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Nintendo Switch

Someone in the office was discovered to already be running Homebrew.
eh I'm not surprised if it'd be a month before patch, they should have to test how well it updates before making and releasing them all out I bet right?
Someone in the office was discovered to already be running Homebrew.
I was making a joke about why'd there would be a patch ready to go weeks before release.
Wait, they're not planning to have a web browser? What the fuck?

All these commercials show people taking the thing to every public place in their life, how are they supposed to connect to wi-fi?
Maybe it'll pull up that necessary web page like some phones do when you connect and then close once the connection is confirmed? I isn't know if this is something actually done in Japan so maybe they just didn't think about some people needing to go to a website first? I know my 3ds can't do that either, it just fails the connect check and then doesn't allow connection to Wi-Fi. Iunno
You bring the thing with you to play games. If you wanna check Twatter then use your damn phone.
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They said there won't be a web browser at launch, implying there will be one later. 3DS initially lacked it too. And technically Wii U didn't have it until the day 1 firmware update.
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but how will i look up questionable pictures of anime girls on the go now
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You bring the thing with you to play games. If you wanna check Twatter then use your damn phone.
But if my phone runs out of battery, the Switch still has battery!

Also like, any game that relies on wi-fi but the public wi-fi requires you to go through a web page to connect.
implying there will be one later
That's not what was implied though. They stated it doesn't have one because it's just supposed to be a video game machine, therefore it doesn't have one now. That's "We're not saying we will never add one if people want one in the future and we decide to do it" not "This is probably coming later".

but how will i look up questionable pictures of anime girls on the go now
Kind of have to wonder if that's the entire reason why their is no web browser. That and hack potential, I guess.

If you wanna check Twatter then use your damn phone.
I don't even have a Twitter, but again, if I for some reason take the thing somewhere with wifi but am still locked out of all online functions, because of this shortsightedness, that's an issue. Also what if I have a technical issue with the game and want to look it up or am a casual who can't figure out X puzzle?

But if my phone runs out of battery, the Switch still has battery!
Not with that battery life it won't and when you're phone is dead enjoy being locked out of social features.
Gonna have to side with Ruin on this, Never leave home with your devices unless they are at 90-100% charged. saves alot of headaches. INB4 this is brought up- no you don't use your phone and switch at the same time- that's just a waste of battery life.
what kind of dingus do you have to be to bring both your phone and your switch someplace without one being charged enough
I think you missed the point here, the point is you need to have both on you and charged at all times to use the Switch and have web access (which still won't let you say download something on your Switch, not that you should be using public wifi for that), you can't just let your phone die and use the Switch instead.

This isn't some massive dealbreaker or anything, and it's not going to mean much to me since I don't see myself taking my $300 video game tablet with me whenever I go outside, but it's a stupid thing that is in an inconvenience at best and shouldn't be a problem in the first place because the solution is so simple.
Gamexplain has their switch and and are finding out the true questions we all need to know.

Can it raise the dead though?
We'll know that if Nintendo's console market comes back to life.
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can the switch fix my shattered home life
No cause it's always on the go. Ba dum tsss.
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So whose ready to partake in the bloodbath of trying to get 1 of only 2 million switches worldwide at launch?
I'm feeling we'll see a switch "lite"/i/new/SP soon.

But if the new megaten title is good, I'll bite the bullet and get one anyway
The Megaten game won't reach the west until late 2018 at earliest, so you've got a while, by the time it's coming the revision might have been announced.
There'll be at least 12 persona 5 spin-offs in that time, I guarantee it
There'll be at least 12 persona 5 spin-offs in that time, I guarantee it

Unrelated and unworthy
There'll be at least 12 persona 5 spin-offs in that time, I guarantee it

No, there'll be six Persona 5 spinoffs, four Persona 4 spinoffs, and two weird and kinda shitty crossover games.
Can I have my Megaten fighting game yet? I want to beat on P4 babbies as Raidou, Demi-Fiend, Tatsuya or Aleph.
Can I have my Megaten fighting game yet? I want to beat on P4 babbies as Raidou, Demi-Fiend, Tatsuya or Aleph.

Here's a man with refined tastes
So it's been confirmed that there will be games that only function in handheld mode so they can utilize the touchscreen.

This is fine. I hope we can get a Mario Maker port because of this.
I find this weird since I don't really understand why it will only be in handheld mode, the Joycons can practically function as Wiimotes in that they have pointer shit, so I would have thought that would work. Don't really mind though.
It's a rhythm game that requires speed, precision, and multitouch. IR ain't gonna cut it.
Mario Maker on the Switch pls.
It's a rhythm game that requires speed, precision, and multitouch. IR ain't gonna cut it.
Fair enough. @BeatNinja didn't specify a game so I thought it was just a general statement.
I find this weird since I don't really understand why it will only be in handheld mode, the Joycons can practically function as Wiimotes in that they have pointer shit, so I would have thought that would work. Don't really mind though.

Because they want to enhance the "Mobile" side of playing on the Switch.

I get a feeling it will backfire from those of us who don't ever want to remove it from it's Dock.
Can't say that wouldn't happen. In that case damage would be minimum if some games work like Wii U games.
honestly is using a 12 digit number that much more inconvenient than typing in xXx420BallerSwagSephiroth420xXx
honestly is using a 12 digit number that much more inconvenient than typing in xXx420BallerSwagSephiroth420xXx
That name you typed already proves self filtering works.

Why the fuck would anyone want someone with a gamertag like that in their contacts or friends list is beyond me.
That name you typed already proves self filtering works.

Why the fuck would anyone want someone with a gamertag like that in their contacts or friends list is beyond me.
You would not believe how much fun people have had trying to remember my username.