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Kamen Rider +maybe weekly Drive updates

I like to think this was what Ryoma did when Kaito used the lemon energy arms.

Also, are you guys gonna watch the new Rurouni Kenshin movies now that Ryosuke Miura is gonna play a recurring character from the Kyoto arc of the series, Cho Sawagejo

Ryosuke Miura played one of the title characters in Kamen Rider OOO. more specifically, he played Ankh.

He's definitely one of the top 3 characters from OOO, right with Akira Date and Cake-Boss Kougami. Ryosuke really commands the scenes as Ankh in OOO, and he's a really impressive actor. he was able to go from smug to pissed off so naturally and was able to give different personalities very well in his performance as Hina's brother as well as Ankh.

you should definitely add OOO to the list. it has a lot of good characters.
Ah I see, Well i expect alot of the series to have good characters but with this information it bumps OOO, up by abit. However at the current moment I am making my way through Kamen rider Kiva in which I really like the dual story thing they are doing.
Ryosuke Miura played one of the title characters in Kamen Rider OOO. more specifically, he played Ankh

I’m so sorry, I initially thought Ankh was a she until I read your post a second time and I only saw that picture of "him" you posted Sano.
Ryosuke Miura doesnt look like a woman if you ask me.

I guess I just grabbed a pic with an angle that makes it hard to distinguish.
At the current moment I am trying to get a sense of all the other rider series by watching the first episodes of each of the series, which is what I do with new anime seasons as well. I have gotten through all the Neo heisei first episodes and I can really see what makes Neo heisei so different to Heisei.
For the more focused thoughts
W : Even though I don't know why or how yet I do really like the idea of two people making one rider and the colours scheme surpisngly well on his outfits which I like for non being over the top with a simplisitc design, also the scarf gives an early kamen rider feel.
OOO : I have no idea what the title means or alot of the weird things that get said but I am enjoying it so far. I haven't seen much of Ankh in his human vessel but it was fun seeing his antics of trying to get the core medal back.
Fourze : Why was Fourze not the 4th of the series, why you had such a brilliant oppourtunity yet you squander it. that aside I really enjoy Kisaragi as the main characters, I really like optimistic characters, they tend to be some of my favourite characters, Space jokes will be plenty for me as I watch this.
Wizard : Woo magic themed series gonna be awesome, well uumm, it has some things I don't like, I don't like Rinko, I don't like some of the chants that get said during some of the power ups, I don't like that please is part of the power up chants I don't why but it just feels weird, It seems a tad to heavy on the CGI so far, Also not making a complaint but I am getting some Madoka magica vibes so far, not saying it's bad it just feels a bit too similair in some aspects.

Anyways those are first episode thoughts so far for Neo heisei, I will back later after getting through the available showa first episodes and give my thoughts on them.
well, considering W has 2 sides, OOO had 3 medals, Fourze has 4 switches, and Wizard has.... 5 fingers! -dun dun DUUUUUUUUN- it does make sense.

also, I love wizard's belt! its like it's trying to pump Wizard up and being SUAVE about it! also, I love it when it yells "SAAAIIIKOOOOOU!" and Wizard I've heard is very hit or miss with a lot of people. we still need more magic based riders represented....

and I think you can find almost all the available showa first episodes, just not the complete series. and dont check out black RX's first episodes until you have watched all of Black, because again, it's a sequel series.
Well there is still the other first episodes of showa to get through but it is difficult to get hype for it when I have to wait for the rest of the episodes to subbed, it's like hype backlash, always wear your seatbelts in case of this emergency.
well, considering subbers have to wait for entire re-releases of the series which is already hard to get good footage of anyway, it does make sense how there's not a lot of completed subbed episodes.

but, considering we're hitting a lot of anniversary years, we could be getting more subbed episodes in the future. I just wish there was a streaming site for kamen rider especially since I just find torrents super sketchy.


aaaaand I just remembered the perfect gif we should have been using for episode 26.

nothing says "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" more than Agito rage hands.

thank you Vangelus for making the best gif to portray our anger at characters that deserve hate.... in a good way.
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Oh lord that Gif is brilliant. Also for another question what is your favourite piece of music from the Kamen rider series. My favourite one is this

Edit: I just found out Ren from Kamen rider Ryuki has his own theme, sung by the actor as well.
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after episode 48 of kamen rider W, its Cyclone Effect accoustic. (dont look at the comments for the videos of it. MASSIVE spoilers)

also, Ankh's themes in OOO

More specifically Time Judged All. it has this power and force, but a familiarity to it that makes you feel inspired and want to follow it.


and how could I forget Meteor's funky disco henshin theme?

How could I forget the theme to PuToTyra from OOO?!

and how could I also forget Kintaros' theme?!
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I'm only up to the second of ooo and already I have found my favourite character in it, The over the top Cake boss guy.
I know about this though. I love the mix-up. it's hilarious.

also, everytime I watch OOO, I can't help but love Gamel.


his human form is like a giant teddy bear! I just wanna hug him! no homo

I am on the final stretch of the series, and I love OOO. so many good characters.
and now for my first impressions of the Heisei era series

Kuuga : I like the fact that police are serving a decent role in this and I like Yuusuke as the main character, along with the enemies from a long time ago thing.
Agito : I thought cyber cop guy was going to be the kamen rider for this one, but it turns out I was wrong although I am not sure whether it is the swimming guy or the amnesia guy.
Already watched through Ryuki, good series
Faiz : Damn, just Damn, that was a dark introduction to this one, just damn.
Blade : I am sorely disappointed this wasn't a Kamen rider/ Blade crossover, on a more serious note, I really like the card aspect, I was expecting it to be a two kamen rider thing, which makes the betrayal at the start quite emotional and surprising.
Hibiki.... I will save Hibiki for last
Kabuto : Tendou seems awesome, abit too awesome, not entirely sure how to explain it.
Den-o : This was written by the same person who wrote Ryuki, this is going to be cool and it was cool, I was wondering how the meekest rider every was going to fight and then the red guy comes and he is awesome.
Kiva : I think I already mentioned this before but Kiva is awesome and so is the dual story aspect.
and for the other two Decade and Hibiki, the first few minutes of Hibiki really threw me off, so I am going to have to go back to it at some point and obviously I can't watch decade until I am done with the Heisei era.
aw yeah, It's time for Kamen rider episode 27 and this been my favourite episode so far, possibly due to giving more characterization to Takatora and fully cementing him as my favourite character.

Beginning the recap
  • The fight agianst Micchy the Cowardly Shitlord did not last long but it was satisfying after waiting a week and Kaito also verbally puts in him place along with helping Kouta. In Kaito we trust
  • We get to see Takatora in that he tested the first Sengoku driver and even though it badly injured him he still continues for the sake of humanity and didn't chose power for him self but more as many people as possible as shown in his backstory.
  • More fun times with Kouta and Oren.
  • You know Micchy the Confused Shitlord is too far gone when he asks "how did I use to be?"
  • I don't know whether it just me but Ryouma's music during some scene seems to have gotten more diabolical.
  • And here is why Takatora is a great character for me, as soon as he finds out Kouta's plan which should hopefully make it that they don't need to use the original plan, he starts working with him as this plan might save more people.
  • Did I mention I don't like Sid, well I don't like Sid.
  • Just thinking, we never see Kaito leave so we no idea if he stayed behind which means he and Kouta could be close to meeting the king.
As mentioned I really like this episode and with the preview more fighting and stuff.

-Kaito doesn't like backstabbers and puts Micchy in his place!
-Micchy cannot remeber anything while on his THRONE OF LIES!
-Takatora remembering things!
-Ryouma pulls an Aizen!
-Kaito hid Kouta because he's cool like that
-Oren shows he's smart and RICE BALL ARMS!
-Red Overlord is super butthurt and is like "Banana! FITE ME!"
-Oren shipping Melons super hard. then gets shipped into a wall!
-Kouta finds someone willing to listen AND reason!

-looks like Red Overlord is kind of whipped.
-Sid is a dickhead cherryboy!
-ooooh! Ryouma's plotting!
-plenty of Yoko. always a good thing!

really good episode with lots of exposition and plenty of Oren to give us laughs.

Next week: ooooooooh! we gettin' some tragedy I bet! I can just hear Gen sharpening his Urobutcher knife as we speak.

Until next time!

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I really like everyone in this cast, If anyone is gotten rid of in the next episode then, well it's what I expect with Urobochi but damn it will be sad...... unless it's Micchy the Butthurt Shitlord or Sid.
Man, you guys are so unfair… I can’t say anything about the episode that hasn’t been said yet :(

Except one thing: The white Overlord, Master Roshu! He has been teased in the last episode, but now we know he’s out there controlling the other Overlords. And Ryouma is still my pick for true villain in this series.
I'm sorry @Detective Q, you can talk about the episode freely if you want. I don't think its a problem if things are repeated considering we all watched the episode.
Sorry about that @Detective Q. I just wanted to put my thoughts and feeling on the episode in the post and hopefully that would cause more discussion, there is still alot we can say about the episode even though we covered the main points. I could still make my thoughts but not post them on there is that is fine by you.

For a different thing to talk about if Takatora is one to go next episode then I will have suffered a sadness most severe, you may even call it

Don’t be so serious guys, I was just joking, everyone can post everything they think about Kamen Rider here, if I’m late to the party that’s my own fault ;)

It’s just you guys already said everything I wanted to say, so I saw no point in doing it again. But I think I will state what I liked most about the episode nonetheless:

- Kaito beating up LiarfaceMcGee. As Worf said, too short, but still good.

- Takatora… never really noticed the character beyond his role as an enemy, but now that his true colors come through he’s pretty awesome. I like that they actually show the testing phase of the Drivers, nice to see. Also adds a lot to Takatora, seeing how he willingly became a lab rat to help humanity. I was also pretty amazed how he instantly listened to Kouta about the Overlords and also followed the chance of negotiating with them. Means he was never happy with Project Arc, but saw it as an unavoidable tribute to save mankind. This character really jumped high on my personal Kamen Rider Gaim popularity list with this episode.

- But there’s only one place for Number 1 on that list… you know who it is! Lost Oren wanders through Helheim, only to find the Aquarius of all people. That was pretty funny. His obsession with Melon-Boy is kinda cheesy, but it fits the character. Also, the way he took off at the end, priceless.

- The Red Overlord is mad salty and wants to beat up Kaito. Despicable, a ragequitter who can’t admit his defeat!

- The master of the Overlords is shown, and the green Overlord picks up a Sengoku Driver.

- Ryouma is the real villain, I call it! Sid works with him, so does Peach-Girl. On the next episode, Yggdrasil could begin to crumble once Takatora realizes whats going on.

I had a blast watching this episode; this series really amazes me with every new episode! I’m so glad I gave it a chance, thanks to Sanoblaze I’m really into Kamen Rider now.
It's all good @Detective Q, and I think I will agree with you in that if it weren't for Sanoblaze I wouldn't be into Kamen rider as much as I was now, so thanks mate.

For discussion of some point, I completely forgot that green overlord picked up a Sengoku Driver, my thoughts are that they could develop the technology further to either power themselves further or create some some more powerful being from it given that it converts the Helheim fruit.

We have only seen red and green overlords and lord Roshue, could there be more, if there are it will serve for pretty intreating to comes.

Also who will the fruit choose, will zack step up soon and become more badass and when will we know what Desu Mai is doing?

Also does everyone remember part of the first episode and we had Kouta, Kaito and Takatora with M.A.T.S ( Micchy A Total Shitlord) with armies of Inves on a huge battlefield, does anyone think that would be a thing that happens or just due to the fact we only see the suits that this has happened in the past and will happen again?
I would love it if Desu-Mai was actually a Mai from the FIRST sengoku driver war, and she's been trying to stop it, and the situatrion always got out of hand BEFORE the forbidden fruit was picked, and both Desu-Mai and Sagara have been repeating events since. it's not likely but it would be cool to have a rider series that is multi-timelined.

also, I kinda am not worried, as much as this will make me seem like a dick, if Urobutcher decides to kill off someone, because my favorite character is like, the 2nd most away from the chopping block.

I had a blast watching this episode; this series really amazes me with every new episode! I’m so glad I gave it a chance, thanks to Sanoblaze I’m really into Kamen Rider now.

It's all good @Detective Q, and I think I will agree with you in that if it weren't for Sanoblaze I wouldn't be into Kamen rider as much as I was now, so thanks mate.

The alternate timeline things would be cool, there is that line desu mai say to not desu mai that if she leaves no that she won't be stuck on this fate, which could means some events are repeating and her leaving would help avert, although a way to avert that would be to actually explain the situation fully as opposed to being vague and then leaving and then never explain anything at alter date when they now a bit more about the situation. That went on longer than expected.

Also it's okay Sanoblaze, we don't think your a douche for having that opinion. Who was your favourite character, I think it was Kaito but I can't exactly remember.
For discussion of some point, I completely forgot that green overlord picked up a Sengoku Driver, my thoughts are that they could develop the technology further to either power themselves further or create some some more powerful being from it given that it converts the Helheim fruit.

I don’t really know what’s up with that. Could be that the Overlord was only interested in the Driver temporarily like he was with the Japanese dictionary, analyzed it and threw it away shortly after. Or it is as you say and the Overlords will use this technology somehow. Out of curiosity I would like to see the last option happen.

I would love it if Desu-Mai was actually a Mai from the FIRST sengoku driver war, and she's been trying to stop it, and the situatrion always got out of hand BEFORE the forbidden fruit was picked, and both Desu-Mai and Sagara have been repeating events since. it's not likely but it would be cool to have a rider series that is multi-timelined.

Possible, since we shouldn’t forget the opening which was like a war between armored riders with Inves as army’s. But I rather think that Desu-Mai is the embodiment of Helheim that simply took a familiar form to Kouta. I can’t get the line from DJ Sagara out of my head: "I know what it means to be chosen by you."

For me that says: Desu-Mai is a living ghost of Helheim that chooses proper wielders for the fruit, but also warns them of the consequences, and Sagara is a survivor of Helheim who saw the downfall of his world and now tries to prevent it happening to a second one. Also speaking for the last theory is the fact that Sagara possesses unknown power and he knows the Overlords, as well as the forbidden fruit.

I have the crazy theory that Sagara and Master Roshu are one and the same. Wouldn’t that be a cool plot twist!


yeah, Kaito is my favorite. he's the main reason why I'm not worried about the chopping block of Urobutcher.
I am terribly sorry but I don't exactly get why Kaito being your favourite means you aren't worried about Urobochi's chopping block.
I am terribly sorry but I don't exactly get why Kaito being your favourite means you aren't worried about Urobochi's chopping block.
Kaito is not very likely to die at this level of the show. if Kaito were to die, he'd probably die in the final 3 or so episodes.

the main 2 reasons being
-Kaito is the penultimate rival character.
-he just got his Lemon Energy form.

although, Urobuchi might pull a fast one and kill Kaito early on, but considering they're building up the rivalry of Kouta and Kaito so much, I kind of doubt it.
I don't why I only end up thinking of certain things later as opposed but anyways one more thing. Kouta never actually saw who knocked him out. I am really looking forward to seeing Kouta confront Micchy about this douchbaggery.
Micchy will probably lie about it though. he's not the only ranged weapon rider in the show so he has an alibi even if its a LIIIIIIIIIE!

but speaking of that scene, I love how Kaito respected Kouta enough to hide him until he regained consciousness. again cementing why Kaito is my favorite character.
Ah yeah that makes sense, there would be a decent chunk of ranged fighters or he could have fought it was one of the overlords since they have ranged attacks. It will depend on if Kouta sees Kaito and Kaito might say to watch out for micchy the assholish shitlord or stop keeping him around since he tried to get rid of him.

Also It's been shown in opening, the beginning and the preview, but the most important question, when will Kouta use a horse?
I think the horse could just be symbolic. but what if the horse was an actual plot point, like one of the last surviving animals of Helheim?
I have been watching a bit more of Kamen Rider Double and I have a complaint/inquiry about one of the characters. I am not particularly fond of Akiko at the moment, does she get less annoying and intrusive and takes things more seriously at some point. For reference I am currently at episode 11 and I know in the previous episode she is trying to take things more seriously but she is annoying me a tad.
she gets a little better. keep in mind she's mostly the comic relief so that way we can still have the seriousness of the plot without having the main characters feel like bumblers.

like, once Terui comes in she starts to get better. I honestly never minded her one bit TBH.