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What's your favorite animation in Skullgirls?

This picture accurately sums up my personal opinion on Eliza:
Almost anything from Peacock, especially when she whistles for Shadow of Impending Doom. Also Squigly's disappointed-looking frown after whiffing Daisy Pusher makes me not care that I wasted a bar of tension.
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I just wanted to point out that I think Skullgirls is in great need of more win & intro poses. I think reused animation things like these could help. Peacock is gonna run out of those smokes eventually. Why can't she just dance?
I'm pointing out Parasoul here channeling some Satsuki. Or Val being extra ninja-like.

Not shown: Val's time out lose pose (The Mortal Kombat skeletons) which should be changed to a win pose because it looks amazing.
i like the ones where you get to see the girls knickers.
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I just wanted to point out that I think Skullgirls is in great need of more win & intro poses. I think reused animation things like these could help. Peacock is gonna run out of those smokes eventually. Why can't she just dance?

I'm pointing out Parasoul here channeling some Satsuki. Or Val being extra ninja-like.

Not shown: Val's time out lose pose (The Mortal Kombat skeletons) which should be changed to a win pose because it looks amazing.
Valentine: *whispers* There's a sale on bras downtown, wanna go?
Parasoul: Sweet, I'll get the credit card...
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Ok, I think we can agree on the now-correct answer to this question: BEOWULF'S JAZZ HANDS.
If you don't know the ones I'm talking about, they come after Gretish Trepak. They are fabulous.
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In New Meridian, hair has body be headbands!
Actually, Filia resembles a scarf flowing in the wind in that animation.
I'd say that my favorite animation is Robo Fortune's Detonation Mode


It reminds me of Metal Gear Rising, and I REALLY LOVE Metal Gear Rising.
its hard to choose one...one from each character lets do that.

Parasol- s.MK x2
Eliza - Knee fall animation
Fillia - Tripped animation (pre-censor. yup i'm that guy.)
fukua - HK forever a clone
painwheel - c.MK
cerebella- Forward Walk animation
squigly- was c.HP now its taunt
ms.fortune - Knee fall animation
Big band - Tuba Tuba
Valentine- mortuary drop
Robo-Fortune - Grab
double - standing idle
beowulf- wulfblitzer
peacock- goodfellows
I just noticed Peacock's new win animation. Too bad I didn't get to capture it.
Ya mean this?

everyone love eliza
For epicness: Eliza's Lady of Slaughter, Robo Fortune's lvl 5 Laser.
For laughs: Squigly's crouching down/going up animation, Peacock's stagger animation.

My favorite of all: Peacock's Roadroller.
I like Filia's c.MK due to the effect on the hair spike, along with Cerebella's Diamond Deflector, simply because it's clever and looks nice.
Squigly's Daisy Pusher is also fantastic.
I think digging up some alpha gameplay might solve this question.
Is there footage? IS THERE FOOTAGE?!

Also if I havent already posted here then:

Squigly snapback
Squigly taunt
Beowulf's walkback animation (if I tap it repeatly it looks like he's head banging)
Beowulf's S.HK
Beowulf's diving wulfdog
Ultimate Showstopper
Diamond Drop
Pummel Horse
Filia's CR.MK
Filia's forward knockdown
Ms.Fortune's S.MP
Ms.Fortune's forward airdash and grounded backdash
Eliza's HP rekka
Big Band's super sonic jazz
Peacock's CR.HK
Peacock's whistling animation
Peacock's tagout animation
Peacock's walk forward and walk back animations
I think digging up some alpha gameplay might solve this question.
beta has the changes right now. the retail version of the game hasn't changed there yet.
beta has the changes right now. the retail version of the game hasn't changed there yet.

The game was censored recently???? Impossibru, I thought this would have been a SDE-era change, otherwise i would have seen it in the patch notes.
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another favorite of mine was Cerecopter pre-censored...because of reasons.
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another favorite of mine was Cerecopter pre-censored...because of reasons.
Why do people say "reasons" even when the reason is obvious. You don't like it because of Vice Versa's beautiful spinning motion do you?
Speaking of which, for those that missed it, IsaVulpes made a post using cerecopter as an example of some of the revisions when they happened in April.

As for actual hats, I like how Vice-Versa can be very expressive and not always mirror Cerebella's emotions. For instance:

source: tumblr
Cerebella is coldly dismissive while look how gleeful Vice-Versa is!