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Anime/Manga General Discussion

I've been getting into Arslan Senki recently, and I was wondering what the opinion on it was. I'm not too far into it right now, but I'm enjoying it so far.
it's kind of shit but it's not too bad
just a little bit of shit
bad director and iffy material, but neat setting and good music
Yeah, the animation seems to be switching between pretty good and really bad. I'm thinking of the scene in the first episode, where their running above the market and the guards on the ground look like they're straight out of a PS2 launch title.
Writing seems pretty... Uninspired, I'll say, but it seems to be functional for the story. I will fully admit to being a sucker for war stories, so it's scratching that itch pretty nice.
Not too keen on the OP song, but the rest of the soundtrack is pretty good.
I've been getting into Arslan Senki recently, and I was wondering what the opinion on it was. I'm not too far into it right now, but I'm enjoying it so far.
I personally prefer the manga.
if you want a good laugh, go watch the OVA
the first episode is one of the most Yoshitaka Amano things you'll ever see
So fucking Akame Ga Kill whipped out a giant robot, and because my internet was out at the time my tolerance for its bullshit was at an all time low, so I basically went to shave and by the time I was done it was over.
Why do all shitty anime filler endings whip out giant robots?
an otherwise out-of-place giant robot is the hallmark of desperate terrible filler
I mean just look at Soul Eater
It's been months since I last visited Soul Eater, there was a giant robot?
Is this just in the anime? I only read the manga
It's been months since I last visited Soul Eater, there was a giant robot?
Is this just in the anime? I only read the manga
The anime gets one of the worst anime endings you've ever seen.
Death City turns into a robot so they can get Shinigami to fight the bad guy since he can't leave the city
Death City turns into a robot so they can get Shinigami to fight the bad guy since he can't leave the city
Ahaha, this is a joke right?
Ahaha, this is a joke right?
Then in the end Asura beats everyone, Maka turns out to have been a Weapon but decided to be a Meister, proceeds to fight Asura BY HERSELF.
Then in the end Asura beats everyone, Maka turns out to have been a Weapon but decided to be a Meister, proceeds to fight Asura BY HERSELF.
This is so wrong on so many levels
I could've accepted all those changes until the fucking "filled with courage" part. Bah, it's basically the "Power of Friendship/Love" trope and I hate it.
man too bad I can't read, I see it's from ruin though so it's probably not worth my time :y
So fucking Akame Ga Kill whipped out a giant robot, and because my internet was out at the time my tolerance for its bullshit was at an all time low, so I basically went to shave and by the time I was done it was over.
Why do all shitty anime filler endings whip out giant robots?
You chose the anime route and this is what happens. It's not like the original story has gotten any better though. Things were already dipping 10 chapters in and the introduction of the Minister's son and the rapist clown sealed it for me as being a terrible, trying-to-hard-to-be-this-edgy series.

But speaking of good manga, have you all been keeping up with Keyman? Backstory about in the most recent volume.
You chose the anime route and this is what happens. It's not like the original story has gotten any better though. Things were already dipping 10 chapters in and the introduction of the Minister's son and the rapist clown sealed it for me as being a terrible, trying-to-hard-to-be-this-edgy series.
Jesus fucking christ what is going on in that Mangaka's head
i unno
s'one thing to have a rapist demon horse
s'another to have a rapist batman
but a rapist clown? That's too edgy even for berserk
but a rapist clown? That's too edgy even for berserk

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i unno
s'one thing to have a rapist demon horse
s'another to have a rapist batman
but a rapist clown? That's too edgy even for berserk
yeah, well I mean it's all about context.

I mean, you get a scene where a girl is trying to get away from some shit and she sees a horse and is like "oh joy, an equine which will lead me to safety" and rape horse is just like "pardon me ma'am, but that will not be happening, unfortunately.

Akame ga Kill just puts a rapey clown right there on the spot. shameful. simply shameful.
Are people trying to argue that Berserk is tact in this thread? Really? That's whats happening?

Have people forgotten about 45% of that manga?

You know, the one with the baby's torso on a spike?
well I mean, yeah. it's so you get the setting of the series.
it makes a statement.
that statement being "even kids are gonna suffer. enjoy"
just like in Hellsing.
when that vampire nazi ate that baby.
well I mean, yeah. it's so you get the setting of the series.
it makes a statement.
just like in Hellsing.
when that vampire nazi ate that baby.

I'm not saying it doesn't have it's uses, just don't try to knock AGK for dumb edgy shit when Guts gets raped and Casca gets raped and everyone gets raped and babies are cleaved through like butter.
I'm not saying it doesn't have it's uses, just don't try to knock AGK for dumb edgy shit when Guts gets raped and Casca gets raped and everyone gets raped and babies are cleaved through like butter.
yeah, because it's not trying to be cool and edgy. it's trying to be dark and depressing and make you wonder if you should even go on living. then Puck comes in and keeps us all from killing ourselves while reading this.
And like in Jojo's when Dio made a mother eat her baby.
well, I mean, the anime kinda made it less impactful. I mean you could tell she was chomping away on it's head but that vampire nazi was just letting that thing dangle, on screen.
well you have to remember that JJBA was TV Anime and Hellsing Ultimate was an OVA
different standards and all that
by which I mean OVAs have none which why stuff like Genocyber and Angel Cop exist
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But speaking of good manga, have you all been keeping up with Keyman? Backstory about in the most recent volume.
ooohhhh, fuck
Keyman is my jam.
I, uh, stopped at that point where they were fighting and chained down the enemy guy with the chain gun things.
Then dino-man threw the key mold to the assistant guy and the guy is killed.
Last I checked the key was finally made.
Are new chapters out?
Yes, I still suck with names.
You chose the anime route and this is what happens. It's not like the original story has gotten any better though. Things were already dipping 10 chapters in and the introduction of the Minister's son and the rapist clown sealed it for me as being a terrible, trying-to-hard-to-be-this-edgy series.
I enjoyed Akame ga Kill for just how shlocky stupid it was.
Then the rapist clown.
Like, seriously, just when I start to like a character they kill it off.
Manga, that's not how you get an emotional response.
And seriously? That part with the Minister's son and the Rapist Clown just fucking brought me over the edge.
I kept reading though.
And it was not worth it.
one day I should try watching Genocyber
I did that once with some friends back in the day. When I went to college I couldn't get anyone to watch more than the first OVA of Genocyber. A guy I knew with a pretty high tolerance for bad anime just left the lobby and went to his room after watching it. That DVD now occupies a small traveling case I call "The Chapter Black". Like the name implies watching all the Anime contained within drains you of your desire to live happily.

Bring friends, or bring alchohol* After episode 1 it's all downhill, and it starts on the nosedive down.

*unless you are a minor.
Jesus fucking christ what is going on in that Mangaka's head
Even worse
He decided to ... "entertain" himself with a mother and child on the grave of arguably the best character in the series. While they were trying to mourn his very recent passing.
Keyman is my jam.
The group translating it is finishing up volume 10 in a couple of weeks. Now's a good time to jump on since you'll have a nice chunk of chapters to work through while we wait for volume 11.

I enjoyed Akame ga Kill for just how shlocky stupid it was.
I liked Akame ga Kill when I thought it was going to be cool assassins fighting with monster hunter-tier weapons. You know, an instakill sword that's cursed or maybe poison coated. Garrot wires made from a dragon. Animal transformations. Then Mine shows up with a gun that works on plot power and I gave up on that being the focus. Now I read it for the same reason I read bleach. To see when the trainwreck ends.