Rant coming since I try to keep my posting here to a minimal.
Here is a Shia to set the mood. Almost was tempted to use that Green for Beasts Fury, but lazy.
I don't usually have issues with flashy finishers in itself since I'm a fan of some of the MK Fatalities or anime fighter Instant Kills, but I do when it appears that it has
much higher priority to get made then it should especially with what limited budget you have. These kind of things are the last thing you should be doing in the unlikely scenario that you have money remaining to appease the casuals that won't skip it after the first few times.
For example, Skullgirls initially planned to have all their playable characters to have multiple win poses [just like Filia who had three], but time/budget constraints had to scrap it because at the end of the day it's not a very high priority item that wouldn't diminish the actual gameplay if it was scrapped. SG shipped without even a built in move-list simply because they prioritized everything on the gameplay on the limited time/budget they had. They have to make sure their cake was baked before they added any non high priority frosting because that frosting time could have went to refining the cake.
The problem in your case is that your cake is more frosting then cake. You guys don't have anywhere near the NR or even Arc Sys budget so it makes no sense to waste manhours/budget on this frosting when the cake isn't even close to be done yet. There is a reason why SG aesthetic frosting changes happened gradually [Alt color character HUD, Undizzy Bar, Super portraits, KO portraits, Gallery Mode, Health Bar aesthetic tweaks, etc] after higher priority items were finished. Even the taunts which are about as aesthetic as they come was one of the last things to be finished because in the event that Lab 0 had to scrap stuff, taunts wouldn't be a major loss.
Lab 0 planned for shit in advance [Mike even had an online check list awhile back] with public delivered budget breakdowns with constant updates and likely had contingency plans if things went off the original plan [Konami nonsense]. You guys
at this point doesn't deliver that impression to any potential backers/investors that you do at all and most likely just winged it just to see how much you can get done with what you have with not much forward planning. Accept it and try to remedy that. Don't try to make excuses, make justifications, or say that you are in fact 'doing it' because if you are then clearly it's not enough and then have to ask yourself 'why is it not enough'? I'm not losing any sleep about this whole situation, but if you care about this product then you definitely should. If the developers don't even care about this then why should any potential investors or even consumers care? Your not a special snowflake in this world. World is tough.
I'm not wasting my time here to try to beat you up about it that a few posters here are pretty much doing at this point with basic empty sarcastic snerks. I just don't ever like watching train-wrecks that could have been avoided and maybe could still be avoided. I'm not being a critic so you could feel bad, but so you can learn from this. You might be able to still salvage this if you take all the
good advice that was delivered in this thread and take it to heart.
At this point asking for more money
right now when any interested investors are very low wouldn't be the wisest of moves because your likely gonna get minimal money due to your flexible funding and a few months later make another KS where the cycle just repeats. You guys are likely gonna have to bite the bullet and finish the previously promised content on your own without outside investors on the side. Only then when the game is at an acceptable demo state with
all the previous promises finished that you might be able to ask for money again from either a publisher or backers without losing further face.
At that point though even if you get the game at a much more complete state, all that is useless if you
still can't make a detailed long term plan [that
accurately reflects your budget consumption so you don't pull the "welp we ran out of money so please give us more ;) " ] that your committed to accomplish one-step-at a time. If you can do all that and show it [remember action speaks louder then words although some words can go along way if your being too quiet if you ever want to make your own loyal community instead of just borrowing the SH community] then that can go along way in not only restoring investor confidence, but improve the efficiency for your game development which will result into a much more consumer happy inducing product.
Of course this entire comment could just be a waste of 5 min of my entire life that could have been used more constructive especially if the TC in fact did leave this forum because he didn't want to deal with the feedback of all ranges [Mike had to deal with this since the Beta opened and was clearly not liking it, but pushed forward because he was obligated to and took the good and ignored the bad], but I was feeling somewhat charitable this morning since I won some money today so had the motivation to type up this message. Up to you though if you will heed this or not because again I'm not losing any sleep here if Beasts Fury ends up complete or not, but you should literally and metaphorically.