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The Steven Universe Thread! [SPOILERS]

Welp. That was a thing.

Im just going to wait here for Ruin's response.
Well that ended on a sour note. I hope the smiling breakfast gives a resolution that isn't sad.
who wants a kick to their balls?



Im just going to wait here for Ruin's response.

I liked this episode a lot, tbh. Rather than a write-up though, I'm just gonna make a pros/cons list

S A R D O N Y X I S P E R F E C T (mostly)
Sardonyx has an ojou laugh
Sardonyx has a warhammer
All of Sardonyx week has been confirmed to be a 5-episode story arc, so this shit is getting resolved in the next 4 days
Pearl Got Called Out On Being A Huge Asshole
The debut of the most anticipated fusion got ruined by Pearl being a huge asshole
Happy post-fusion Garnet
Angry as fuck Garnet
Amethyst's sad feelings didn't overtake the episode and
Sugilite cameo

The debut of the most anticipated gem get ruined by Pearl being a huge asshole
Sardonyx has peridot hair
Sugilite wasn't voiced (understandably, but I love Nicki as Sugilite so much)
Sad breakfast friends being the plot was kinda silly (I was Garnet, tbh)

Why are you guys being so hard on Pearl? Remember when Ruby and Sapphire were freaking the fuck out at being unfused? It's obvious some fusions are much more desirable than others. And like Amethyst said, Garnet is extremely powerful (and hot) so it's not that strange that the others like being fused with her, especially Pearl who has had a Rose shaped hole in her heart for years that she is desperately trying to fill! Although this whole scenario leaves one big question.

Why wouldn't Garnet let Pearl fuse with her before then?
remember that time Amethyst actively and willingly aided an enemy to make an excuse to fuse, though
yeah probably not
because it didn't happen
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Wow, Pearl's really becoming The Scrappy.
Y'know theres been this thing about fusion that's confused me. If they combine and animorph into one larger woman with more eyes with the thoughts and conscience of the sum of their parts. I think its weird that even then one can't tell the other is hiding shit from the other. Also why's every fusion with Pearl gotta be some kinda four-eye'd weirdo.
Aren't Malachite, Sugilite, and Garnet fusions with more than two eyes too?
Pearl is not the goddamn scrappy! If you hate realistic characters so much go watch Game of Thrones!
I'm not hating Pearl. In fact she's my favorite Gem. I'm saying it because it seems people hate her so much. I'm being realistic, not subjective.
i'm sorry but I don't particularly find being a danger to everyone around you and purposely using your friends for selfish means without their knowing to be particularly likeable, or relatable, or realistic
I mean yeah
I'm a danger to everyone around me, but I'll at least ask honestly when I want to use people for my own selfish means
Anyone remember the Hey Arnold episode, "Helga and the Nanny?" Helga frames her nanny, Inge, for stealing from her dad, and she gets fired for it. Helga later realizes just how much of an impact Inge had on her friends and family, so she tracks her down to try to convince her to come back. But Inge basically tells Helga that she's made her choice, and now she has to live with it, and returns to her home in Switzerland. And the episode ends with Helga on her bed reading a postcard from Inge, as she quietly, but visibly regrets what she had done.

I remember the first time seeing that episode as a kid. Well, back then I was too young to pick up on just how deep Helga was as a character, so I didn't appreciate her nearly as much as I do now. But even then, even though I knew what she did was fucked up, I still couldn't help but feel bad for her. And the fact that everything didn't work itself out in the end resonated with me. It depressed the hell out of me, yeah, but it resonated with me.

I got very similar vibes from today's episode. Pearl did something bad. She got called out on it. And everything wasn't happily ever after.

And thinking on it, Pearl is kind of similar to Helga in that they both carry some serious emotional baggage, but don't exactly have an available outlet for it. Neither of them (well, as far as we know in Pearl's case) really have had anyone that they feel they can confide in, so they try to make do by bottling up their feelings, which leads them to unhealthy behavior and harmful decisions. Cries for help, if you will.

I have to say, after that ending, I'm grateful for the Stevenbomb format now more than ever. I can only imagine how agonizing it would be to have to wait week after week just to see how this tension between the Gems plays out.

remember that time Amethyst actively and willingly aided an enemy to make an excuse to fuse, though
yeah probably not
because it didn't happen

No, but Amethyst understood though. It was pretty clear she realized that, if things were a little different, she could have just as easily been in Pearl's position.

I'm not hating Pearl. In fact she's my favorite Gem. I'm saying it because it seems people hate her so much. I'm being realistic, not subjective.

Sorry, but unless he's written out of the show somehow, no one is ever replacing Lars as the scrappy.
Y'know there's been this thing about fusion that's confused me. If they combine and animorph into one larger woman with more eyes with the thoughts and conscience of the sum of their parts. I think its weird that even then one can't tell the other is hiding shit from the other. Also why's every fusion with Pearl gotta be some kinda four-eye'd weirdo.

A Gem Fusion with good synchronization becomes a completely different person. examples include Sugilite, Opal, GARNET, and Sardonyx. Gems with a lack of synchronization start to split or fight against each other, examples include Malachite, Alexandrite with food, and Garnet about to collapse in Keeping It Together

i'm sorry but I don't particularly find being a danger to everyone around you and purposely using your friends for selfish means without their knowing to be particularly likeable, or relatable, or realistic
I mean yeah
I'm a danger to everyone around me, but I'll at least ask honestly when I want to use people for my own selfish means
Likable no, but realistc and relatable, sadly so.

We all know Gem fusion is a super intimate and sacred process. Possibly the only thing we mortals could compare to is probably sex. Ammy put it better herself; that feeling of being fused, that power, that feeling of being connected with someone, Its addicting! We've seen several examples in the show already.

Pearl also has two other things to note. She hadn't fused with Garnet to become Sardonyx in a LOOOOONG time. Which means she rarely ever gets to fuse since Ammy and Pearl aren't very compatible. She probably forgot what it felt like to be completely in sync with someone else since Rose, which I'm sure no one needs a reminder of how much she enjoyed her company. Becoming Sardonyx again gave her a taste of something she longed for and forgotten, and wanted to get as much as she could while it lasted.

You could literally replace the world fusion with sex and the story basially stays the same, albeit more relatable.
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We all know Gem secks is a super intimate and sacred process. Possibly the only thing we mortals could compare to is probably sex. Ammy put it better herself; that feeling of being penetrated, that power, that feeling of being connected with someone, Its addicting! We've seen several examples in the show already.

Pearl also has two other things to note. She hadn't had sex with Garnet to become Sardonyx in a LOOOOONG time. Which means she rarely ever gets to have sex since Ammy and Pearl aren't very compatible. She probably forgot what it felt like to be completely in tribadism with someone else since Rose, which I'm sure no one needs a reminder of how much she enjoyed her phat booty. Becoming Sardonyx again gave her a taste of something she longed for and forgotten, and wanted to get as much sex as she could while it lasted.

You could literally replace the world fusion with sex and the story basically stays the same, albeit more relatable.

Wow you're right, more relatable and much funnier. I mean just imagine, if you could have hot intimate sex to acomplish a task in a certain situation wouldn't you at least try to engineer that same situation again at least just once! It's basic psychology, It doesn't matter if you're a human or a silicon based alien, sentient creatures like pleasure and want more of it, and if it's in short supply then they might even do something dishonest to get it!
Also why's every fusion with Pearl gotta be some kinda four-eye'd weirdo.
Opal had two eyes. :P

As for the whole Pearl thing... it's kind of a mess, and people are laying the hate on her for what she did. Which I can understand, but at the same time, a lot of people are bashing her because she has flaws, like, yknow, literally every single human being does. (Yes, that means all of you, no one is perfect.) She's a very well written and complex character with flaws and some issues she needs to work out, and it bothers me to see mindless hate of her just because she has flaws. This sort of thing happened to Pearl in previous episodes (the whole "Pearl is a jealous bitch and I hate her" thing after We Need to Talk) and with Amethyst, too - Amethyst clearly has a LOT of self-image issues, as well as emotional issues (I've seen a theory that she has borderline personality disorder, and I'm inclined to agree with it) and people just HATED her after On The Run. This happens in other fandoms, too - this isn't by any means the first time diverse, complex characters with flaws portrayed in a realistic way have been mindlessly hated by the fandom.

What I'd like to see is Pearl striving to improve herself and realize her flaws, then try to change said flaws for the better, and overall have some more character development. Not sure what else to say as I'm tired and most likely sick and can't quite think straight.
I was mostly talking about how both rainbow quartz and sardonyx are four-eye'd nerds as a result of fusion with pearl. Then I did some fact checking and realized opal only had two eyes. I'm sure someone somewhere has made a write up on the relationship between a fusion's number of eyes and their strength. Or its just for the sake of lookin cool I guess.

I think fusion is less like boning and more like combining your gem hologram bodies by dancing to increase your LCL drift compatibility synchronicity so each of the people involved can pilot the giant woman together in brainspace.

I just think its weird that its shown that the two that form the fusion have knowledge of what happened while they were a giant woman, and that they kinda combine personality traits and stuff as a fusion, so like shouldn't one of the two parties involved be able to notice something like "hey I think part of me wanted this fusion thing to happen for some specific reason" or am I just overthinking things?
Something I heard about fusion, that kinda makes sense, is that. The more perfect the synchronization, the less extra limbs the fusion has. Which is why Opal, Alexandrite, Garnet, Sugilite, and Sardonyx all have two legs. BUT. Alexandrite has TWO FACES, a ton of arms, and is basically not very consistently stable. And Sugilite has like, 5 eyes, and two arms that SPLIT into two more. (Which I always found gross that each arm wasn't it's own limb.)
This also explains why Malachite has like, ALLLLL different weird things going on. It's super ULTRA unstable. Does that make sense? I hope so ;w;
I think people are just sorta tired of all of the Pearl-focused stories.

She got a LOT of focus in the last StevenBomb, too.
i mean comparing fusion to sex honestly makes the situation a ton worse
and introduces something of a double standard here

I mean imagine if Pearl were a male character that lied and manipulated a friend into having "sex" with them
people would fuckin' shit down that dude's neck and say what a scumbag they were for tricking their friend like that
like, honestly, how are people treating pearl as if she's sympathetic at all in this situation
She broke the fuck out Garnet's trust and used her with no regard for Garnet's feelings or how she would react
because they hadn't fucked in a while
fuckin' seriously
that's not even realistic that's being a goddamn selfish piece of poopoo
realistically if I encountered someone that did that I wouldn't go "haha that's so relatable" I'd go "what the FUCK is wrong with you, you fuckhead"

this shit is not something people need to forgive pearl for
this is something that Pearl needs to fucking fix herself because she is literally the only person at fault here
Maybe fusions do represent relationships. Negative relationships seem to result in unstable fusions like Malachite and Alexandrite (with food).
i mean comparing fusion to sex honestly makes the situation a ton worse
and introduces something of a double standard here

I mean imagine if Pearl were a male character that lied and manipulated a friend into having "sex" with them
people would fuckin' shit down that dude's neck and say what a scumbag they were for tricking their friend like that
like, honestly, how are people treating pearl as if she's sympathetic at all in this situation
She broke the fuck out Garnet's trust and used her with no regard for Garnet's feelings or how she would react
because they hadn't fucked in a while
fuckin' seriously
that's not even realistic that's being a goddamn selfish piece of poopoo
realistically if I encountered someone that did that I wouldn't go "haha that's so relatable" I'd go "what the FUCK is wrong with you, you fuckhead"

this shit is not something people need to forgive pearl for
this is something that Pearl needs to fucking fix herself because she is literally the only person at fault here

There is a big difference between sympathy/understanding and forgiveness. Im not forgiving Pearl for what she did. Im just understanding why she did. She still needs to find some way to Redeem herself, and i mean BIG time.
Fusion is just like the dancing. It's two different souls forming together to get this mix... this sorta jazz of soul. The sexuality of the whole thing is sorta like that where sex and dancing and the combination/trust of two souls are all related. That these actions all require the two people to come together on the same wavelength. so yeah I'm fine with the hinting of a sudo sexual imagery with Fusions because it's accurate.
Wow, we found someone who is even saltier than Past Pearl.

Sapphire is pretty cold...but only because she keeps looking forward and not in the present.

Idk, I like these 2
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Who else loved the little make out scene with Rub and "laughy Sapphy"?

Holy shit I loved that part. lol Pretty much solid proof for any stragglers saying, "IT'S PLATONIC!"
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@Ninja that second image makes me think of Boris from rocky and bullwinkle for some reason.
Considering that same sex marriage is legalized in the US it's not surprising that Ruby and Sapphire's interactions are more intensified.
B-b-but female best friends kiss each other all the-

Nah, I cant even finish that XD
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