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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Man you guys a bunch o nerds ;). Any ways back on topic how do you guys feel about the new fate stay night remake (cause I think it's sexy good 0_0)
I think it's mindblowingly amazing. Then again I'm a sucker for anything Type-Moon puts out. Maybe it's all the waiting. If they can keep the current level of quality going, this'll be a good year for me indeed.
I think it's mindblowingly amazing. Then again I'm a sucker for anything Type-Moon puts out. Maybe it's all the waiting. If they can keep the current level of quality going, this'll be a good year for me indeed.
You and I are now unofficial, official BBFs
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Heavy season, I must say.
- Psycho-Pass sequel;
- Mushishi sequel 2nd season;
- Fate/Stay Night reboot;
- Log Horizon 2nd season;
So many shows to watch ongoing or to wait. I think I'll watch a half of it ongoing, and wait for another half until they finished.
I finally got my TV set up, so time to enjoy free cable! My new house is great!
(The shows I used to watch are on Boomerang... I feel old T.T)
Any recommendations?
I'm not sure what reaction they are going for with the Attack on Titan, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Pokemon, and Spirited Away references. It isn't funny, like something to laugh at -- more like a flicker of recognition. "Ah. I got the reference."

It's kinda unsettling. One would expect to see a Roronoa Zoro Homer or a Mikasa Ackerman Lisa on some corner of deviantart or some obscure tumblr blog, rather than national television.
A classic example of The Simpsons desperately trying to stay relevant.
ah yes
appealing to that ever expanding weeb market, i see
The 1990's generation is starting to show it's influence.
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.
The 1990's generation is starting to show it's influence.
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not.
Dude, it has in a long time. And before that, it was the 1980's generation that was pretty much showing there influence in-your-face (and some still are)!

And soon, the 2000 generation will start with there (even though they almost have nothing:PUN:)!
You misunderstood what I was talking about.
Don't call me dude.
fuck y'all, I'll be however I want
latest Game of Thrones AGK anime episode


Of course the gentle and kind family man pyro get the tragic assassination death. Really shows that Empire is not full of pure evil people and made me feel sympathy for a supposed antagonist.

After Killing Bols, Chelsea failed to assassinate Kurome because she is doped up on special drugs that makes killing her difficulty unless you behead/destroy heart. She is then swiftly killed by Kurome undead puppets and beheaded for public display as a morale downer for NR.



Awesome to see lack of censorship wasn't sure if they would show the decapitated head. The music choice really fits the mood as well so had a bigger impact then in the manga.
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Oh god please no, every episode of AGK just makes me feel so bad. I don't need a reminder what happens this episode. It just has all my feels it hurts.

At least Leone survives, she's my favorite, besides Bulat, but alas...
I don't know about you, but it feels very nice Naruto (the manga) is ending very soon.
How many chapters left, 2?
Yup, Naruto is gracefully ending on an even 700 chapters. One good, well-thought-out final story arc.

Bleach however... needs a Manga Shinigami that reap its soul. It is a mess. I've been with it since the beginning so I feel obligated to bear witness to the disaster of aimless plot, insipid throwaway characters, and illogical powers mechanics ("nuh-uh, I'm not dead you're ultimate attack is cured by all this red bath water from nowhere." "Well I'm not dead either. Once you are done explaining your powers I will explain my true powers!").

So gundam build fighters season 2 is out with new episodes every wednesday.

If you were big on g gundam, this is the anime you should be watching.

Also recently finished Unicorn. Moving on to 8th mst and G- Reconquista.
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Oh god please no, every episode of AGK just makes me feel so bad. I don't need a reminder what happens this episode. It just has all my feels it hurts.

At least Leone survives, she's my favorite, besides Bulat, but alas...

I consider it a very fun show.

Just not a really deep one. There is the element of Game of Thrones, yes, but instead of many kinds of opposing factions with reasonable stances, we have a faction that is only Boltons and Mountains and a faction that are the guys who kill them. Although it is commented that "assassination is terrible" and such, it really doesn't sell it when 90 % of Night Raid's kills is composed of shallow assholes with a few exceptions. And the few exceptions are following the shallow assholes, so I am sorry Bols but what you said about receiving punishment was right. Another problem is that sometimes you can't really get attached to the chars since they are not through developed.

That said it is very fun betting on the death flags, combat is enjoyable because of the different kinds of abilities (instead of just a difference on brute power) and sometimes you get some development on the characters (I am reading the manga). I am rooting for two of them right now.

Also for fans of the series there is the Zero manga, that is REALLY focused on Akame.

Sample images of Zero on the spoiler.



Well, the newest chapter of Monster Musume was translated recently, and I gotta say,

I have a new appreciation for Miia. also, her mom is a riot, hopefully she'll return often. I wonder who else will be introduced in the next chapter? I really hope it'll be Cerea's mom. I'm just dying to know what she's like!
so Rage of Bahamut: Genesis is really cool
I can easily see this becoming a new classic if it doesn't drop the ball
How many time have I heard that before?
That foodgasm Jump manga Shokugeki no Soma aka Food Wars is getting an anime adaption. Now I can witness how cooking/eating/serving/talking about tasty food can result into random stuff happening in glorious animation.

"Note: Shokugeki no Soma is a cooking manga"
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if Monster Musume gets an anime adaptation, I have a feeling everyone would be watching it.

the manga IS a NY Times best seller.

also, the most recent chapter,

Kakyoin would approve.
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Wow. Things in psycho-pass become really scary.
Forcing police to kill everyone but guilty, yeah. Computer justice is rough already, but also you can exploit or hack computer logic, and justice becomes way... scarier.
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don't forget that some people can do criminal acts and bot feel anything when doing it. There's a lot of fucked up things in Psycho Pass when you think about it.
kind of the point

go read a real manga you closet nerds.
I'll let Tryone calling Cerea a tramp slide this time....
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I wont even let it slide once.
let us emulate the attitide of the perfect woman among women like Cerea and let it go.

do not stoop to their level.
So I was at a thing the other day, not really a party just hanging out with some friends. Turns out that most of my guy friends are huge Dragon Ball Z fans, especially if they're black. I'm like the only one who doesn't really care so I'm being forced to watch it.

Can any of you losers that have watched this show tell me where I can watch it for free and what's the best eng dub? I've heard that there are like five different dubs and some of them suck ass.
funimation dub is usually the best. don't watch japanese the casting for it sucks

just stick with the Funimation dubs. as memorable as the "OVER 9000!" line is from the ocean dub, cheetor Goku is not that great.

also, stick with DBZ Kai. skips all the filler and trims the fat of the overextended fight scenes.
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okay okay okay, sorry for the double post, but, I just learned Guillermo del Toro is making a live-action adaptation of Naoki Urasawa's Monster for HBO.

life is complete. one of the single greatest mangas of all time, nay, one of the greatest suspense thrillers ever, is getting a proper live action adaptation.

and not just by anyone. del Toro himself. like, if this wasn't enough of a reason for you guys to look into Monster, then what will? and you know if it's del Toro behind it, he ain't gonna let hollywood add any BS into it.

thank you Based Guillermo del Toro. from the bottom of my heart.
I don't know about you, but I kinda have taken a break from watching anime. Still watch Fate/Stay night UBW every weekend. But I was watching Gankutsuou for the first time and planned marathon it while keeping updated on everything new, but I just quit watching for no reason. And put the time on gaming instead.

What is wrong with me? Is it that I need a high dose of gaming, and later when the demand of gaming is weaker I need high dose of anime?
so, I recently found out that Garo: the Animation is on Hulu! gewdbeyh funimation subscription!

and the 4th episode was pretty good. introduced another Makai Knight, some good action scenes, still loving Herman. my only minor gripe was the lack of Zaruba considering he was just introduced in the previous episode.
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Hey @SanoBaron you might like this.

Manga Recomendation:




This is Chaba-chan



The manga is about a little cute and nice cockroach that wants to be friends with humans. Unfortunately she is only a moe fairy to the eyes of the audience.

She encounters many humans, an unfortunate part-timer lady, cats (dangerous) and other bugs.

While the format is a 4-koma with jokes, I can't avoid the feeling that she and other roaches are a comparison to street urchins and orphans around the world. The manga is funny but really bittersweet and sad at sometimes.

Among kind-hearted protagonists she is one of my favorites. She is super nice, but the world keeps pounding on her. Still, she keeps her determination and goodness. It is like the determination of Guts + love instead of hatred.

It is monthly and now it has 42 chapters.