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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion


Did it alter the way he played vs you at all? That's really all I'm hoping for is a slightly new dynamic to the solo v team neutral.
not really lol, or at least I didn't pay much attention to it. In my head, I just thought, oh, I might need to extend my combo a little to kill. Besides, my dudes were healing too
I mean yeah they heal while I heal, but I heal faster so it at least felt like the time we both spend healing was more valuable to me.
it'd be cool to see solo's get a unique mechanic that does legit change their strategy and gameplay, whether it be an offensive or defensive change. It's challenging though since not every solo character benefits equally, like Warped was saying.

silly ideas:

- Solo has ability activate "vampire" mode, costs 'x' bars, lasts for 'y' seconds, any hits they land will deal 75% damage and the remaining 25% as health they get back ( those are made up numbers, you get the idea )

- Solo has ability to burst during blockstun ( basically a solo Alpha Counter ), costs 1 bar, no punishment for whiffing like a red/green burst, nothing happens on block, but on hit this will send opponent flying + lock out assist calls for 5-10 seconds

At the same time then, if a team Snaps a Solo, they remove the solo's ability to perform these mechanics for a period of time.

all those numbers would need fine-tuning, but yeah...anyway, back to lurking
At the same time then, if a team Snaps a Solo, they remove the solo's ability to perform these mechanics for a period of time.WHOA WHOA WHOA BACK THE HELL UP!
can we just snap solo to take off their red health?
Hell yeah Florida to Australia sounds gr8, I think of that connection and I think "bet that'll be super playable"
God damn Australia getting up in my shit and ruining Halloween.

Also I'm really surprised nobody noticed the Filia dash under thing until now.
I guess she's the only character with a real Dash that transitions into a run though.
God damn Australia getting up in my shit and ruining Halloween.
The times I've run WYL I have tried to get Australia on there but it's tough cause they can really only play each other. From what I understand even relatively close countries like Japan or Korea or whatever have really bad latency.
Also I'm really surprised nobody noticed the Filia dash under thing until now.
I guess she's the only character with a real Dash that transitions into a run though.
I noticed it as soon as I picked her up, I just figured it was intentional. Prolly should have thought otherwise when Fukua came out and had a proper run, but eh.
Pushblock puts you in pushblock animation for ~20ish frames(someone please give number), you always mentally prepare to react to it by inducing blockstun on your opponnent, and you can react to its large, flashy animation and decide what to do after its animation resolves.

Statement A:
"I wish there was a way to make an opportunity after Filia gets in."

Statement B:
"Pushblock guard cancel."

Statement C:
"But if Filia stops attacking then you don't get a reversal!"

If Filia stops attacking, she's now in a bad position (because the pushblock pushed her away) and no longer attacking. Your opportunity has been made. Stop trying to wave your dick and pay attention to what's actually being said.

The only people who use the phrase "I could kick your ass" in an argument are people who have run out of facts to support them.
The bigger problem with PBGC is that on some of the cast, you won't actually stop her offense. Parasoul, Squigly, Eliza, Peacock, probably someone else I'm forgetting, all get blown up if the Filia player is playing around the reversals. As much as I love giving away an extra 100 undizzy to work with.
The bigger problem with PBGC is that on some of the cast, you won't actually stop her offense. Parasoul, Squigly, Eliza, Peacock, probably someone else I'm forgetting, all get blown up if the Filia player is playing around the reversals. As much as I love giving away an extra 100 undizzy to work with.
Well the options each character has depends on how well the filia pressure was blocked. If filia gets pushed away, then all of those characters have options to at least say "GTFO". Against an IAD approach, para can cr.mp/cr.hp/j.lp - j.hp, Squigly can j.lk or s.hk/s.lp, Eliza can throw out almost any hitbox she has, let alone her dp (why use it though), Peacock can play get way with j.hk airbackdash j.hp or just call up close item drop hk bomb to lk bomb to m bang and other things.
You can do alot more than just let her back in, although some characters do have it harder (surprised double was not on the list though).
So uh... while you're in an experimenting mood.

Is there a chance we can maybe test giving headless fortune her old fiber (if any part of fiber hits, you jump follow up but not on block) with current changes? I figure it'd be something neat to try since headless fiber is no longer hit invuln. Asking for this is probably a long shot but it doesn't hurt me to try. (or not too much I hope.)

I wish I had better reasoning other than curiosity

I really like this idea! @KhaosMuffins ? I mean this thread's about other stuff right now but worth a shot, heh.
Statement A:
"I wish there was a way to make an opportunity after Filia gets in."

Statement B:
"Pushblock guard cancel."

Statement C:
"But if Filia stops attacking then you don't get a reversal!"

If Filia stops attacking, she's now in a bad position (because the pushblock pushed her away) and no longer attacking. Your opportunity has been made. Stop trying to wave your dick and pay attention to what's actually being said.

You should learn how to react to pushblocks before talking about this subject any more, because you have literally no clue what the fuck you are talking about and you are just repeating what you have said in your previous post.

Your understanding of Skullgirls is completely linear, binary and has no nuance.

You completely ignore player reactions and being able to cover multiple options with a single series of inputs within a tight frame window. As if blocking for 8ish frames then attacking is somehow impossible, not strong, or not something that people actually do.

You completely ignore every single aspect of the game, and focus on talking about an imaginary fairy land where player reactions don't exist, pushblocks don't extend the amount of blockstun you are in, tight timing windows that can be taken advantage of don't exist, and you somehow think that you are qualified to talk about any aspect of the game with the slightest hint of confidence or authority.

It is completely pointless trying to talk about the game with you, because you're not even playing the same game as everyone else. Ignored.
Unrelated to the current beta changes, but I would really love it if the undizzy bar changed colors when it's filled up to/past the max.
I really like this idea! @KhaosMuffins ? I mean this thread's about other stuff right now but worth a shot, heh.
It'd be cool if you could followup off of any number of hits when it's part of a combo, at least. Honestly I'm not sure if should go back to allowing the followup off of any number of hits when in neutral/as an anti-air because that was dumb. I'd rather have LK fiber get back it's old invincibility when you have the head on, tbh.
solos should get the ability to input an alpha counter motion, and then input any move during the freeze/flash thing, and it comes out 1st frame. basically like a PBGC without having to do the PB first.

i dunno. this would probably be too good and i admit i havent really thought much about it. just thought id throw it out there and see if it was worth something.

it would give solos something else to spend their meter on!
I don't see the problem with it. The difference between 235 undizzy and 240 undizzy does make a difference and can be hard to see in the middle of your super intense crazy amazing spectacular unbelievable match. Idk how making that easier to know is a problem
Nah Nah man
What if the Undizzy decayed to... 9 and your making a combo up on the fly because you're so god damn good and you hit 239 Undizzy but you're like
"Oh man I don't have to time to look at pixels fuck should I continue this final chain"
and you drop the combo just to be safe but mashed gregor then :(
It's not a problem, but I feel that we're being a little spoiled asking for stuff like this

It's something that would still remove the rare cases of ambiguity (239 undizzy vs 240 undizzy) and it's literally just a colour change at a certain threshold. This is a great suggestion that doesn't seem unreasonable at all to me.
It's not a problem, but I feel that we're being a little spoiled asking for stuff like this
*looks at the entirety of Skullheart (though really this thread is enough)*
We're a bit past that point. :/

I've personally come across several situations where the undizzy bar looked full but I was actually able to get another chain in, especially off of grab resets.
The 50px crossup experiment affects a lot of stuff that isn't Filia j.HK and Valentine j.HP, things that are far less safe or ambiguous
Once I've found are tight Squigly j.mk crossups, Parasoul j.mk crossups, big band kara s.mk xx beat extend crossunders
It also breaks my Squigly hk divekick crossup completely, causing it to push the opponent away instead of connecting (Against Cerebella at least, that is who I tested on)

If anything it makes some crossups more ambiguous, since Squigly can for example delay her j.mk crossup (Which has a pretty distinct setup) a little bit to choose between left/right without actually having to do anything else differently, I bet other characters can do similar things.
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One thing I noticed is that it breaks Bella's HP xx kanchou combos on everyone because she has to do the cross up dash a little bit longer.