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Anime/Manga General Discussion

Freaking moon moon, I hated that part in ZZ. I hated those natives in Turn A even more though.
y'know, I'm not sorry for saying this but...
maybe Tomino should start caring about opinions now.
I'm sorry but Moon Moon will never not be funny to me for how quickly normal humans devolved into gundam worship after, like, what, 75 years of being on their own?
shit's hilarious
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setsuna did it in less than 10 years
Fun fact. Did you know Gen Urobuchi wrote only the first 3 episodes of aldnoah, yet everyone blamed him for what happened on episodes that he didn't write?
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well I only watched the first three episodes and those were still pretty bad!
funny how that works out
well I only watched the first three episodes and those were still pretty bad!
funny how that works out
didn't you say at one point that season 2 was better though?
Ah no
that was in regards to uh
Psycho-Pass iirc
then that fizzled out
what I mean to say here is
Gen Urobuchi should just write kamen rider
(i'm aware that gen didn't write PPS2 also)
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oh yeah. I got mixed up.
my bad B.
I will agree that Gen Urobuchi should stick with Kamen Rider.
I mean, when you can write Fruity Sengoku Space Jesus as a character,
I think you found your perfect genre.
psycho pass season 2

that was garbage
well I only watched the first three episodes and those were still pretty bad!
funny how that works out
Aldonoah just confuses me. All of the Martian robots have such obvious and glaring weaknesses it's a surprise that the series need Ender Wiggins as the main character/savior of the human race.

The very first robot just walks through solid matter but still can stand on solid ground so I figures out after 2 seconds of watching it that it's feet were it's weak point. That took two episodes to figure out and I think a third to exploit in the show.
Season 2 is just boring because now it's an endless stream of "super" robots getting chumped by Ender Wiggins/Solid Snake and that one guy from Code Geass with the eye that let him see a few seconds into the future.

It's not even "so bad it's good" it's just "so bad it's boring"
all i remember about Aldnoah is how they tried to assassinate a princess by using a guided missile
that shit was so hilarious that it became a running joke between some friends and I
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all i remember about Aldnoah is how they tried to assassinate a princess by using a guided missile
that shit was so hilarious that it became a running joke between some friends and I
hey, go big or go home.
yes hello friends I am also here to talk about the gundams and seeds and also the destinies
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Friends pleases

stop this meaningless fighting
But fighting is fun
I'm also here to talk about how much we all love the deskinee seeds, also I really really love carrots
okay, all april foolery aside, Build Fighters Try final episode.

really fun, a clusterfuck of everybody fighting and loving gunpla.

also, the secret everyone knew about is true

big spoilers for the final scene:
try domon.png
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nah its obvious, also I still haven't seen it yet
naw man.
I totally spoiled it.
I mean, what hints did they actually show?
they totally surprised everybody.
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I did.
if they can add Kill la Kill after saying "no, we can't. there'd be so much censoring"
what excuse do they have for JoJo's?

yo, but add the first two parts after you get through all of part 3.
and make it a big deal with trailers having Peter Cullen voicing them.
with the tagline "See where the bloodline began!"
haha I didn't see this coming
And just like when Jojo first came to America, we're just going to ignore that Parts 1 & 2 exist and jump right into Punch Ghost the series.
like I said, if interest is high enough because of part 3, make parts 1 and 2 a big Toonami event.
then people can be like "wow, there's more to this JoJos than Oraoraoras and the yare yare dazes"
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@SanoBaron It's not impossible and I'd like to see it happen.

I'm still waiting to see if they animate part 4 which is my personal favorite. Y'all don't know about the spaghetti do you?
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