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AW man swiggity swooty today could not get any better than this. Thanks Lilman for being such a bro.
If it makes you feel better I don't think he's going to accept anyways. I think he's going to continue just talking a big game while declining all money match requests and ducking his local scene.

Skullgirlsfanboy doesn't have the game on PC as far as I'm aware. He plays exclusively on PS3 and doesn't have a connection that's good enough for online gaming or something. I know this because he's posted a billion times all over the forums and its impossible to not see his posts unless you put him on ignore (which I probably should). Honestly, you deal with stupidity by ignoring it. Its clear he's never going to show up for local events or play online or even play the game in any real capacity.

I'm still convinced its a gimmick account.
So like I have a competent computer to play on now

Just sayin
okay do i have you down for this month's WYL?

edit: nope~! these are the people i have down
  • SpaceCadetKeon vs Guymelef
  • Fosh vs BchmnTrnrOvrdrv
  • GFramer vs Magicman
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@Ninja There are a lot of people that don't think you should host this, including myself. The problem has been nobody wants to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad in general, so nobody has said anything to you about it. Just know that I'm not trying to go out of my way to target you and abuse your position aimlessly. I'm just trying to communicate what a lot of people have been wanting to say in a way that we can all leave happily with. I'm all for allowing the community to do shit, but between the way you carry yourself on the forums, the way you communicate through text, and some the cringy shit you say in stream chats, I don't think you'll be a good, entertaining host. Or at least not someone we want to show off to the people that watch the stream seeing it for the first time. When you interact with other people in the community it seems like you try too hard to be outgoing, to the point where it can be grating on the community experience. Maybe if you would relax and just try to say your own stuff, or at least handle all the fads the community goes through a little less seriously (by this I mean feel happy to use them , but also just try to communicate with other community members on other interests, either your own or something that you learn about someone that would be a fun thing for both of you to participate in. In other words just don't go overboard with the "memes")

The whole way you're going about setting up a vote match so in advance is no good as well. It may make setting it up easier, but it kills the classic vote experience on the spot, which is part of the entertainment of WYL in the first place. Like, people like to suggest matches IN stream chat, allowing EVERYONE watching to choose what goes on in the event. But in setting up the vote super early, you're just excluding a lot of the people that would otherwise only vote while watching. There are probably a lot of people that won't even know the vote already happened. There are a lot of other people who can host. I would go so far as to suggest that you still host, but have someone that can show you the ropes of being a good entertainer, a good commentator, and see how to handle your self (akin to a mini public speaking class experience.) Like, perhaps if @mcpeanuts or someone else that has a lot of hosting time were to co-host with you it would be a good thing. But by yourself a lot of people are worried about the quality of the event, seeing as how skullgirls play is slowing down for a lot of people in the first place. I hope you understand where I'm coming from.
Don't let it get you down @Ninja, at least you're not a piece of shit like me.

I'm looking forward to the next WYL, especially the possible match between @mcpeanuts and Skullgirlfanboy.
By the way dude, if he shows up are you going to match his solo with your own or will you stick with a team?
Not that it'll make a difference in the end, interpret that as you will.

I guess we could fall back on me hosting the stre-

Oh. Huh.

If this is real maybe do that kinda thing in private next time and skip to the part where you offer to help the person if you're so super concerned they're going to ruin the integrity of WYL. Have any of the other hosts done anything other than just wing it? Ninja if you have ever commentated any matches before I'm sure you'll do fine. If you haven't make sure to get a co-commentator.

I will destroy all involved parties if we don't get our promised GFramer vs Magicman overseas hypetacular fest.
To be honest idk if WYL even had integrity. this sort of drama is dumb as fuck though

I will destroy all involved parties if we don't get our promised GFramer vs Magicman overseas hypetacular fest.

Buy me a decent mike so I can host who y'all like and become an internet superstar!

or don't!


EDIT: I meant to type mic, but buy me a Mike anyways, preferably a Z
i don't even know any more. I'll just get some one to co-host or something. I wanted to do this and have fun trying make it look nice and stuff. I guess I'll just throw myself back into a trash can right next to Filia when this is done.
i don't even know any more. I'll just get some one to co-host or something. I wanted to do this and have fun trying make it look nice and stuff. I guess I'll just throw myself back into a trash can right next to Filia when this is done.

Mann just do it lol if you can find a co commentator that can bring the hype that's cool and all but i doubt anyone special is going to watch the stream and be like "wow this commentary is pretty bad time to lose all interest in skullgirls." ESPECIALLY AFTER DEALING WITH HOW THE STREAM CHAT GOES SOMETIMES.

edit: basically just turn down your normal fuckery, leave that to the stream chat focus on the matches and you'll be alright homie.
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i really don't have that much fuckery to begin with ( i think? ). I mean "booty" but everybody likes booty, right?
i really don't have that much fuckery to begin with ( i think? ). I mean "booty" but everybody likes booty, right?

i guess you never heard of the O P P A I S Q U A D
I'd like to thank @WarpedEcho for being the bad guy and making this post since I know some other people feel the same way but none of them have been willing to say it to Ninja directly.

My own thoughts are like, I've always been willing to give Ninja a shot at this, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a lot of the same concerns that you do. I think Duck may have the right idea with having a co commentator who has some experience with WYL, that may be better than trying to fly solo your first time hosting. If that works for everyone I'd be willing to help out.
The whole way you're going about setting up a vote match so in advance is no good as well. It may make setting it up easier, but it kills the classic vote experience on the spot, which is part of the entertainment of WYL in the first place.
To be fair this was actually my suggestion. We've had issues in the past with the vote match and this is one of the solutions I proposed, but I guess this method isn't without its share of problems too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Co-hosting is a good idea. It's why I suggested it as well (although I definitely could have been a little nicer in the way I said it. I did my best to say some ugly shit that people had on their mind in the best, most reasonable way I could, but obviously it would never be nice enough). A way to remedy vote match stuff is ask people in regular sg stream chats (via strawpolls etc) as well as on here I guess? At least have input leading up to the event. You never know what "beefs" people can come up with until then. Then if there are no better suggestions at the time of the stream you can choose or do a vote between the top contenders for the people watching then.
I just know my man Ninja was up last night on the verge of chucking up shit he felt so bad, I dunno if he's just sick or slap SICK from worrying about all this but it was semi-unfair to his health either way so I'd like to ease the process of the rest of this and show him some support because this is just around the corner now
Follow up post apologizing to @WarpedEcho cause I didn't mean for my trash talking to actually get to you if it did dude, I don't think you're a heartless asshole but I'll also echo what I said in PM FIGHT ME MAN

EDIT: I'm too nice for salt, someone help, how do I stir up shit
I just know my man Ninja was up last night on the verge of chucking up shit he felt so bad, I dunno if he's just sick or slap SICK from worrying about all this but it was semi-unfair to his health either way so I'd like to ease the process of the rest of this and show him some support because this is just around the corner now

nah man i was just feeling sick sick. I passed around 10, it's 2 now. that's what? 4 hours of sleep? I feel better, throat's filled with flem now. no biggie.
nah man i was just feeling sick sick. I passed around 10, it's 2 now. that's what? 4 hours of sleep? I feel better, throat's filled with flem now. no biggie.

bb pls get better before the 25th go eat some soup
i'll be fine i'll just pass out for the whole weekend and get better by actually fucking sleeping for once. my sleep schedule is nonexistent.
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