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Personal Wut?! Todd will be here in spirit with you...

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I use Bristol 9x12 but lately just sketch books since I'm designing my own story and moving from fan art a little
I only do basic outlines with placement shadows in pencil [animator's habit sorry ):D ], the rest I do on the computer. so when I look at your stuff I got to give you a hand because you're taking the time to use pencils to their best ability.
Man I need to start remembering the names of items in drawing getting foggy in memory, jeez. Need to start using the Bristol I have much more. Y'all get mad props for effort.
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I use Bristol 9x12 but lately just sketch books since I'm designing my own story and moving from fan art a little

There is nothing wrong with moving away from fan art. However, certain jobs/positions will feel like all you draw is fan art like working at Udon. That would mostly be drawing a lot of Capcom and it would feel like your doing fan art. But it a dream job!

Being original is always awesome. Remember!
Hi everyone!

Here's an update. I know a lot of you saw this already, but I'm only posting this update because I went to NYCC Thursday, half of Friday and I met a few of my favourite artists in the business. One of them being LeSean Thomas. He's an animator and he worked on shows like The Boondocks and The Legend of Korra. He also did work on Black Dynamite. He's an amazing guy. He spoke to me for awhile and I felt every work counted. Of course it does, he can got in and If I apply the same rules that helped him, I can do the same for myself.

Bob Camp was the guy who took over Ren & Stimpy. He's the co-creator and because of his work he won a few awards and the show did two. He works at SVA still and thankful still does. He was in the Artist Alley. A lot of fan artist were there like Chamba, Robaato and even DCTB but Bob and legends like fucking Klaus Janson was there. I saw Klaus and I sad "hey, my sophomore teacher is here...in the artist alley." lol? Anyway Bob gave me his gmail and told me to contact him. Omigod I can't wait to meet him this week. He teaches story boarding at SVA.

Personally speaking I love this image... A LOT. It's one of my personal favourites.

Please ask Bob Camp about the episodes "An Abe Divided" and "In The Army".

I want to know his opinion on them mainly cause they're my favorites. Also, congrats on meeting him.
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I really need to try a groupshot like that someday.
It's so much fun, and at the same time a lot of work. The hard part is thinking of who to put in. I usually put characters that mean a lot to me. I try to cram as many as I can as well as having a lot of them interact with each other. Like Starfire, Sailor Moon and X-23 for example. Coco Bandicoot and Ms Fortune are another example. Blossom flying from behind and to the front of the picture is also another example. Its a matter of thinking about h to choose and why you choose them.
Also making sure they have enough room.
I still need to get good enough that I don't need to use visual references to make sure the proportions and size are correct.
Also making sure they have enough room.
I still need to get good enough that I don't need to use visual references to make sure the proportions and size are correct.

There is nothing wrong with visual reference. As I was taught, you should always use a combination of both imagination and reference. You can't get something right unless you look at it. For example, if you draw a car, you might draw something inadequate because you are relying too much on imagination. Always use photos to guide you. Its great to do things from a visual prospective but art books, and photo will bring your best ability out. I have ton of art books I use when I work on specific things. Use a combination of both. But if you really want to know what something looks like, go to the source.

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There is nothing wrong with visual reference. As I was taught, you should always use a combination of both imagination and reference. You can't get something right unless you look at it. For example, if you draw a car, you might draw something inadequate because you are relying too much on imagination. Always use photos to guide you. Its great to do things from a visual prospective but art books, and photo will bring your best ability out. I have ton of art books I use when I work on specific things. Use a combination of both. But if you really want to know what something looks like, go to the source.
Well, I mainly mean not as reliant on it. Half the time it just feels like i'm tracing by eyesight when i'm doing fan-art.
Though that's not applicable really when drawing original characters, it feels like a crapshoot how accurate they will come out to your original vision when you never made a decent reference sheet yet. My goal is to make them on the quality level of that blue & yellow Caroline picture someday.
Congrats. I attended NYCC it would've been cool to meet you, but I was only in the artist alley for a little bit it's also funny, I ran into my old high school teacher
Well, I mainly mean not as reliant on it. Half the time it just feels like i'm tracing by eyesight when i'm doing fan-art.
Though that's not applicable really when drawing original characters, it feels like a crapshoot how accurate they will come out to your original vision when you never made a decent reference sheet yet. My goal is to make them on the quality level of that blue & yellow Caroline picture someday.

Half the time it just feels like i'm tracing by eyesight when i'm doing fan-art.

Don't apply this to logic to whatever you draw. That's something people on DeviantArt say. I still have an account there but I barely post on there since I have tumblr, and other art threads. That's like saying you draw environments and you believe you are tracing from life. How does that sound? Pretty silly logic to apply if you thing so. Never go by this logic. In fact its not logic to go by. If you want to draw a graveyard, sure you can make it up (which you would) but if you look up actual designs of tombstones, you'll start applying more realistic features which is better. Use both" references and your imagination.

My friend for example, his name is Justin Saunders and he worked as an Environmental Artist for Insomniac Games for 3 years. He had to to go out sometimes and take shots of certain places to get an idea on what he had to do for assignments. That's him referencing life and using what he has to create a piece for a landscape. He could tell you all about what he did, but he's been pretty busy since coming back to NY.

But like I said, don't use that logic. That's logic fanbases on DeviartArt use. 14-bis is an example of this (a popular DA user). The way he draws his anatomy is terrible because uses that "eye tracing" logic which is really laughable.

Congrats. I attended NYCC it would've been cool to meet you, but I was only in the artist alley for a little bit it's also funny, I ran into my old high school teacher

Oh! That would have been a treat, but sadly no one knows what I look like. However I DID have one of my illustrations in my hand and a few peiople DID stop me because my style of drawing is pretty recognizable. But yeah, dude it would have been awesome. I saw my college instructor there. Heh, he was in the Artist Alley also with a table.

Trust me you wouldn't recognize me either can't lie though I was looking to push my art. Was hoping to find a cartoon network or adult swim rep I got ideas man, ideas.
Don't apply this to logic to whatever you draw. That's something people on DeviantArt say. I still have an account there but I barely post on there since I have tumblr, and other art threads. That's like saying you draw environments and you believe you are tracing from life. How does that sound? Pretty silly logic to apply if you thing so. Never go by this logic. In fact its not logic to go by. If you want to draw a graveyard, sure you can make it up (which you would) but if you look up actual designs of tombstones, you'll start applying more realistic features which is better. Use both" references and your imagination.

But like I said, don't use that logic. That's logic fanbases on DeviartArt use. 14-bis is an example of this (a popular DA user). The way he draws his anatomy is terrible because uses that "eye tracing" logic which is really laughable.
I honestly haven't encountered that on Deviantart so far. Granted, I haven't had my account set-up shop for that long nor do I any real sort of traffic on my art pieces at all (except my Skullgirls pics on Deviantart for some reason). My art thread here on Skullheart is basically dead, I got a single like once and no comments or criticism.

I'll try to fight that mentality.
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Use both" references and your imagination.
Years ago I met painter at a small showing he was doing. He was going over various pieces of his and even pointing out times where he screwed up (i.e. an action shot where the central character was too balanced in relation to everything else. He gave me props for being the one to point it out when he asked). At one point he was showing a panting of Elric who was wearing a cape. He chimed in on reference saying that its a useful tool, but you have to be careful to not let it become a crutch. He cited Elric's cape, saying that at the time he wasn't quite sure how the shadowing should look, so he took a bed sheet and draped it over a chair. Then he said, in what I think was a jab at Alex Ross, "But if you can't draw a soda can on a table without actually putting a soda can on a table, you might have a problem."
Here is the result of your advice:
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Choose a Skullgirls drawing, but you're help is very much needed!

Starfire needs advice. She wants to make a Skullgirls picture but doesn't know who to draw. Who should she draw and what would you want to see? Who's popular, What's a popular combination. Help her out!

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What about the always implodable Fortune n pals?
How about the Wulf of Wall Street?
To be honest I like bella. But... if you have to draw someone new, I would have to suggest Brain Drain. wanna see some darker stuff you know?
Maybe ilieum and the lab peoples. I Can't really think of others at the moment.
Patty from Last Hope. Do it, you know you want to draw a sexy goat girl.
Do it for me, I'm gonna be off defending your country in a couple years.
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I like to see Roxie the mechanic from the Egrets.
samson, just samson.
Interesting idea. Because I don't see much art of Valentine's people. Still at a standstill however...
Given the time of year, Hallow does seem appropriate.

I want to thank you each for your suggestions. I truly appreciate it. I apologize for a late response, surly I have trust that a lot of you will enjoy it as I enjoy making them. For now, here's a teaser of a few upcoming images for the collection.

You see the image in the previous post with Cerebella, Raven and Filia? Well let's assume I added a few more surprise characters. So because of that, I will not reveal the full version. I'm juggling two pieces at once. This one and an unknown image which you all shared ideas. Meet me back here on Halloween.

Why didn't they make the nymphs playable?
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