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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

naw man.
the best mascot is Mara.
ya'll are crazy if you think anyone is more of the face of Persona AND SMT than Mara.
meanwhile cerberus cries in a corner
Nobody will be as appreciated as Cerberus. I wouldn't really call him a mascot character although I think I remember him being pretty prominent in early SMT artwork.
Cerberus was prominent. He was more a face than a mascot. If that makes sense?
Cerberus was prominent. He was more a face than a mascot. If that makes sense?
It does, I don't know the exact word I'm trying to use but he's presented in the way that you would show off an important character or npc in the game.

When I think mascot I think more along the line of "establishing a brand".
Edit: We will never have box art as imposing and evocative as the SNES era shin megami tensei games. Even the intro to the first game sends a small shiver down my spine.
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When Cerberus is brought up, I always immediately think of the great MMO they have. Where Cerby IS pretty important and Jacky is just a random guy you can get.
Cerberus was the protagonist's main demon in the Novels that inspired the game (there are only 2 translated floating around the net, sadly)
Isn't the first novel kinda bad though

That's what I heard, anyway.

Not bobrossfreaked yet but Chie has arrived
Yellow jumpsuit dah bes
With subs

Edit: Full pic of yellow jump suit.
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  • Digital Devil Story Reincarnation of the Goddess.pdf
    693.5 KB · Views: 502
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Welp some bug piqued my interest in the media that got the SMT franchise started and here is what I have.

I found a subtitled version of the 1987 Digital Devil OVA.
EDIT: It should be mentioned that this is an 80's anime with Devil in the title. Viewers beware.

I also found a .epub version of the first of the three original novels here. (I posted a pdf earlier in the thread)
If you need a program to open .epub files and don't use Kindle I recommend Calibre.

With luck, I'll be converting the second book into a pdf/epub in the next week since the download links at the translators website are dead. Unfortunately the third book has not been translated and I have no experience with Japanese to make an attempt of my own.

There was also an english translation for Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (a SNES port of the original Megami Tensei 1-2) released last year by the Romhacking Aerie.
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Ima level with you guys,
Marie was pretty good.
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I turned to another tab when they started to show it because I thought it was some generic Atlus handheld RPG but nope. It was the big one.
It's not what I expected at all, but it does look colorful, I'll give it that.

However, what will make it or break it for me is whether it actually plays and feels like SMT X FE, and not just Persona with a few FE people as summons. I'm talking mid battle movements on a square grid, rock/paper/scissors weapon advantages, lengthy 20+ minute engagements, press turns, demon summoning, maybe some form of perma death, etc. The works from both series.

The extremely brief battle clips they showed seem turn based and persona-esque, hopefully there's more to it then that though. Otherwise fuck it.

And it better not play like Devil Survivor either. DS1 is probably one of the best story/settings in the smt-verse but I did not care for the gameplay at all. Too much of a grindfest if you weren't a master of fusion/stat min maxing IMO, and the excision of the usual exploration in between battles hurt the pacing rather then helped also IMO.
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This persona-reeking piece of garbage doesn't even deserve to be called a SMT spinoff. Horrible even as an April 1st joke

Hell, it's too anime-ish and colorful even for a Megami Ibunroku title! The ONLY redeemable thing on it was the scene between 1:24 and 1:27

Devil survivor 1 had these bad character designs, but the plot and SOME characters evolved quite decently. Seeing the world descent into anarchi and madness was awesome!. Devil survivor 2 is a train wreck of a game in that regard and only the system saves it.

That's what happens when they ditch everyone related to Kaneko's team.


(On a side note, every character actually "grows" in the game, a good lesson learned from Persona titles, but from all of them, Gale's evolution is my favorite, even if i hate his atma avatar and overall appearance)
The ironic thing is that, even though it also looks very anime (though to a lesser extent), FE:If looks closer to a true SMT X FE game then this does so far.

In fact, come to think of it, SMT IV was pretty close to an SMT X FE setting wise, given the modern day post-apocalypse/fantasy world dichotomy.
It feels like...Fire Emblem: Awakening x Persona...

Godammit, Demi-Fiend better a super boss and someone from the main series better show up, or ima kill somebody! DX

I'm still looking forward to it...but it definately needs a darker edge. Hopefully its not all sunshine, rainbows...is that Kyran (Red axe knight from Radiant Dawn) as a motorcycle? what?
It feels like...Persona x Persona x Persona x Persona...


Honestly I didn't see anything remotely Fire Emblem in that trailer. Probably one more reason to wait before judging, they're going to have to do something to please the FE fans given that it's in the title.
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Screw that, it's judging time.

it looks like persona and idolmaster shit out a spawn and then fucked it
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eugh why are you guys complaining

don't knock it until you see social links and dating
Given how Fire Emblem IS able to be lighthearted and then switch up to being darker at important moments, I hope this does the same. I'm still super hyped for it, cause I know it will be good. Let's just hope its unique and not just a Persona clone with a few tweaks.
Oh I'm worried, but I know the game will be good. I was thinking it would do this after the reception Awakening got and the popularity of Persona. It's funny really, SMT seems to be getting more lighthearted and Persona, at least by P5, seems to be getting darker. As long as FE characters actually make physicial appearances...I get the feeling ppl from SMT will make some kinda appearance? I'm worried we'll be seeing cameos from Devil Survivor or Persona, which I don't want. I want my Demi Fiend to kick my ass!
don't mind me, just playing nocturne without caring about what else is going on here

(seriously stop being so quick to judge otherwise just play the old games)
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Teddie is pretty much seen as the Antichrist to people lol
Yeah, this is such a huge reaction, the way you see these reactions you'd think as if the Antichrist was born.
This is SMT we're talking about. I woudn't put it past them :3
@Squire Grooktook
all it is that it's not everyone looking like pale vampires and shit.
I think it looks good.

Eh, I like Kaneko's human character designs a lot. I actually agree that the trailer actually looks kinda okay, but it doesn't look like FE at all. Which is, you know, kind of the point of a cross over.

Anyway my point is, this better play like SMT X FE. If it's just Persona with FE units/characters referenced/summoned, I don't think there'll be much point to it when you could just replay Persona 4 or Devil Survivor. Or hell, play FE:If which already looks more like an SMT game then this does.

Give me a fast paced turn based strategy game with perma death, demon summoning, press turns, and weapon triangles, and I'll be totally down with this.
I kinda feel it combines elements from both FE and SMT in terms of design.
I mean, one of the things that caught my eye was the background stage workers that are used in traditional Japanese theatre.
I love it when those kinds of elements are used.
makes me think of Shinkenger.

from what I saw of the combat flow and the overworld, the game looks GORGEOUS.
I kinda feel it combines elements from both FE and SMT in terms of design.
I mean, one of the things that caught my eye was the background stage workers that are used in traditional Japanese theatre.

Up until If, FE has been entirely set in a medieval Europe-esque fantasy, so what about that in any way combines elements of FE? I mean it could in the long run, but there's basically nothing in the trailer (some "summons" if that's what they are, look vaguelly armored, but not in a recognizably FE look) that shouts Classical Fantasy. It's basically just Persona with a different color screen at the moment.

Combat is what worries me the most. I could be mistaken, but it looked like a standard turn based style arena with no movement. Aka not a strategy rpg, aka why does this even have Fire Emblem in the title.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not down with just trashing the game right away, but the trailer only shows one half of what could be a decent franchise merger. If they don't show the other half pretty soon...