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Anime/Manga General Discussion

I meant a fightstick.
Oh thank god, I was starting to humor Ruin there for a second.
i can only imagine all the juices that the poor janitors needed to clean up after those showings
the ladies do love char, after all
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saw the 2nd episode of G-Reco.
-still nice animation
-that ending theme is still amazing
-why can't they let characters explain things naturally? seriously, that cutaway when Bell is explaining why they can't put solar panels on the earth pisses me off.
-I still don't like the mobile suit designs. the new one's with the three pink eyes they introduced are alright I guess.


have they shown that Sekai's master is Domon Kasshu in GBF TRY? cuz they really don't hide it in the first opening.
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exposition is actually handled pretty well in G-Reco
it's always being told to characters that wouldn't be expected to know these kinds of things, so the viewer learns along with the characters.
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you mean the solar panel thing? which they did a cutaway to NOTHING just so we miss a huge part of the middle and just catch the end?

like, I can deal with it, whatever.
but that solar panel thing seemed like a huge deal we should have heard the rest of.
you learn more later one
the solar panel thing is more to just establish that tech is limited and monopolized
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then why not say something so then it can be exposited as a lie?
don't just cutaway to a random mobile suit flying off! XD
we know they're fighting, we don't need to see it!
it's just that one scene.
it's not even annoying anymore, now it's just funny.
Just go with the flow that's how you enjoy g-reco, just started parasyte with my siblings and now we are hooked
parasyte is pretty great
they toned down the violence a bit, but they did great stuff like keeping the dickarm
so it balances out well
Just go with the flow that's how you enjoy g-reco, just started parasyte with my siblings and now we are hooked

oh I'll do so.
hopefully the other mobile suits will improve as well.
just wait until you get to Klim, Sano
then all your fears will be quelled
because Klim is the best
wish I had money to drown myself in high grades
HGs aren't all that expensive.
some HGs arent all that great.
X Crossbone Maoh is a good HG.

another good kit is the SD Neo Zeong. the only minor quip I have is those weapons are BEYOND brittle.
I already have a small collection but I need more because I'm a crack addict
I already have a small collection but I need more because I'm a crack addict
I kinda wanna make a Gundam thread basically so we can talk about model kits.
yo, Monster Musume was just announced for an anime adaptation.

is this real life?
did we make it?
oh god I didn't know what it was so I looked it up and was flooded with monster girls, I'll add it to my secret list
Considering how thin on plot the manga is I'll probably skip the anime. I bet it'll do well, though, considering how popular the manga is.
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yeah, the plot isn't great. I mainly like it for the characters and designs.
Are we talking about the plot or "plot" or even plot?

also, I've watched Reco-G episode 4. does the monday girl's weird mental state get explained at any point?
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she lost her memories due to falling out of the sky
that should be obvious enough
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I figured that much, but that doesn't really explain why she'll go "Pa! Pa! Pa!" and "G! G! G!"
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stuff just resonates with her
she needs to make sure that gundam is safe
so that it doesn't suffer like G did
The cheese is strong with you! Also if her condition bothers you don't worry it'll fix eventually
it's not that it bothers me it's just that it keeps coming up with no one really giving notice to it.
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yo, Monster Musume was just announced for an anime adaptation.
Maybe I've just become jaded but I know of two other series I like that are getting anime adaptations and I'm not really excited about them (those being One Punch Man and Jitsu wa, watashi wa)
i'm only really looking forward to the prison school anime for the sake of the asses speech being animated and voiced
I expect everything else to be toned or removed
i'm only really looking forward to the prison school anime for the sake of the asses speech being animated and voiced
I expect everything else to be toned or removed
Or you could just not watch a dub and choose a sub group that stays faithful. Assuming you don't watch in the original Japanese because you can understand it anyway, of course.
The last thing you have to worry about the Prison School anime is an unfaithful script translation. I would be more worried about if anything notable gets cut/excessive beams of light/etc and sometimes even the "uncensored" blu-rays still screw you over where it somehow ended up even more toned down then the TV broadcast. The initial trailer also didn't give me a good impression which makes the anime scream "budget".
Or you could just not watch a dub and choose a sub group that stays faithful. Assuming you don't watch in the original Japanese because you can understand it anyway, of course.
bruh i meant the japanese version
japan doesn't even want to acknowledge that nipples exist anymore
not since the 80s
the 80s had nipples everywhere
Actually nipples [at least for female] are present. In lewd, but not quite hentai anime. Just not as much for males probably because it takes more effort for very little payoff based on their reader/watcher demographic.