Artist and Semi-profesional (not at all) Squigler.
It was a mistake.. I already took note from all my current mistakes, they will be fixed soon.
He just wants Aku in SG.
Are you seriously telling us to stop praising Skullmageddon?
I'm telling you to rein it in a bit. I'm mainly referring to the sidetracking with the Samurai Jack lines and what have you. Someone actually asked "What's even going on in this thread?" above. Yes it was in jest, but it still stands.
I'm telling you that I'm not the perpetrator of these actions and all I'm trying to say is that nobody's going to listen.
I've been so busy with work related things that I ive had almost no time to work on Annie.. but here is some of my progress:
-Finished base coloring stage (I know her hair has some linework missing, I will be adding it later).
-It might or not run at a decent speed depending on your computer or navigator so download or opening on another tab is recommended.
-This is also the 50% sized version of this gif.
Real size verion:
Edit: I just noticed some errors and oddities on one or two frames but they will be gone by the time I do the shading.This is the real size version... Real HUGE.
I was saying "you" as a plural, indicating the thread at large. :/ I apologize if you misconstrued that.
Nice. Looking forward to whatever else you end up doing on Fukua then!
I think this was pointed out before and Skullmageddon said he would do something about it.
And I was just reminded how much more effort went into the females animation than the malesSpeaking of minor details, anyone who's interested in animation loops like these or thinking of trying out making some animations for Annie here should definitely be looking at Street Fighter 3 Third Strike for examples on slick as fuck loops:
Makoto's back walk is incredible.
Whatchu talking about? I've always been an avid fan of Annie and blinking.