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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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dude have you even looked at the game you're playing
skullgirls is anime as fuck one more will not make a difference
Y'all are lucky my notifications have been acting weird or I would have gone nuts on the deleting posts button yesterday.

@DDB Stop derailing this thread with Annie posts. I will start issuing warnings and bans from here on out.

So what kind of NPCs are you all expecting to show up in the Bath? My money is on that crocodile dog thing that was posted a while back.
hubrecht in a speedo kappa


wait a minute are these actual pallets or am i going to be disappointed :(
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wait a minute are these actual pallets or am i going to be disappointed :(

Where did you find these and maybe we can confirm if they're official or not.
Also, I am almost 100% certain these are not official.

Also also, don't double post. I merged your two comments.
yeah Man I had these on my flash drive almost 2 months ago. They are still really nice palates, and I would like to see them in the game if that was possible.
I've been playing anna since tekken 3, plz make her a pallet
and make parasoul a nina one and i'll be happy
So what kind of NPCs are you all expecting to show up in the Bath? My money is on that crocodile dog thing that was posted a while back.
If it's a private place than mostly servants and attendants to Eliza all with an Egyptian theme to them. I'd honestly prefer a more Maplecrest distribution of NPCs meaning low quantity and out of the way. Sometimes I just like having a nice background to look at and NPCs bopping and oscillating in the background take away from that.
no wait I got it! eliza is holding a blood drive/pool party. Every character in the game in their sexy swimwear in background.
obviously if you're playing the character they can't be in the stage too...or maybe they could who knows (not me, that's who)
obviously if you're playing the character they can't be in the stage too...or maybe they could who knows (not me, that's who)
They do this with a couple of stages already. If you play as BB he doesn't appear in Lab 8 and if you play as Parasoul she doesn't appear on the Glass Canopy.
Having loads of characters and NPCs might be annoying though. I imagine it's simple enough with just one.
no wait I got it! eliza is holding a blood drive/pool party. Every character in the game in their sexy swimwear in background.
obviously if you're playing the character they can't be in the stage too...or maybe they could who knows (not me, that's who)
I like this idea.
If it's a private place than mostly servants and attendants to Eliza all with an Egyptian theme to them. I'd honestly prefer a more Maplecrest distribution of NPCs meaning low quantity and out of the way. Sometimes I just like having a nice background to look at and NPCs bopping and oscillating in the background take away from that.
This is neato too.
I also hope the Eliza stage doesn't get too loaded with NPC's, but I trust the team to give us a good balance. BB's stage actually turned out pretty nice with all of the different variations.

Just shooting out NPC ideas though, how about an Indiana Jones type guy in swim trunks and a fedora. Maybe he'd be trying to chill on the side, but there could be a group of Snake girls around him making him really uncomfortable.

Another silly one could be a bearded guy in a swimsuit and bathrobe that looks like Heston's Moses, only he's holding kickboards instead of stone tablets. That might be a bit too much though, heh.

I also REALLY like the idea of the NPCs just being animals too. Seeing some exotic birds flying around in the background would be pretty awesome.
doesn't have quite the kick I expected
I was thinking there was gonna be some grander theme, with more jazz elements :V
YSo what kind of NPCs are you all expecting to show up in the Bath? My money is on that crocodile dog thing that was posted a while back.
You mean Ammit? The devourer of souls sounds more like Lv3 material than a background cameo. I'd also say such a chimera would make a very exotic pet but going by Regina's description, seems such creatures are fair game, so to speak.

They could work other Egyptian gods as servants holding towels, being cabana boys, etc.
Bastet and Hathor. º3º
(And this whole talk reminds me of Houtengeki's work. Don't you kids dare look that up!)

But real talk, given her situation and need for secrecy, too much servants is not a good thing. One can easily be taken away and made to talk.

Giant dragovultures.
You know what's up.
Brain Drain confirmed to make a few extra Canopian guilders by selling man-made exotic animals.
But real talk, given her situation and need for secrecy, too much servants is not a good thing. One can easily be taken away and made to talk.
You can't tell me what to do.
Ah, true true true. I wonder what kind of confidentiality agreement Horace and Albus had to sign though.
Albus and Horace aren't actually people, they're part of Eliza;
Just blood she carries around in separate bodies as emergency provisions, should something go wrong.
Albus and Horace aren't actually people, they're part of Eliza;
Just blood she carries around in separate bodies as emergency provisions, should something go wrong.
Well that's more reasonable then her going through possibly hundreds of applicants JUST to find one that look like Egyptian gods.
Albus and Horace aren't actually people, they're part of Eliza;
Just blood she carries around in separate bodies as emergency provisions, should something go wrong.
Isn't one of the hit animations have two funeral jars with Albus's and Horace's head? Could they actually be inside her unless she summons them?
I'm going to check, but if you're lying prepare for trouble.
and make it double.

Edit: I've returned from the beta and you can expect to be blasting off again real soon hombre.
im really sorry guys, haahahaha wont do it again >:)
Albus and Horace aren't actually people, they're part of Eliza;
Just blood she carries around in separate bodies as emergency provisions, should something go wrong.
Is that really true?

I'd always thought that Albus and Horace were just Ferals that conveniently looked like the Egyptian gods they borrow names from. It's just writers convenience that they exist at this point in the story so that Eliza can have her pantheon themed entourage.
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