New Missile System on PBE - Rewriting Skillshots

Riot Meyea with a
heads up on the new missile system now on that PBE; the team has re-written how skillshots work behind the scenes!"Hello Summoners! We've re-written how skillshots work. My team at Riot is called CUTS. We Clean Up The Stuff (There's a synonym for "poop" in the real name). The "stuff" my team is cleaning up are skillshots. Like, all of them.
This video(Thanks for the shout out Gosu) is an example of a bug that actually exists on live right now. And frankly... fixing bugs like this involves a lot of change. If you fix some bugs, other bugs come up. Even worse bugs. Unless we re-write it. Which we've done. Huzzah! Re-writing how skillshots work is a huge change and the last time we put our changes on the PBE you guys were quick to find gameplay-impacting bugs. SHOUTOUTS TO THESE GUYS FOR POSTING. I <3 THE PBE COMMUNITY.
Frick You Austin,
PO Little Mac,
Micro98s (I probably missed some threads. If you made a thread about skillshots 2 weeks ago post it in the comments and I'll add it to the shoutout list x.^) This weekend I'm making a post because if there are no gameplay impacting bugs then we're ready to put our changes onto the live servers. Please feel free to leave any issues you find in the comments below! x.^"When asked about the differences between the new and old system,
Riot Meyeacommented:
"The old system was not able to support a lot of things. I'm not an engineer- I'm a Quality Analyst and so I won't pretend to know how the old system is written as opposed to the new system, but essentially everything should behave exactly or almost exactly in the new system as it does the old system. What's different for players is that bugs that are considered un-fixable in the old system are now fixed in our system. It also means that there's the possibility to be more creative with skillshots, allowing the potential for really interesting abilities."He
"Playerside, it should work exactly the same. It totally won't thought because what kind of dream world are we living in that we could re-write something that is exactly the same. More practically, there will be small insignificant differences probably everywhere but importantly
we will be able to fix bugs and do more creative things with skillshots in the future"
When asked what else this team has worked on,
Riot Meyeanoted:
"Yes, other large under the hood changes have been made by this team. I wasn't involved with the other projects and so I'm not familiar with what specifically they've fixed. I'll ask the team since I'm just curious now as well. A reason you might not have heard of this team is because it's not permanent. It's created on a need basis. Specifically this time, the team was brought together because our missile system was so dysfunctional that bugs couldn't be fixed without creating new ones. Extreme things like that require a complete overhaul, but most things actually don't and so this team dissolves once they're "done" with whatever they were called together for. I like to think of us as the Justice League."