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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

On certian characters your mileage may vary. I have no problems with the rest of the cast and Akiko does add comic relief, so I guess it works out then.
So I just watched Episode 1 of Kamen Rider Wizard.


@Detective Q . How do I put this, I would like to know why you like Wizard because for me after the first episode it felt really off putting for me. I don't want this to delve into a huge argument but more of what you like about it and what I didn't and see how it compares. If that is fine by you?
If that is fine by you?

Sure thing. But I can only really compare it to Gaim, because everything else I watch is way older (Ichigo & Black for example) and thus a comparison wouldn’t be too fair.

I liked Wizard first because the protagonist seemed badass from the start. I like that more than watch a protagonist learning his powers first, example being Kouta from Gaim who found his belt & lockseed, learned a pose and then tried to use his powers at work. It was funny, but I like having a protagonist already familiar with his powers and keep the explanation to how he got it to a later episode.

Second of all, the fighting was really fluid and acrobatic. This is something Gaim doesn’t really have since its more weapons-based combat. Watching Wizard fight was really fun.

Third, I like his weaponry. How he uses the belt with the rings, I really like that. I also love that with Gaim, how the lockseeds say their name and then the belt says "lock on" and we get an awesome quote after the transformation. But with the rings, his gunsword & the mode changes, Wizard has a lot more flexibility from the get go. And the quotes from Wizard are already haunting my head. "Please!".

Of course, I can’t say anything about story since I watched only one episode of Wizard & all so far from Gaim, but the tiny bits of story I saw in episode 1 woke my interest.

I don’t know if I will like Wizard as much as Gaim, but the first episode was pretty awesome.
Okay for my side of things of why I dislike it from the first episode.

I don't have as much experience as per Sanoblaze, so my knowledge of how it compares to everything else isn't as great but here are just my thoughts

Positives I really like the outfit for Wizard it is cool and I think the women who might be one of the main female characters, the one in the fancy dress, I like her so far

Onto the negatives. I don't like Rinko as I have only seen the first episode I am not sure if she sticks around but there is something about her personality that irks me, probably that she arrested kamen rider, you just don't do that.

The chants, I think would be the best to call them. I don't like them they sound to silly for me and it feels like they strung a bunch of words together and said " I don't know what this means but it sounds cool put it in ". Also that please for using any magic skill annoys me as well.

I am getting quite abit of Madoka Magica vibes as well. This is not a bad thing per such but I will be calling foul if it takes too much from it.

Also it feels a tad too CGI heavy, sure it magically based so magic gets used but you don't need to showcase everything at the start, tone down having to swap every ability, just use one and then when it call for it use another ability next episode and so on and so forth.

Those are my thoughts anyways, sorry If my thoughts disagree with yours.
Wizard seems to have a mixed fanbase.

some hate it, but it seems that the same number of people love it.

I have yet to watch Wizard, but I will definitely have to do so as soon as I finish Fourze.
The chants, I think would be the best to call them. I don't like them they sound to silly for me and it feels like they strung a bunch of words together and said " I don't know what this means but it sounds cool put it in ". Also that please for using any magic skill annoys me as well.

Part of the reason why I like the chants I think is that English isn’t my native tongue. So what the Japanese wanted, flicking words together that sound cool, actually works for me. Hell, I didn’t even know what "Shabadoobie" was until I watched Wizard yesterday.

For someone who speaks the language from the start, it naturally sounds silly. It’s the same to me when people who don’t know the language use German words or try to speak it, it just sounds totally wrong to me. Most of the time I can’t even understand it. I had to hear the intro from Attack on Titan a lot until I noticed that they are actually shouting a German sentence in the beginning. And even afterwards, I still mishear it as something else all the time.

Those are my thoughts anyways, sorry If my thoughts disagree with yours.

Don’t be sorry for that, having different options is the basis of a good discussion, and that’s the reason everyone’s here for anyway :)

I have yet to watch Wizard, but I will definitely have to do so as soon as I finish Fourze.

I think you will love it ;D
I didn't know you English wasn't your first language @Detective Q, given how well your sentences are written and how long they can be sometimes.

I guess one of my problems with Wizard is my expectations I had with this as with me I am like " This has magic, oh my buddha, this gunna be teh greatest thing evar " and stuff, so when I went into this I felt like this doesn't feel like magic but more rider powers called magic, if that makes any sense, it just feels like they called it magic but it doesn't feel like magic.
I didn't know you English wasn't your first language @Detective Q, given how well your sentences are written and how long they can be sometimes.

Well, I always liked English and since I work in the IT, it’s a necessity anyways. But it also helps that I watch most shows and movies in their original language, and that is mostly English, and Japanese shows I watch with English subtitles. Mostly because they are way faster or the only way to understand what’s going on, good luck finding Kamen Rider with German subtitles. The community isn’t big enough for that I believe.

And about the long sentences… I just like to write stuff :D

But about the "well written"-part… thank Microsoft Word’s auto-correct option for that, otherwise my posts would look a lot more sluggish. But I learn with every new post.

I guess one of my problems with Wizard is my expectations I had with this as with me I am like " This has magic, oh my buddha, this gunna be teh greatest thing evar " and stuff, so when I went into this I felt like this doesn't feel like magic but more rider powers called magic, if that makes any sense, it just feels like they called it magic but it doesn't feel like magic.

That sums it up pretty well actually. I was also expecting Wizard to throw fireballs or something like that, but he only uses his magic to imitate the powers other Riders had. Best example, the Rider Kick. I still like it though. And who knows? Maybe he’ll show us some new tricks in the other episodes :)
You know after looking up the tv tropes page on this I have found something that makes my like Wizard more. It is comparable to Dresden files with some aspects of it's characters, this please me, I will just have to see for myself if I find this comparison adequate or not.
if you guys want a fun series, check out Fourze. its not as serious as other Kamen Rider shows, but I can't help but have a smile on my face when I watch Fourze.
Already watched up to Miu joining up with the Kamen Rider club and I like Miu the most so far since I have thing for women with short hair.
I just love the idea of Kamen Rider club. it hearkens back to the Junior Riders from Super-1, who ironically is the first space themed Rider.
I was originally going to make a crapton of space jokes with fourze but I will settle with Space is Awesome since, well it is. Also really enjoying Gentarou as the main character as I do sometimes prefer light hearted series over darker and more serious stuff which makes fourze quite good for me at the moment.
Since there was some discussion regarding Wizard, I'm just going to state that Wizard is a 20 episode show forcibly extended to 50 (or whatever exact number) in my opinion.
Sure a lot of rider seasons sort of have that problem, but Wizard by far is the biggest offender of having long stretches where nothing of any importance happens.
If you are on the fence about it, I would suggest skipping it.
I'll still probably watch it though....

magic riders need support and I want to partake in the magic riding goodness!
I am still on the fence about Wizard and have had been on the more negative side about it but I want to at least see for myself how it is all going to turn out for Wizard.
There is fun to be had in Wizards, like all rider shows. But I personally thought it was a low point in the neo-heisei era of rider.
If your going to take the watch and see approach I will warn you that the first few episodes won't be an indicator of the quality of the rest of the show. Aside from a few moments here and there, I found the show to be on a constant decline.
But then again I guess I only say this because there are some better gems to be committing your time towards in the rider franchise.
Like Agito. God that one was awesome.
Well I guess that makes sense then. I will take put Wizard in the back while I get through the other shows speaking of which I am twenty odd episodes into and it's really frigging good so far, brilliant concept of dual riders, loves the rider suit especially with the scarf and FangJoker is mad hype. I am really enjoying the characters such as Shotaro "half boiled" Hidari, Phillip, Akiko " looney tunes" Narumi and Ryu " I don't answer question" Terui.
from what I have seen, it currently takes like ten seconds from what it counted so I would disagree that it doesn't take him a minute :)
If you thought that was long you should see the sequence for the American adaptation of Ryuki.
(please don't)
yeah, but his henshin declaration takes way too long, even Showa didn't take they long to say it.

If you thought that was long you should see the sequence for the American adaptation of Ryuki.
(please don't)
oh hush, Dragon Knight wasn't bad at all.

at least they didn't say the cursed Saban phrase that must not be named....
Ah I can't be that bad, right?

One brief viewing later

It's pretty bad, pretty frigging bad, Not as bad as "I am amazon."
Ah I can't be that bad, right?

One brief viewing later

It's pretty bad, pretty frigging bad, Not as bad as "I am amazon."
no, its worse! at least I AM AMAZON has it's charm and appeal!

WHAT EVEN IS AN ECTO-PHASE?! is he a ghost?!
yeah, but his henshin declaration takes way too long, even Showa didn't take they long to say it.

oh hush, Dragon Knight wasn't bad at all.

at least they didn't say the cursed Saban phrase that must not be named....

I'd rather have a long declaration than standing around as some light-show slooooooowly morphs the person into their rider form.

On another note, Dragon Knight was okay up until the last arc. The last 10 episodes or so just killed any good moments there were to be had in the previous 30.
I'd rather have a long declaration than standing around as some light-show slooooooowly morphs the person into their rider form.

On another note, Dragon Knight was okay up until the last arc. The last 10 episodes or so just killed any good moments there were to be had in the previous 30.
you gotta admit though, it was a good first stab at the heisei series and we didn't do a bad job for a first try. the original footage blended well with the American footage, and it gave us an original story that wasn't bad, but it did feel Deus Ex Machina'd near the end, I will admit that.

I blame 4kids on that though. not show the final episode on TV my ass!
I only really watched the videos showing the Henshins and dear god they are bad. So yeah I nothing of the show. I have no idea where to put either of the adaptions but you have point Sano that I Am Amazon has a good degree of charm about it.
you gotta admit though, it was a good first stab at the heisei series and we didn't do a bad job for a first try. the original footage blended well with the American footage, and it gave us an original story that wasn't bad, but it did feel Deus Ex Machina'd near the end, I will admit that.

I blame 4kids on that though. not show the final episode on TV my ass!
The biggest issue is that the show is stuck in a limbo between kids show and teen show, where it can't get too serious but can't get too campy either. Kind of the worst of both worlds.
Though I will give credit where credit is due. Episode 21 of that show was amazing! Possibly one of the best moments in rider history right there.
Did someone say remix?

Also just a question, what exactly makes Diccckkeeedo such a broken character, If it's not too much spoilers.
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basically, when we see him start out in the first episode, he just uses all the powers so easily, even though it's supposed to feel like his first time using all these powers, he's switching on the fly and changing to and from everything without even an "I hope this helps" or "please let this power be useful"

he's not a bad rider in concept but he wasn't handled as well as he could have been.

Diend is a much better rider in my opinion.
I will be doing my explanation in full because I have only seen the raw of the episode and not the full episode but I never thought it was more possible to hate a character more than what I do now.
fuck you Micchy

-things seem to be going great for the heroes!
-fuck you Micchy
-Kaito calls Micchy a bitch and walks away like the pimp he is.
-fuck you Micchy
-Takatora is happy and the genesis riders can't have that.
-fuck you Micchy
-Kouta's sister gets better lines!
-fuck you Micchy
-fuck you Micchy
-Kouta gets a job! FINALLY! Amirite?
-fuck you Micchy
-I'm sorry, the boss you have dialed does not exist
-fuck you Micchy
-Kaito trolling Kouta
-fuck you Micchy

-who is riding? oh my god Micchy is riding! how can this be?!
-fuck you Micchy
-no one is happy


I DARE! you to tell me this is overreacting!

all in all, my feelings towards this episode.

Next week: Oh JEEZ! my back hurts from all the stabbing!

Until next time!


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This is a highly appropriate reaction to the extremely douchebaggery actions of Shitlord Micchy, you are in no way over reacting to this level of douchebaggery.

Also from something I saw looking at comments on Kamen rider Gaim videos that the relationship between Kouta and Micchy the Scumbag is similair to that that of Takatora and Ryoumas.

Both of the pairs were people fighting for a goal, with the either the beat riders or creating the lockseeds. At a certian point the goals between them conflicted with both ryouma and Micchy straying from the goals and ideas that Kouta and Takatora were working for. And now as of recently both ryouma and Micchy have betrayed their partners and so far Takatora is aware he has been portayed but Kouta hasn't so far.

Also since we haven't seen what happened to Takatora after his fall, I am going to think he survived.
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most definitely.

I think he'll come back with a vengeance because theres still a driver in Helheim, and it'd be awesome if the first fruit he picked was a melon lockseed. and then he comes back blocking all kinds of shots.

also, you dont have to keep calling him Micchy the shitlord. it was just a joke I was doing for updates. he doesn't even deserve a nickname.
You know when a character is hated so much they don't a title for how they are hated.

Well I am hoping Takatora is still around because favourite character and what not. Also just me speculating but I think it will be a few more episodes before Kouta finds out what is going on with Takatora and Micchy since I feel Urobochi will have fake Zangetsu do more bad stuff before Kouta finds out Micchy is under there as opposed to Takatora.

Also I am really hoping Sid gets his ass handed to him next episode by the overlords.
it'd be so sick if the red overlord just walked up to Sid who is constantly firing arrows at him and just breaks Sid's neck like "no! you don't get an epic death!"
Sid : Hurray I can finally be a significant Villian
Red Overlord : NO! Epic beatdown ensues

Also another thing I thought of, the green overlord has some of driver technology and also takatora is in a state of being missing. If the overlords find takatora they might interrogate him into over it or Takatora might take it and use it to get back into the normal world.