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The Overwatch Thread

I hope Bastion's trailer comes with an announcement that they're going to rework Bastion by swapping out his turret and tank form, and then reworking the damage accordingly.
it's not even my idea. it was Plague of Gripes'
I mean, it takes Bastion from a hero that brings nothing in a game of super mobile characters into a defensive lockdown character that moves around but with that added threat of a super lockdown.
yeah... but like... D.Va can kinda do that already, only she's much closer. Cause lets not forget, her new buff just stops shit from happening, plus her boosters allows her to close gaps quickly.
yeah, but, I hate the turret form being just a secondary form.
it should be an ult.
it's fuckin' retarded to have a character just stop and stay still to use an ability.
everybody else still has movement, WHY NOT THIS?!


it's not even my disdain for the Bastion being on the enemy team. I've played Bastion and I don't have fun. like, I'm shit with Tracer but even I can have fun with her. Bastion is just boring. the way his gameplay works right now is just a fucking mess.
you ever think about how pharah got her eye tattoo'd cause her mom died but now her mom isn't dead and they both have the same tattoo? That would suck.
i thought they didn't have the same tattoo. I mean it's similar but not the same. one is for Horus and the other is... someone i forget.
i thought they didn't have the same tattoo. I mean it's similar but not the same. one is for Horus and the other is... someone i forget.
Eye of Ra (Ana)
Eye of Horus (Pharah)
In some FPS you could aim rocket launchers at the floor to boost your jump height.(Soldier from TF2 is the classic example)
Probably Sombra will appear in there not just like an easter egg?
The info on Bastion's bio is he spontaneously awoke in a field after being deactivated for years, and only attacks if he is met with aggression. Otherwise he explores nature with his bird buddy.

Wonder who will trigger the aggression, and who might offer a hand of peace first (Zenyatta maybe?)
The info on Bastion's bio is he spontaneously awoke in a field after being deactivated for years, and only attacks if he is met with aggression. Otherwise he explores nature with his bird buddy.

Wonder who will trigger the aggression, and who might offer a hand of peace first (Zenyatta maybe?)
me betting on good old Trob to trigger Bastion.

just saying...
I like everything about bastion. They should keep his turret form a secondary form. After all, thats how i get my play of the games lol.
Oh we have an overwatch thread that's cool.
Hello son. I am the creator of this overwatch thread. Come on in and make yourself at home :)
In some FPS you could aim rocket launchers at the floor to boost your jump height.(Soldier from TF2 is the classic example)
my bad I meant more like what does he mean by bastion having a rocket jump, he doesnt have a rocket jump...DOES HE?
you could rocket jump in tank form couldn't you?
I like everything about bastion. They should keep his turret form a secondary form. After all, thats how i get my play of the games lol.
you're the problem.
you're the problem.
Not really. I just play the champion the way he was meant to be played. I dont really stay in one corner while in his turret form because it would be redundant. If you have a problem with bastions be some one who counters them like hanzo, widowbitch, pharah or even junkrat. Ps stop ya belly achin'
you know, rather than joining the mentality of "he says there's a problem with Bastion, he must just be bad" you could actually take a look at some of the things involving the character, like how Bastion has one of the lowest pick rates out of any other hero in the entire game. how about instead of saying "well, the pro players dont even pick him so obviously he's worthless" you actually look at all the problems he might have. because I am sick of Bastion being the hero that bitches who desperately want to win or get the play of the game trying jump to.

you know, rather than joining the mentality of "he says there's a problem with Bastion, he must just be bad" you could actually take a look at some of the things involving the character, like how Bastion has one of the lowest pick rates out of any other hero in the entire game. how about instead of saying "well, the pro players dont even pick him so obviously he's worthless" you actually look at all the problems he might have. because I am sick of Bastion being the hero that bitches who desperately want to win or get the play of the game trying jump to.


Wow, teabagging players who dare, dare, to pick a hero in a game.
That really makes me respect your opinions on balance.
you know, rather than joining the mentality of "he says there's a problem with Bastion, he must just be bad" you could actually take a look at some of the things involving the character, like how Bastion has one of the lowest pick rates out of any other hero in the entire game. how about instead of saying "well, the pro players dont even pick him so obviously he's worthless" you actually look at all the problems he might have. because I am sick of Bastion being the hero that bitches who desperately want to win or get the play of the game trying jump to.

Dude i didnt say anything like the things you mentioned. Earlier in the forumn you complained about bastions second form having absolute zero mobility. My counter to your arguement is that you dont have, i repeat, YOU DO NOT have to stay in one position. That is how you get picked off easily by a hero like genji or even worse, get swarmed by multiple players
aw fuck, I'm sorry. I was mainly just popping off on a lot of pent up feelings I have towards some of the community. if anything, don't take any of it as directed towards you.

like, my only gripe with what you said really should have been "well, you have to change out of his secondary form, so why not just have two mobile forms?" I mean, the tank form would be better because you would be able to have two different ways of attacking and harder for the enemy to predict an attack pattern.

a lot of the feelings I have toward talking people to this game mainly come from looking at the Overwatch forums and seeing how it's an absolute cancer when it comes to talking about game balance or anything like that. like, I honestly hate the argument about how pro-players hero usage should show that the game is balanced, but that doesn't account for around 95% of everybody else playing the game, but that doesn't matter to them and they'll just downvote you because you criticized a Blizzard game.

I'm sorry man. I just need a break from thinking about this game. it does things to me.

Wow, teabagging players who dare, dare, to pick a hero in a game.
That really makes me respect your opinions on balance.
though real talk, that was someone who obviously picked a Bastion because they believe getting kills is easy. case in point, I was doing Genji's reflect to his face and he didn't stop firing.
even if the guy stopped firing once you did reflect he was still good as dead due to how many shots turret mode does and the fact that each one would have hit due to you being at point blank range. Even if he had survived he would have been at best 30% health. A couple of Shuriken throws and a swift Strike later and he would have been dead.

So yeah.
not really since you can stop firing at any time and he still continued to fire at me. like, if he was smart he would've aimed up until the turret stopped firing and I wasted my reflect. also I think I hit him with like, one shuriken. and his entire health bar went down. and I got 91 out of that kill. meaning he might have gotten grazed a little bit by something else before I got there.

also, lemme offer a peace offering of an imgur file of salty Overwatch cheaters.
Another legendary.....and its the other brazil soccer Lucio skin when I already have the white one.....Blizzard why? ;A;

also, lemme offer a peace offering of an imgur file of salty Overwatch cheaters.
so far my favorite comment is the one where were he gets his brother's account banned......lel
My only problem with Bastion is that he takes alot of coordination with your team to be super useful as of late. Like half of the cast counters him in someway, and most people see a Bastion on their team and think that the Bastion can take care of himself. Like Bastion has one of largest hitboxes in the game, turret mode is a sitting target, and on top of all that he only as 300 hp. Flanking Bastion deals with him easily enough, and getting into position not so easily flanked leaves you open to be sniped or bomb lobbed.
Like Bastion does the best DPS of any character, but he sacrifices so much in order to have that possibility.
Though I love wasting Genji's reflect by shooting near them just because Genji's see Bastion and instinctively reflect. I mean 9 times out of 10 I'll still die because they then just dash behind me and then fan blades as they jump around me as I can't move or transform and run away for distance/better shot on the smallest, nimblest, fastest character in the game (arguably).
Oh and by the way, i wouldnt necessarily call him the lowest picked hero
like, my only gripe with what you said really should have been "well, you have to change out of his secondary form, so why not just have two mobile forms?" I mean, the tank form would be better because you would be able to have two different ways of attacking and harder for the enemy to predict an attack pattern.
well when out of his turret form it's not like he is useless. his regular gun comes in handy a lot (at least that is what i learned from my experience with him). either way you still have different methods of attacking. Bastion is suppose to be a defense hero. His main role is defending capture points and making sure pay loads are safe from enemy team so of course it only makes sense that he has a stationary form not to mention the fact that his turret form does great damage. Do you know how overpowered it would be for bastion to have a mobile turret form that doesn't have a cooldown?
Oh and by the way, i wouldnt necessarily call him the lowest picked hero

well when out of his turret form it's not like he is useless. his regular gun comes in handy a lot (at least that is what i learned from my experience with him). either way you still have different methods of attacking. Bastion is suppose to be a defense hero. His main role is defending capture points and making sure pay loads are safe from enemy team so of course it only makes sense that he has a stationary form not to mention the fact that his turret form does great damage. Do you know how overpowered it would be for bastion to have a mobile turret form that doesn't have a cooldown?
well, to respond to your first thing

and second, I'm not saying make the turret mobile. the turret as an idea is perfectly fine. I just think that a long range, 0 bullet spread, touch of death would be better mitigated as a lockdown ult than just being an alternate. hence why I also said to swap tank and turret form and then rework the damage accordingly. you make the bipedal form for short range skirmishes and you use the long range form for splash damage.
and second, I'm not saying make the turret mobile. the turret as an idea is perfectly fine. I just think that a long range, 0 bullet spread, touch of death would be better mitigated as a lockdown ult than just being an alternate. hence why I also said to swap tank and turret form and then rework the damage accordingly. you make the bipedal form for short range skirmishes and you use the long range form for splash damage.
so correct me if i am wrong but are you saying that the ult should be his stationary form and the tank the second? because that idea sounds....not right for some one who should be a defense character. it sounds more like you wanna make bastion an offense by giving him a tank form as a secondary. Plus, just having a stationary turret as an ult would sound like a waste givin how differently the enemy team can react to him.
Not every hero has to be good in every situation. As it stands, Bastion is good for blindsiding the enemy team with high damage burst, then moving to a different area to do it again. Bastion is at his best when nobody knows where he'll come from. But as people become more aware of good perches on the map, as they communicate locations better, become better at aiming while strafing (You know, just being better players) Bastion's strength, and therefore his pickrate, drop in the highest level, and people playing the game on lower levels follow suit. It's just how it works.

I honestly hate the argument about how pro-players hero usage should show that the game is balanced, but that doesn't account for around 95% of everybody else playing the game

Are you saying games shouldn't be balanced around the highest level? Because I strongly disagree. If Overwatch, fuck, if any competitive game were balanced by the "95% of everyone else playing the game" then it would be patched twice daily and be completely unplayable.
I mean, why not both? For example, there are a lot of champions in League of Legends that see next to no play in LCS but are very common in casual/ranked (Nasus), while there are a ton that get played almost exclusively in LCS (Corki, Alistar). Some of these were how they designed and how that differs from how games tend to go. Nasus cant do shit in a shot 20 minute match while Corki and Alistar require a lot more coordination to pull off their crazy damage.

Basically, a champion or hero can take advantage of this casual plays might be common doing, while another can be at its best in the hands of a high skill player. Bastion is a great 'anti-noob' hero given how his mechanics warrant you being careful or using specific techniques to avoid his turret. Given that in casuals the coordination or intelligence needed ot avoid this can be completely nonexistent, I'd say Bastion is at his strongest in Casuals, though he can definitely shine in a pro's hands as well.

Both pro and casual play are important and have to be considered. If you focus too much on one, you possibly alienate the other.
no, I'm saying that everyone matters when it comes to the entire community of who plays the game.
and you know that there wouldn't be twice daily patches. anybody who has seen a moba's patch list knows that community matters alongside pro and can work, and patches can happen in bursts.

but who do you think bought more units? the pro players, or everyone else? and don't bring in anything outside like marketing and sponsors. this is purely who made Overwatch the highest selling, being a combination of Blizzard and everyone who bought it.

so correct me if i am wrong but are you saying that the ult should be his stationary form and the tank the second? because that idea sounds....not right for some one who should be a defense character. it sounds more like you wanna make bastion an offense by giving him a tank form as a secondary. Plus, just having a stationary turret as an ult would sound like a waste givin how differently the enemy team can react to him.
no, I'm just wanting this