probably gonna get bombarded by all of you, but I've never seen gurren lagann. Saw maybe the first 3 episodes then kinda forgot about it. Caught the last episode on sci-fi one night and kinda got it spoiled for me, pretty much said welp, thats how it ends, oh well.

So to answer your question, I don't think my body is ready. I may need assistance as well.
I dunno. I'm a little scared.

Will you hold my hand...?
They shortened AoT's second opening. That kinda pisses me off but oh well.
Watching Gurren for a third time seems like it'll be fun.
Also I was reminded of how the intro bit with future space battles doesn't actually play out like that when it happens.

And that Tom things about the future got me thinking: Gurren may be airing as a way to promo Kill la Kill whenever that shows up. Or Aniplex could push Madoka as a way to get magical girls back on Toonami as well as getting things pretty DARK.
It just seems dark because its actual content stands in stark contrast to what people expected.
Gosh, that never gets any less annoying.
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It just seems dark because its actual content stands in stark contrast to what people expected.
Gosh, that never gets any less annoying.
There's still a pretty good amount of suffering.

Though reading up shows the worst of it usually falls on Homura. Then Rebellion happens.

Its sorta like how people say Dark Souls is super tough when it isn't that bad.

I recall seeing an amazing comparison image showing how parts of Homura's witch barrier totally look like locations from Dark Souls. Mainly the Kiln of the First Flame and Ash Lake.
That still doesn't change what I'm trying to say.
Before I watched Madoka everyone always yelled at me, "Watch Madoka, it's so grimdark. Watch Madoka, it's not what you think it is. Watch Madoka, it's not like other magical girl shows."

I watched it and I'd put it at a 5/10 at best. It wasn't as dark as everyone made it out to be, it was just sorta sad. Madoka failed to live up to the hype, the only thing I truly enjoyed while watching it was the music.
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I think that's more of a problem,with people overhyping stuff tbh, aka bad fans. I try to take hype with a grain of salt.

but, even if toonami picked it up, nobody would be forcing you to watch it so, to each their own.
I think that's more of a problem with people overhyping stuff tbh, aka bad fans. I try to take hype with a grain of salt.

but, even if toonami picked it up, nobody would be forcing you to watch it so, to each their own.
My general dislike for Madoka Magica was due to both a combination of bad fans and a bad show and I hope it never gets on Toonami because then I would have to sit through it in order to watch the shows I actually like.

I'd only be alright with it if one of my friends was a fan of the show, I can sit through crap if my friends are happy.
nobody would be making you sit through madoka. :\ I mean nothing is stopping you from changing the channel for half am hour. I don't like one piece but that doesn't stop me from enjoying toonami.
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Having to change the channel so I don't have to look at something is a pain in the ass.
For the sake of a better argument against having the show on Toonami I should mention that it would take up a time slot that could be occupied by something much better.

I just think the show sucks, that's all.
Huh, I guess I understand Ruin's point of view now.
Having to change the channel so I don't have to look at something is a pain in the ass.
:/ that's not a good reason at all.

and I,think everyone would want something taken off of toonami so something they like that they think is "better"
:/ that's not a good reason at all.
That's why I gave a better reason for why the show shouldn't be included immediately after that sentence.
I think everyone would want something taken off of toonami so something they like that they think is "better"
They're called opinions for a reason. I'm not implying that my desires should matter any more than the next person's, I'm just voicing what I think about Madoka Magica possibly being added to the schedule, or any magical girl show.
I did read the whole post. That was what the other half of my message was for.

and we should just agree to disagree. We could go all night about this and get literally nowhere at all.
We should just agree to disagree.
I agree, but why didn't you follow that old adage earlier?
You could have easily just ignored my opinion of the show and I would have said nothing more.

It seems to me that people are way too quick to defend something they like even when no one is actually attacking it. If I had a say in how Toonami's schedule is set up then your displeasure and retaliation is warranted, but in this case I think you just wanted to argue.
EDIT: I'm not saying you shouldn't say anything when I say something. I'm just saying that if you're gonna say that then follow through with it. You know what I'm saying?
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Alright just so I can stop being called out on that one remark I will admit it's a stupid reason.
So shut the fuck up already.
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I agree, but why didn't you follow that old adage earlier?
You could have easily just ignored my opinion of the show and I would have said nothing more.

It seems to me that people are way too quick to defend something they like even when no one is actually attacking it. If I had a say in how Toonami's schedule is set up then your displeasure and retaliation is warranted, but in this case I think you just wanted to argue.
EDIT: I'm not saying you shouldn't say anything when I say something. I'm just saying that if you're gonna say that then follow through with it. You know what I'm saying?
I was more saying that I think it'd be okay if they did added it, and I guess it just went sour from there. my bad. :P arguing is kind of hereditary for me.

and nah, I get what you mean. it's cool
I'm gonna get alot of hate for this, and I'm probably gonna get bombarded by all of you, but I've never seen gurren lagann. Saw maybe the first 3 episodes then kinda forgot about it. Caught the last episode on sci-fi one night and kinda got it spoiled for me, pretty much said welp, thats how it ends, oh well.

So to answer your question, I don't think my body is ready. I may need assistance as well.
That's 3 episodes more than me...
Honestly, I agree Denizen on Madoka (though I'd rate it slightly higher.) I'd honestly prefer Fate/ Kalied Liner Prisma Illya if we're getting magical girls (hell I'd prefer it to a ton of things, I liked Illya a lot especially with where the manga is going).
Well they are doing that thing where you can suggest stuff for the block.
They call it manipulating the manual.
Time to make a bunch of fake accounts and suggest Madoka en masse
not if I make more fake accounts and demand sailor moon with all of them!


if its any consolation, I'd say start with a different Urobutcher show, Psycho-Pass. and THEN bring in Madoka.
I think Psycho-Pass would be a good choice for Toonami.
IKR? and it has all the urobutchering you can ask for!
they said toonami may be getting darker . . . but how dark we wondered?

HELLSING OVAs are showing up! It's really late at 3am, but damn, I can't argue with Alucard's ultraviolence. This September after black lagoon ends.

I thought the last few episodes weren't dubbed yet? Or something. Seras is best girl.
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Death Note Death Note Death Note Death Note.

Or Kill la Kill.
HELLSING OVAs are showing up! It's really late at 3am, but damn, I can't argue with Alucard's ultraviolence. This September after black lagoon ends.
NICE, I fucking loved Hellsing Ultimate, it has one of the best English Dubs I've ever heard.
Also It's one of the few works of fiction where I tolerated the use of rape as drama.
Death Note has been done on the block before. and it's kinda lost the popularity as flavor of the month.

I still think Psycho-Pass would be really good.
Death Note has been done on the block before. and it's kinda lost the popularity as flavor of the month.
It kinda loses a bit of its momentum in general once it gets to the second half of the series.
At least there, it made sense that there was no fanfare
as in if Light had any fanfare from L dying, he was getting his ass shipped off to prison

But yeah, second half of Death Note definitely had the wind taken out of it's sails.