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Toonami Thread

In the beginning fairy tail looks like one piece
but then it developes it's own art style over the course of the anime and manga
That's really weird man, that's like saying that puppies and kittens are the most hideous creatures in the world.
I think there are way waaay waaaaay worse dubs than Gurren Lagann. For instance, most of what's now on Toonami. Are you sure that we're listening to the same thing? 'Cause to me, this doesn't sound bad at all.
A TTGL dub video

I mean it's fine that you don't like the dubs, I'm not trying to argue that they're good, I just find it really odd that you would think that they're worse than this garbage. I mean there must be a reason for it, I just want to know what it is.
a JoJo OVA video

those arent really fair comparisons considering the OVA for Stardust Crusaders came out around the era of "barely give a damn about the dub" (even though I do like some parts of the dub of the OVA) while TTGL came out when dubs had some sense of quality.

I think the dub for TTGL sounds fine. I heard it's hit or miss with some people.
In the beginning fairy tail looks like one piece
View attachment 4089View attachment 4090 but then it developes it's own art style over the course of the anime and manga
View attachment 4091 View attachment 4092
you do realize that both artists for Fairy Tail and One Piece worked under Akira Toriyama, so it makes sense to me that they have similar styles.

I mean, its similar to the style of RAVE, the series that came out before Fairy Tail.
You know what should be on toonami

We have enough Shonen. Let's not have more than half the block turn into shows that will never end.

The dub broadcast got to Enies Lobby?
niiiiice, I wish I still watched TV so I could see that shit going on.

those arent really fair comparisons considering the OVA for Stardust Crusaders came out around the era of "barely give a damn about the dub" (even though I do like some parts of the dub of the OVA) while TTGL came out when dubs had some sense of quality.

I think the dub for TTGL sounds fine. I heard it's hit or miss with some people.

you do realize that both artists for Fairy Tail and One Piece worked under Akira Toriyama, so it makes sense to me that they have similar styles.

I mean, its similar to the style of RAVE, the series that came out before Fairy Tail.
Unlike one piece it changes, rave master was made by the same guy.
you do realize that both artists for Fairy Tail and One Piece worked under Akira Toriyama, so it makes sense to me that they have similar styles.
Actually, Oda's first job in the business was an assistant to Nobuhiro Watsuki, the creator of Rurouni Kenshin. I can't say as much for the other guy, but I haven't exactly looked him up.
I've watched a bit of FT and noticed that in general its just silly fun and not super deep and the power of friendship is totally broken good.

Also Erza.
and in the dub she's voiced by everyone's favorite, Colleen Clickenbeard.

but you wanna know what should definitely be added to Toonami?
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I'd be pretty awesome with The Kotetsu Show feat. some other people being added to the lineup
Tiger & Bunny would be great to watch again on my favorite anime block.

Also, I remember when Toonami first got back on the air, they were showing promos for the DVD/Blu-Ray of Steins;Gate. I remember asking my friend when he thought they would start airing that and we were both hoping soon. Fast forward to today and it still hasn't happened :/ Good thing I already watched it.

Oh well, I like the shows they got now and hey, my little bro and I love TTGL.
How many more episodes till Bleach ends? Pretty sure FT would replace that as a long running series.
I'd be pretty awesome with The Kotetsu Show feat. some other people being added to the lineup

With Special Guest: Origami Cyclone!
How many more episodes till Bleach ends? Pretty sure FT would replace that as a long running series.
I'd be okay with that.
I dunno I think Enies Lobby is kinda overrated but that's just me. When's Sabaody-- Oh another 100 episodes...

Also I think the Funimation dub of One Piece is one of the greatest shounen dubs of all time.
well hey man it's not skypiea at least
the most that arc did was set stuff up and have J. Michael Tatum's tasty Eneru
I dunno I think Enies Lobby is kinda overrated but that's just me. When's Sabaody-- Oh another 100 episodes...

Also I think the Funimation dub of One Piece is one of the greatest shounen dubs of all time.
I say that goes to DBZ for actually casting people as the characters and not the Japanese voice actors.
you say that but DBZ doesn't have a japanese version
it's just a bunch of older women that decided to sound like young men in an attempt to be hip and cool
Young men? I thought they were just constipated.
Old Jojo is so bad it's good. I'm not usually one for sub superiority but this is my favorite series man. Dubbed Gurren Lagann is simply awful in my mind. I literally can't listen to it. But that of course doesn't mean that other people can't enjoy it, even though I despise it. That's just my subjective opinion. Case closed, bring in the dancing lobsters.

Also, Space Dandy and FMA: Brotherhood (especially Brotherhood) have great dubs in my opinion but I do see your point on the majority of the other anime titles in the lineup.
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People need to watch more old anime dubs to really appreciate how far the dub quality has improved in recent years.
and also audio quality
technology is amazing
watch dubbed anime that came BEFORE Cowboy Bebop era. You'll find some gems of English dialogue.

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People need to watch more old anime dubs to really appreciate how far the dub quality has improved in recent years.
Golden Boy, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Tenchi Universe, Project A-Ko, Cromartie Highschool, GTO, Gundam Wing, G Gundam, Lupin III, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop (especially), Fist of the North Star/Hokuto no Ken, Initial D, NGE, DBZ (lol), Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, etc. all had really great dubs. Arguably much better than many of the titles of today in regards to dubs. It really depends on who is chosen and how well they are able to embody the character. As it has been said though, sound quality has definitely skyrocketed.
It's the english dub of the 1986 Fist of the North Star movie
You can find it on YT pretty easily. It's not very good, but I'd tell you to give it a watch anyway!
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It's more like if Duwang cut out Okuyasu and Rohan and let Kira win at the end but then make him turn good
watch dubbed anime that came BEFORE Cowboy Bebop era. You'll find some gems of English dialogue.

This is one of those gems and it's one of my all time favorite shows.

I always put this over the subbed version any day. Doug Smith is underrated as a voice actor.

honestly I'm referring to anime dubs where the lines they wrote are just gawdawful but memorable because of them. My personal favorite being
you wouldn't know a godamn vampire if it jumped on top of you and bit off the end of your dick. So get off my back.
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But that of course doesn't mean that other people can't enjoy it, even though I despise it. That's just my subjective opinion. Case closed, bring in the dancing lobsters.
Whether you like subs or dubs doesn't matter to me, I'm just happy that the leader and co-founder of The Wulf Pack shares the same favorite show as me. Gurren Lagann Bros Fo Lyfe.
Whether you like subs or dubs doesn't matter to me, I'm just happy that the leader and co-founder of The Wulf Pack shares the same favorite show as me. Gurren Lagann Bros Fo Lyfe.
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I did hear from a friend (who is often misinformed) that they were planning on adding dubbed toku shows. I would love it if they did, but I highly doubt it.
I wouldn't mind Power Rangers or Kamen Rider on Toonami, I'd watch it
omigawd! there's actually a dub of Kabuto that aired on Malaysian Toonami and it was cheesy as hell but it's so cheesy its good. I wonder if American Toonami technically owns that and has airing rights to it?

and he said it would be a Zyuranger dub, but I say go just a little further back and bring in one of the best. Jetman.
I really don't want to burst anyone's bubbles, but unless they're animated, I don't see toku shows airing on Toonami.
although I did say my friend is often wrong, I still can see it happening.

I mean, they DID air a dubbed one on the Malaysian toonami a few years ago, and they've been doing it again on that block for a dubbed version of decade.

I'm not saying my friend is right because I want him to be, but I would really love toonami to expand to other shows, not just cartoons. so I would hope there's some weight in what he said.