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Mighty No. 9

Not quite. We still need "Not Dr Wily" to complete the set.
Wait, is there going to be a vote for the villain character too? Gosh I hope not.

If it's any consolation, I'd say those concepts are at least more reminiscent of Dr. Weil than Dr. Wily. Not sure if that's really saying a whole lot though. After all, Evil Doctor = Angry Old White Guy.
I'd choose middle-right design; suave bishounen scientist.
Then in the final boss fight, after destroying the giant robot, dude comes out and beats the shit out of Beck with his bare hands and everyone's like BUFF SCIENTIST OUT OF NOWHERE and Beck's gonna be all like "What the hell are you?" and bad guy is all like "Nanomachines, son."
Yeah, I totally came up with this stuff right now so you know it's got potential. #DoNotSteal
Yes.....yes she was.
Hopefully they get in somehow. Here's a copy of my post from the forums

"same here. F was my second choice. And while I'd love to see H get in as an alt somehow, that would defeat the entire point of having a vote barring the community bonding it caused. So while I dont expect her to be an alt I'd love a cameo of some sort.
I have a few ideas:

  • 1. Just put E and H in a crowd as bystanders/victims.
  • 2. In the intro have them represent opposing teams.The colisseum battles consist of teams so I assume they all have helper bots as well.
  • 3. Make Beck or Call find either their dying bodies or blueprints and make them secret abilities
  • 4. If there are shops in the game then just let them be shop keepers
  • 5. Later on in the series, perhaps they can be Protoman/Zerol style allies
#5, in addition to making H and E bad arses, would also shut up the "we need more strong prominent females or else" group.
Does it really defeat the purpose of the vote if call f is the default look and gets the gameplay based around her design (unless they've decided to take back that motorcycle) while the others are unlockable alternate costumes?
Although, for the record, I'm all for defeating the purpose of the vote. In fact, if they had thrown out all the votes and just picked a random call from the first vote and said "this is your call now, deal with it" I would be pretty much the one person that would be perfectly happy with it. I'm so over voting systems in projects like this, they just make everything worse. They make the game play it too safe, they make at least half of the community pissed since they show them how great this thing could be and then opt for something different because majority rule... Seriously, they're just all around shit.

Wait, is there going to be a vote for the villain character too? Gosh I hope not.

If it's any consolation, I'd say those concepts are at least more reminiscent of Dr. Weil than Dr. Wily. Not sure if that's really saying a whole lot though. After all, Evil Doctor = Angry Old White Guy.
Yeah, but middle top clearly looks a lot more like dr.wily than the other ones, and it's making me worried.
In fact he looks like dr.wily with less personality. Like if they redesigned him to look more stereotypically evil rather than having him actually smile.
I think the doctor in the top right is easily the most menacing. Just imagine him standing in front of a burning cityscape, casually sipping his coffee. "Good morning Beck. I warmed up a hot cup of citizens for you today."

The guy just doesn't care!
Somehow this whole thing ends up being Capcom's fault. ....sure. Why not?
*grabs torchfork (it's a combo weapon!)*
aw, come ON! let me spit some poison! it's burning inside me for quite some time. MegaMan's 25th anniversary was a disgrace, and what most of the supporters of mighty number 9 wanted was a new ->GOOD<- Mega Man game.

The wrong Call won
*grabs torchfork (it's a combo weapon!)*
Capcom gets what you're saying, it's okay. You want more dead rising games.

aw, come ON! let me spit some poison! it's burning inside me for quite some time. MegaMan's 25th anniversary was a disgrace, and what most of the supporters of mighty number 9 wanted was a new ->GOOD<- Mega Man game.
It's just really limiting to say you just want another megaman game out of this.
For the first time in over 25 years Inafune has a fresh start, a chance to change up the formula significantly without anyone complaining about how it's not megaman enough, so if he just uses the same exact formula with all the same characters and all the same gameplay and all the same everything, I'm gonna be a little disappointed. For the first time in your life you aren't making a sequel to megaman, so you just go ahead and make a sequel to megaman and pretend it's a new IP? I'm not saying it can't be a spiritual successor to megaman, but it would just be boring if he didn't do anything with all the freedom that he's never had before.
i see it in a different light: what "mega man" started has become very broad, and it really expanded... when inafune still had the right to try new things. he played with 3d exploration (legends), Classic RPG (command mission), Not-so-classic RPG (battle network) and even metroidvania with a more mature tone (Zero Series). but soon he became "enslaved" by the sucess of one or two things and wasn't able to evolve the ideas anymore.

Legends was canned, X series died Battle network kept on for 6 games and then starforce to try a new crossmedia attempt (a complete disaster). the ZX series was too inventive even for the series' standards (humans becoming reploids? someone put maveryck hunters' souls in badges? wtf?!) most of the "dark" and "brutal" things got toned down a bit or a lot. The classic series was dumbed down back to an 8-bit game and they kept riding on the nostalgia train for too long with MM10 (seriously, there are modders and romhackers today making mega man games as good as mm10)

All of these games shares the same "soul", somethng i do expect to be in of mighty number 9. And the "freedom" he has is to improve the game without being forced to can or dumb down ideas to please stupid coward whiteheads that don't know jack about videogames and don't spend a coin on innovation.

Bad thing is, as much as we seek this "soul" of Mega Man, we can't forget our "eyes". that's why, on every possible decision, fans will always take what looks closest to Mega Man. the image that reminds us of the origins of our liking to this series. As dumb as it is, it doesn't shackes creativity that much: they wouldn't add a roll-call if the team didn't considered the idea at least "good enough".

May the freedom comes in form of evolution, but may also the soul keeps its light as bright as the sun above
Wow so Call F won? Wow! I believe that was the absolute best option for everyone. Great game design, works well with the other characters, it just fits. So glad. Hardly ever does a fan vote ever result in something that would ultimately be an excellent game designer choice.
Wow so Call F won? Wow! I believe that was the absolute best option for everyone. Great game design, works well with the other characters, it just fits. So glad. Hardly ever does a fan vote ever result in something that would ultimately be an excellent game designer choice.

Each person could only submit one design for Call. IIRC, the person who made Pink Call also made Roll Call, which was submitted instead.

Beckneto confirmed?

That absorption dash seems interesting. Also for the text at the beginning of each stage, I nominate "This is Your Calling!", seeing as Beck seems like he is really under pressure takes with rounding up his seemingly more experienced comrades but he is the perfect guy for the job. Also it's a cool reference to Call, I suppose.

Or just be all generic with "Mission Start!" or something.
I like the "This is Your Calling" start. It's got a nice ring to it, fits with the situation and is a nice deviation from the generic. Though it would be cool if it alternated between a few phrases randomly for different levels.
I hope he gets a robot dog companion so we can have "This is your collie!". And because it would be totally original. :PUN:


I like the "This is Your Calling" start. It's got a nice ring to it, fits with the situation and is a nice deviation from the generic. Though it would be cool if it alternated between a few phrases randomly for different levels.

Another idea:
"Get Beck Into The Groove!"

For Mighty Number Gunslinger, it could be:
"Round Em' Up!" With Beck doing a little dance with a cane
No. 5 is the most adorable thing

also does it say GRATE when you dash through things because
that's hilarious
Man, and to think, that's only the Alpha. Cannot wait until this sees some more progress.

A friend of mine (who's most into the X series) is still trying to figure out if the "dash-jump" mechanics from the X series are going to be implemented. You know, how you could follow up a dash with a jump for more momentum. I'm not seeing any evidence one way or the other, but it looks like this game is borrowing from a lot of stuff. The fact that there doesn't appear to be a wall grab mechanic like the one in the X series looks pretty cool to me, but I guess that could change. I've always been more of a fan of wall kicks (like Cutman's in MMPU).
This not only looks great, but man, hearing the full theme just gets me hyped and filled with nostalgia! :)
Man, and to think, that's only the Alpha. Cannot wait until this sees some more progress.

A friend of mine (who's most into the X series) is still trying to figure out if the "dash-jump" mechanics from the X series are going to be implemented. You know, how you could follow up a dash with a jump for more momentum. I'm not seeing any evidence one way or the other, but it looks like this game is borrowing from a lot of stuff. The fact that there doesn't appear to be a wall grab mechanic like the one in the X series looks pretty cool to me, but I guess that could change. I've always been more of a fan of wall kicks (like Cutman's in MMPU).
There's a chance dash jump could be a thing. Also, I'm gonna be optimistic and say that wall jumping will also be a thing, either through inherent mechanics or customization. We've got a cling sorta thing going on (where he hangs from the ring), so there's that, too.