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Street Fighter 4

i agree that gouken was elaborated enough and i agree evil ryu seems lazy

we have a connection.

but seriously, as expansive as a character archetype can be, thinking out of the box and bringing something at least partially new to the table is good too!

See juri for example: her fireball mechanics are unique in the game and her special moves control space trades reach for a "wider" area. (compare pinwheel to a tatsu or a shoryuken and you'll understand what i mean). she also have tools most shotos haven't (a "teleport counter" and an air special.

that was a more welcome addition than oni will ever be
that was a more welcome addition than oni will ever be

Compared to other "shotos", Oni has a pretty unique fireball, the Demon slash and the demon palm.
Oh, and he's also the only one in the game who has an air dash...
I really don't see how you can not consider him an interesting addition to the roster.

I don't understand how so much people get stuck on the "shoto" label.
It doesn't take a genius to see that all those character have different tools (and by tools, I mean all of their moves. Hadouken/Shoryuken/Tatsu is not a full toolbox), and thus will be played differently.
same reason why I think decapre would be a good addition.

sure, she has every reason to have similar tools to both vega and cammy, but she has so much potential everywhere else.
Ok so no one is denying that each "shoto" has a distinct play style, there is one argument that can be made in light if that.

We want new things on a simpler level, which is understandable. That's a matter of taste. You want something that is superficially different as well as fundamentally different. There isn't anything wrong with wanting that, it wont be the end of the world either way.
I still say that is we do have to get a doll, Decapre wouldnt be a bad choice. Maybe she can be a super aggressive Cammy/Vega combo.

also, she could be a way of connecting Q to the universe.
Another hint about the 5th USFIV character. She appears in the Street Fighter Comics.


Well that narrows things downs and makes character choices like Decapre that more likely.

I would like to see Decapre in this, but only if they give her a total makeover. New uniform (not to Dool-like), new haircut, new mask, new claw. A totally new fighting style. Basically everything so it comes to you as a surprise when you find out that she is another clone, one of Cammy. Who is a clone herself. Weird. That of course you can tell right now by just looking at her, and that needs to go if they really thinking about including her.

What I still doubt, she seems like a really random choice to include.

Apparently she's both in the comics and in some SF4 OAV?

That applies to basically all of the Dolls, you can spot them in the comics and in the OVA's. Some folk believe it could be the Doll Jianyu, since she is written "Yianyu" sometimes in the translated versions. With that, the starting letters of the five characters would spell "H(ugo) Y(ianyu) P(oison) E(lena) R(olento)" = "HYPER".

But that’s a little too silly for me.
Real talk though, I think Capcom has enough brain-cells between all of their employees to know that hyping up a clone (gameplay-wise) character isn't a good idea. If they do put in Cammy's clone (story-wise) I think they'd change up her moveset at the very least, however they have a large number of other choices that I feel are more likely simply for the reason that Decapre is not.
From the comics? Pardon my reaction, but...

The mention of comics almost makes me think it might be a OC, like how Karin was a OC in Sakura Ganbaru!. Over such hypothesis, I'd just reiterate my desire that Capcom takes the Udong of their mouth for 2 seconds (as much as I like their work and acknowledge the great artists they have, Udon's contributions to Capcom games aren't anything Edayan/Ikeno/Bengus/Akiman/Nishimura/Shinkiro couldn't do better).

Also, it's not going to be Hakan's wife so I'm already salty like Umbrella.

PS: Juli is best doll.
well at least you admit to being butthurt jutsei.

I for one welcome the clone possibility. cuz I am a huge sucker for clones in shit. cept starkiller.

wewst, cwone, evuh.

also in the comic, cammy is ALSO a clone of bison, and Decapre is a failed clone, so we've already got a clone already, plus Abel. plus, in the comic Vega had her "disposed"
I'm not against clones in fact I usually welcome them cuse they can still be unique enough on there own....but sadly cammy in a mask just doesn't do it for me, if the make her not look like cammy then sure..but if just cammy in a mask sorry I'm not backing that. Just my 2 cents, regardless I'm sure she could be good, but I'd need proof before I say she the right choice.
for all we know, we could have her without the mask. I totally want to see the beautiful mutilated hamburger face in SF4 art. we need more horribly scarred characters dangit.
also in the comic, cammy is ALSO a clone of bison

Not only in the comics, that’s canon in the games as well. And you are forgetting Seth, he’s also a spare body for Bison and thus a (modified) clone ;)
well, the comic IMO are the best way to sum up the storyline of street fighter as a whole.

plus, it's always funny to see Gief fight R.Mika on multiple occasions.... yet it does suck he gets his ass handed to him in the comics.

this is also why I hate it when fighting game companies try to let fans figure out/decide who the new characters are gonna be. because its gonna be like the waifu wars. the people who want said characters are gonna be happy, and everyone else will be as loud as they can to tell everyone that the wrong decision was made.
I'm already disappointed no matter what since Alex of all characters is still not in the roster. If it turns out to be Decapre, whatever I seen worse possibilities and at least her gameplay potential can warrant some merit. Her design though is uninspired E.Ryu/Oni tier.

In any case what other possible choices given the numerous hints weeding out characters are we left besides a doll?
LUCKILY! I have all of the comics in paperback! (although its not the best paperback material but, eh, they'll do)

I can already probably say Sakura's friend is a candidate.
Fuck the 5th character and just put Q in the game
Or Alex/Karin/Mika/character people been asking for AGES. (I'd personally add Retsu to that list. We need more badass ojiisans.)

Anywho, the SF Wikia has a list of NPCs. IMHO, it boils down to these (scratch the ones that don't appear in the comic):
Lita Luwanda (from Delta Red)
Harmageddon Yoko (R. Mika's trainer)
Sarai (Ibuki's BFF)
Kolin (Gill's secretary. Could be a good bridge to the Illuminati arc.)
Février (Doll)
Satsuki (Doll)
Santamu (Doll)
Xiayu (Doll)
Yanyu (Doll)
Noembelu (Doll)
Decapre (Doll)

Here's a visual aid for the dolls and what they specialize at. Not all are fighters...but most are.
It could be Lita (a member of Cammy's team who has been in background art of Cammy's openings and endings)
Hints said:
1.) It is a Capcom character.
2.) It isn't Asura or Bad Box Art Mega Man.
3.) Ultra Street Fighter IV will mark this character's fighting game debut.
4.) It is a character that isn't on anyone's radar.
5.) The character will be a perfect fit for the Street Fighter universe.
6.) The character is a female.
7.) She is in the Street Fighter comics.
Are there female characters from other Capcom IPs (like Final Fight) showing up in the comics?
The terms "fighting game debut" (not "game debut") and "perfect fit for the SF universe" (almost implying the character has never appeared in the SFverse, not even as NPC) are making me humor that possibility. And there's also the radar bit...Decapre and Sarai ARE the obvious choices.
In a perfect world, I would drop SFIV for SGs and be happy with my decision...

With that being said, I will be getting ultra and submitting my decent to scrubby Juri to the Hell that is ranked match online...cause I think I like being frustrated..