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Unpopular gaming opinions

Squire Grooktook

The wind blew all day long
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
The nexus of the universe
Squire Grooktook
Ms. Fortune Filia Unknown
-Gunstar Heroes is over-rated. It's a good game, but it really comes off as a case of style over substance if you compare it to any Contra, Metal Slug, Mega Man, or Ghouls and Ghosts of the time. The level design is not particularly memorable imo and mostly is just a string of boss fights, and the whole thing just feels very loose and unfocused to me. Not saying it's not a good game, but people talk about it like it's THE action platformer which is something I could never quite understand.

-Jamestown is over-rated. I keep seeing reviews calling it a "Cave killer" or whatever, but imo in terms of pure gameplay design it doesn't hold a candle to some of the more refined and focused bullet hell shooters that came before it. I like the scoring system, but I feel like the level and boss design is not particularly memorable. In particular, I think it lacks variety. A lot of the stage gimmicks don't really change the way you play, and a lot of the boss bullet patterns feel very interchangeable imo. It's a good game but it's obvious that it's the developers first try at the genre, let's not forget that Cave, Touhou, even Gradius weren't perfect on the first game either.

-Final Fantasy is not an rpg. It's a linear story telling game that just happens to have gameplay mechanics (turn based battles, leveling, etc.) that are common among rpgs. There is no actual role playing in the series beyond the first game (and MAYBE the third, if I'm being generous), so I don't think they should be called rpg's.

-I really don't like the Shin Megami Tensei anime or manga adaptations that retell the original story. I think the main stories lose a lot of their charm when you take the focus on the player out. I'd prefer to see more adaptations that explore and expand on the world as a whole, maybe only showing the silent protaganist as a cameo or in a flash back.

-Turn based battles are not obsolete. They can have the same sense of excitement as any action game battle, they just go about it differently. Action vs Turn Based both have their advantages so it's more of a trade off picking one over the other. Turn Based leads itself more to the "imagination" aspect of rpg's though.

-Some people think that EVERY opponent action can be read in a fighting game. I'm a bit more moderate. I think generally it's very possible to read most of what your opponent does, but there is a margin for error and it is possible for an opponent to more or less just make a mental coin flip. That being said, strategy will generally still give you the best results.

-Shmups are not about memorization. It's a sweeping over-generalization, and it's stupid even beyond that. It's like saying fighting games are "about" training mode. Fighting games are about fighting and shooters are about shooting. What skills the game prioritizes is completely up to the developer. There are many shmups that are very static, or do not telegraph their hazards well. There are also many shmups that telegraph their hazards well and introduce random elements to force reaction.

-Skill does exist. There's a disturbing belief that seems to be going about that everything is just game knowledge and that true skill doesn't exist. This is provably wrong. Numerous studies and tests have proven that people who practice skills like reactions, motor skills, precision, etc. will eventually become more consistent with them. People just tend to forget about this in games, because it's hard to really measure fundamental skills, and most major improvement tends not to come until after you've practiced the game long enough to learn about every nook and cranny of it.
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Was this separate thread really necessary?
I dunno, kinda felt like it. There's a thread like this dedicated purely to video games on srk though, and that's gone through like 8 volumes.
rosalina is a shit character
final fantasy 7 is super overrated and cloud is not a very good character.

indie games are a joke now.

anything indie in its name is a joke.

indie consoles are the biggest bullshit ever and a total sham.
final fantasy 7 is super overrated and cloud is not a very good character.

indie games are a joke now.

anything indie in its name is a joke.

indie consoles are the biggest bullshit ever and a total sham.

There are some really good indie games (Rogue Legacy etc.)

I think Sturgeons Law applies pretty hard to both "mainstream"/AAA games as well as indie. You just have to be discriminating and not get caught up in the hype for any movement that's too big.
the problem is that the market for indies sort of whores out the word "indie" alone. it worked for fez, and people bought it. it works for braid and people buy it. I hate how the TERM itself is just so whored out in its entirety. a game should stand on its own merits, not because of how its made.
Qauntic Dream and David Cage are overrated and terrible. For example, Heavy Rain? The game everyone lauded as "the greatest"? I hated it; it's barely a game at all, and even then only because it has QTE. That's all.

Also, violent video games don't cause shootings. There are literally no facts and no pieces of evidence to support such claims. It's just the media cashing in on the fear caused by shootings.
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the violent shootings thing isnt really an unpopular opinion thing. lots of gamers agree.
the violent shootings thing isnt really an unpopular opinion thing. lots of gamers agree.


Ya could've foooooooooooled me. .-.
The key word is gamers.

(sigh) Well, at least I'm pretty sure my first thing qualifies...
oh and uh

i think fighting games are fun but people also take them waaaaaay too seriously and I think that's one of the dumbest things I've ever encountered in my time as a player of vidya
I think Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive(and tekken to a degree) are bad because of a fatal design flaw that cannot be fixed.
i still think people should at least (loosely) follow the ESRB ratings...
I really don't think its right that you have young kids, age 10 playing games like CoD, TLoU, etc
CoD in single player shows very brutal, realistic killings, with people begging for their lives and stuff. It's hard to watch even for an adult, let alone a child, not saying it's gonna make them violent just that it's not appropriate subject matter for kids, they get de-sensitized to stuff they don't even fully understand.

When we were kids it was different you know, games like GoldenEye were considered "risque" for kids to play, but those games were basically Cartoon violence.
Even games like Halo was rated M, yet it was perfectly fine for kids, yet it has the same rating as games like Manhunt, CoD, TLoU, which are extremely graphic, makes no sense to me.
I think Virtua Fighter and Dead or Alive(and tekken to a degree) are bad because of a fatal design flaw that cannot be fixed.
can you please elaborate on the design flaw?
the problem is that the market for indies sort of whores out the word "indie" alone. it worked for fez, and people bought it. it works for braid and people buy it. I hate how the TERM itself is just so whored out in its entirety. a game should stand on its own merits, not because of how its made.
What I don't like is how they pretend that the limitations of their budget is something intentional. I would prefer if all the beep boop retro indie games would just come out and say "the game looks like this because we don't have a budget" as opposed to be claiming to be all hip and purposefully retro when we all know that if they could do something like Dragon's Crown, they'd spring for it.
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In the aforementioned games, your key to victory is pattern recognition, training your opponent, prediction, basically being a badass psychic, right? The problem is that because every character has predetermined combos they can perform, players get used to trying to predict them, and performing them as well. BUT if you have a player who is ignoring patterns (I.E. mashing), no matter how experienced the opponent is, they'll probably lose because they are always expecting a pattern, but since it's just gobbledygook, they get mollywhopped. This also reinforces mashing.
I shouldn't have said "bad" but this is a design flaw to me.
What I don't like is how they pretend that the limitations of their budget is something intentional. I would prefer if all the beep boop retro indie games would just come out and say "the game looks like this because we don't have a budget" as opposed to be claiming to be all hip and purposefully retro when we all know that if they could do something like Dragon's Crown, they'd spring for it.
hey, I'm working for the annie game and we dont say that indie dev BS. we kinda agree that if we could do better we would, but we cant. Lord knows we'd love to make the annie game have the artstyle of dragon's crown. who wouldnt want something of dragon's crown quality?
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hey, I'm working for the annie game and we dont say that indie dev BS. we kinda agree that if we could do better we would, but we cant. Lord knows we'd love to make the annie game have the artstyle of dragon's crown. who wouldnt want something of dragon's crown quality?
Yeah, that's the kind of refreshing honesty I'd like to see from indie developers.

In the aforementioned games, your key to victory is pattern recognition, training your opponent, prediction, basically being a badass psychic, right? The problem is that because every character has predetermined combos they can perform, players get used to trying to predict them, and performing them as well. BUT if you have a player who is ignoring patterns (I.E. mashing), no matter how experienced the opponent is, they'll probably lose because they are always expecting a pattern, but since it's just gobbledygook, they get mollywhopped. This also reinforces mashing.
I shouldn't have said "bad" but this is a design flaw to me.

You could say that about any fighting game. They all have routines and certain plans that become ingrained, and you have to recognize when your'e playing a beginner that they might not be aware of that. You adjust accordingly. Being adaptive is key in fighters imo.
In the aforementioned games, your key to victory is pattern recognition, training your opponent, prediction, basically being a badass psychic, right? The problem is that because every character has predetermined combos they can perform, players get used to trying to predict them, and performing them as well. BUT if you have a player who is ignoring patterns (I.E. mashing), no matter how experienced the opponent is, they'll probably lose because they are always expecting a pattern, but since it's just gobbledygook, they get mollywhopped. This also reinforces mashing.
I shouldn't have said "bad" but this is a design flaw to me.
thats a design flaw better suited in terms of players. even a top tier street fighter player lost because he kept trying to play professionally against someone who was not playing with any strategy at all. not really a 3d fighter problem.
I think...
Bioshock 2 is better than Bioshock 1.
A Link to the Past isn't very good. In fact, the original LoZ is better.
Super Mario Sunshine is the best Mario game ever (though this opinion has been gaining traction recently).
Majora's Mask is better than Ocarina of Time. In fact, Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game ever (This opinion has seen some popularity recently as well!).
Annie should be in Skullgirls
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Sano, I feel it's much more common in 3D fighters, but it's fine, really.
I like ZoE better than ZoE:2nd Runner.
In fact, Majora's Mask is the best Zelda game ever (This opinion has seen some popularity recently as well!).

How I've felt for years lol. I've never played a game that had quite the same emotion and atmosphere. It's definitely the best Zelda games and probably one of my favorite games of all time too.
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oh and uh

i think fighting games are fun but people also take them waaaaaay too seriously and I think that's one of the dumbest things I've ever encountered in my time as a player of vidya
Not any different than Strategy games, MOBAs, FPSes or any competitive video game. Might as well just throw in games like Chess and Go. Man, can you imagine that there are tournaments for board games? What a bunch of no-life losers!
I think DmC is a good game. The soundtrack is pretty good, the combat is good, I like the artstyle and, after watching stuff from the older Devil May Cry games, I can't understand the problem everyone has with new Dante.

Lord knows we'd love to make the annie game have the artstyle of dragon's crown.

Oooh, or a spectacle fighter Annie game!

Man, can you imagine that there are tournaments for board games? What a bunch of no-life losers!

Yeah, what a bunch of nerds! LOL (pushes up glasses, laughing like a nerd)
I think DmC is a good game. The soundtrack is pretty good, the combat is good, I like the artstyle and, after watching stuff from the older Devil May Cry games, I can't understand the problem everyone has with new Dante.
I honestly cant either. his personality is super 90s. I like the new dante MORE than the old one.
I honestly cant either. his personality is super 90s. I like the new dante MORE than the old one.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure new Dante is also better written compared to what I've seen of old Dante. Or, rather, actually written. Also, am I the only one who thinks old Dante's hair looks like a wig?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure new Dante is also better written compared to what I've seen of old Dante. Or, rather, actually written. Also, am I the only one who thinks old Dante's hair looks like a wig?
I dont mind old dante's design, but I do prefer a dante that has more personality than a saltine.
Unpopular opinion: Kinetica is the best racing game in existence.
Not any different than Strategy games, MOBAs, FPSes or any competitive video game. Might as well just throw in games like Chess and Go. Man, can you imagine that there are tournaments for board games? What a bunch of no-life losers!
mmm, i sure do love the taste of words that were put in my mouth
Metroid Other M was a great metroid game and better than prime
but what about bayonetta?
She's pretty cool.

Metroid Other M was a great metroid game and better than prime
I think Other M was rushed and terrible, but I agree that Metroid Prime is really over-rated.

Combat and boss fights were kinda tedious imo.

In fact here's an even more unpopular opinion: Not all the Castlevania Metroidvania's are great, but they are almost universally more fun to play than any Metroid game. More responsive controls, better and more frequent boss fights, more customization for your play style, more colorful world and atmosphere, better soundtrack, etc.
I think Castlevania Judgment is okay.
Kirby's Epic Yarn was one of the best Kirbys.

Yoshi's Story is a good Yoshi game.

The songs from Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 with lyrics are really dumb, and never have the slightest thing to do with the game/level they are in.

Ocarina of Time, while undoubtedly an important and revolutionary game, has not aged well.