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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

You have until tomorrow to send me request for my 500th palette, I only have 1 request, and I got everything almost ready, so send me a request and probably around 7 pm (CST) Ill upload the 500th palette, etc.

Darth Vader (Star Wars) for Brain Drain? Or maybe Porygon (Pokémon) for Robo-Fortune.
Darth Vader (Star Wars) for Brain Drain? Or maybe Porygon (Pokémon) for Robo-Fortune.
I have done a Darth Vader Brain Drain a while ago. Haven't done the Porygon though
Didn't really look that good since Darth Vader doesn't have color, he is just black
My 500th Palette!!

Also I made the 500th Celebration image, like the 300th,

I am also going to make a new Album for the next 500 palettes, I still havent made it, but Here is a link to the old palettes album featuring the first 500 http://imgur.com/a/jMDqe
Last thing:
I made these Color Maps, and sent them to the owner of the forum, but he seems to stop checking my messages, so here are the 2 I made


(Give me credit)
Squigly as the 4th Ranked Assassin in the United Assassins Association!



Had this to go on and I wasn't sure how I was going to the bottom so I went for an inky black dress bottom like I've done before. Frankly, I'm supersized how well it fits the design n_n

She could also be seen as an Arbiter :)
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Speaking of No More Heroes, anyone up to make a Skelter Helter palette?
Here is the reference:
Aw son of a glitch!
What a Glitch.png

Glitch Sonic or Ashura


********** or "**********" or better known as Wechnia

Tails Passed Act  1.png

Blue Knuckles,that's it.That's all.But apparently he's Tails in this picture.
Heh heh. As expected, as expected.
My first Non-Batman palette in the Album.
And it's a Seth MacFarland palette. Ughhh why did I make this.
Anyway it reminds me of X-Men
Made this based off the water clones in Ocean Gem. Would have done this for Double but she's already got a water palette, so Fukua it was.



And done!Sorry this took a buttload of time to get out!I was debating on how to color Valentine's shirt thing since there really wasn't a good shot of the blue Inkling's shirt.I also gave it a special Spatoon-esque twist.
You're a Kid Now.png

I'm working on something BIG right now, so enjoy these Cartoon Network based Palettes for Brain Drain.
Also Im going on Vacation on Monday, so I might not post for a week or 2.
Also I didn't shade them to be like the shows they are based on
"Welcome to the H.E.V. mark IV protective system, for use in hazardous environment conditions."
"Get comfortable while I warm up the neurotoxin emitters."


References (2):

I'm crossover trash. Then again, it's not a crossover if they take place in the same universe...
Wait has anyone done a Henger palette for Robo Fortune yet?
Guess who beat Mega Man 6?:D So in honor of that,I whipped up some Robot Master palettes.
I actually want to play more Mega Man games now.
Galaxy Dance.png


Kareoke Mermaid.png


Knight's Honor.png


Out of MM6's Robot Masters,I really liked fighting Knight Man.
Can I request Elle Driver (Kill Bill movies) for Valentine? I think it would fit well considering how they both have an eyepatch and in the first movie, Elle sneaks into a hospital using a nurse's uniform.

References (2):

