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Project Annie...In Motion!

Duke you shouldn't ask Ravidrath those questions, he's the business guy of Lab Zero.
Those are questions for Alex Ahad and unfortunately he has absolutely no connection to this forum.

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I wonder if the people of the Skullgirl's Universe know that Sagan is a parasite.
Well, judging by Annie's character description, no. It mentions "what the public doesn't know about the real Annie and Sagan".
check your privilege you cishet scum sagan is an oppressed minority
a fluffy adorable minority
(i'm gonna objectify the shit out of this minority mmmm-MM)
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Well, judging by Annie's character description, no. It mentions "what the public doesn't know about the real Annie and Sagan".
ACTUALLY! *puts on nerd glasses* The description from the Indiegogo Character Concepts page says, "Though what the public learns about the real Annie might surprise them." Note the lack of Sagan from that sentence. But whether the public knows he is a parasite is still unclear!

Of course it also says that they are, "popular figures in nationwide folktales." Maybe they aren't actually in their own show and people don't even know that they really exist!
Are you saying Annie and Sagan just get revenue from their namesake?

... Well I guess Sagan ain't the only parasite then AM I RIGHT
i thought they were on the show but it's based off them being already popular
shit, annie must be loaded
what you think she does with all that dosh, man
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Let us get down to the facts: most people arguing here are fans. while we can give a lot of feedback, we don't knowhow sagan would fit in the game outside of the attacks ideas. With this, each person says what they want but never imagine it in the game. if skullmageddon listen to us, he'll give up on all this. it's impossible to make something about it that everyone likes.

Duke you shouldn't ask Ravidrath those questions, he's the business guy of Lab Zero.
Those are questions for Alex Ahad and unfortunately he has absolutely no connection to this forum.

It's one of the closest links we have to Alex... the other is Mike Z himself

Thinking about it... well, worth a shot too.

@Mike_Z sorry to summon you so abruptly but... could you give us some opinions about annie and sagan? like... where would sagan be during the attacks and other animations?

Would it be strapped to her waist?
Disappears and appears when needed?
Does annye throws it up, do the attack and it falls on her body, being magically strapped back to her waist when the attack is over/cancelled/countered?

If possible, could you get Alex's opinions or feedback on @Skullmageddon 's work? nothing really long or complex, just show him the thread or a couple of sprites and ask some questions

This question is kinda intresting. since there's the artist's view (what would fit the character/world) and the game developer's vision (how would it fit IN THE GAME).

Thank you kindly and sorry again for bothering you
Asking for some official statements on the characters isn't a bad idea. Hell, I don't care if I'm wrong about everything as long as we get some sort of official opinion on the matter. It's just a matter of asking the right people...in other words we need to ask Alex...

@DukeMagus some of them have taken a look at this forum in the past. Now, I don't believe anyone from Lab0 has taken a look at things recently, so they probably haven't seen my most recent idle. That being said, I've already asked Mike to see if Mariel would kindly take a look at my third idle attempt. About a month ago she offered to give feedback on my idle if I was willing to provide a serious attempt at animating, so when I finished I tried to get in contact with her to see if she would still be willing to do so. Mike kindly said he'd ask, but I haven't gotten a response since so I'm assuming that, for now, I won't be getting any feedback for whatever reason.

I propose we simply come up with a select few important questions that we'd all like answered, then try our best to get them in front of Alex for a quick Q&A.
I dont think mike would know as much about the major details of Annie and Sagan as alex though, if you think about it.
Still, he's one of the closest persons to alex. AND he made the game as we know it today. his view on the matter is really valuable IMO
I dont think mike would know as much about the major details of Annie and Sagan as alex though, if you think about it.
Well, it's Mike who decides how things actually works in-game. So questions about implementation of abilities and somesuch could be addressed to him. Of course, it's totally possible that nothing was decided on the subject, so there's that =]
Saturn Slash Frame 2 of 10:


Edit: And here's 3 of 10:


And just to let you guys know, I'm fixing errors as I go along, so some frames won't look exactly like the ones in the final animation. I've already slightly altered the second frame I posted.
Last edited:
can someone here explain to me how to animate in Photoshop?
can someone here explain to me how to animate in Photoshop?

1) Open a new file and create a layer that can be edited later.
2) Select Window > Animation
3) A timeline should pop up at the bottom of the screen. At the very bottom right of this you should see a small rectangle filled with 3 smaller squares. Hovering the mouse over it will make it say 'Convert to Frame Animation.' Click it and the timeline will change to 'Animation Frames'.
4) You can add frames and change the timing with the bottom left icons.
5) Select a frame, draw what you need to, then create a new frame. You'll see the same image as the previous frame. You can move things around in this new frame and it won't affect the previous one. Add new layers and hide old ones in the new frames if you want to draw frames separately without editing them. Keep doing this until you finish your animation.

This is a very basic walkthrough and there are multiple ways to go about doing this in much more detail but it should help you get started.
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So... Lab Zero did Fukua... How about some Anais?
that would require some Annies before we get some Anais
So does Fukua prove that we can create Annie and add her to Skullgirls? Also should we call Fukua fat Jello.
unless annie can somehow be made of existing animations, i don't think so
When's Annie?
minus the red hair Annie(star) sorta looks like Annie(orphan) here.
Peacock would love to make jokes with Annie (star).
Peacock- Sun won't be out tomorrow.
When's Black Annie?

Edit: I immediately regret this decision

Quvenzhané Wallis Annie palette for Annie? I can dig it. It'd be cute.
now I want to see black annie cosplayers
black cosplayers give me strength
Man this thread just makes me want Annie more :/
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I've been so busy with work related things that I ive had almost no time to work on Annie.. but here is some of my progress:

-Finished base coloring stage (I know her hair has some linework missing, I will be adding it later).
-It might or not run at a decent speed depending on your computer or navigator so download or opening on another tab is recommended.
-This is also the 50% sized version of this gif.

Real size verion:
This is the real size version... Real HUGE.
Edit: I just noticed some errors and oddities on one or two frames but they will be gone by the time I do the shading.

I've been so busy with work related things that I ive had almost no time to work on Annie.. but here is some of my progress:

-Finished base coloring stage (I know her hair has some linework missing, I will be adding it later).
-It might or not run at a decent speed depending on your computer or navigator so download or opening on another tab is recommended.
-This is also the 50% sized version of this gif.

Real size verion:
This is the real size version... Real HUGE.
Edit: I just noticed some errors and oddities on one or two frames but they will be gone by the time I do the shading.
DDB in 3.. 2... 1..
inb4 DDB. Nah, but anyway, this looks really nice! Smooth animation, too. Definitely a pose I can see Annie fighting in, she looks appropriately badass. :D
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Btw.. have this as a very late birthday present DDB.
Awesome Karla! Your progress is lookin' mighty fine :)

This should help fuel the fire for a little while. It's been a little quiet around here recently heh.
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is there any way Annie's hand can be moved a little further away from her body? it kinda looks like she's tapping her fingers around her groin and it kind of looks a little bulbous because of it.

the animation still looks great!
Looks amazing. Also, small critique, it seems that the frame where she's most to the right, the skirt goes a darker color briefly. Was this intentional so you could know where in the idle sequence you were?