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Beowulf Thread: Retiring from Retirement

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Oh, I didn't realize you were the game designer! My bad.
^^^^^Mike Z's signature snark.^^^^^^

I'm just saying it's either parry, projectile reflecting ability, maneuverability or armored frames (or maneuverability AND armored frames) with all the current characters. It's not like I was telling you how you should make him (I imagine you guys have figured that out for the most part and I always trust your judgement), we (fans) have no idea yet how Beo's gonna play yet. I just expect Beowulf will have some sort of trick to get across the screen fast or some way to dodge/block projectiles because every character has some sort of counter for Peacock, for the sake of balance and gameplay. And I do believe Skullgirls is one of the most balanced fighters I've ever played, probably the most balanced.
I'm going to have to wait and see what his chair can do before I can do anything more than just speculation based on other characters.

Edit: @Dime_x I just noticed you! Read above.
Oh I didn't mean stop, I just meant I'm not stickin' around for it. By all means, continue! This is Beowulf discussion after all. :^)

Oh, I didn't think that you wanted it to stop, I was just trying to comically exaggerate my beowulf obsession by saying that I absolutely had to instigate Beowulf discussion even if it made people leave. (BECAUSE I NEED IT MAN etc etc)

I could've probably used more CAPS but it was all a bit silly and convoluted really, but that happens when people try a little too hard to be funny on a forum I guess.

Fission Mailed for me this time. :D
Hey I know I haven't been here for a while, but I heard someone talking about Beowulf getting a wall jump and I was wondering if that would work with the metal cage super I suggested a while back.
Mike is always serious, and rightfully so since people are saying some real dumb shit here.
No, I meant whether he's being sarcastic or not.
I want him to be able to grab a projectile and throw it back. Just for shits and giggles.

Anyone mention how Beo should have dodges/counters that look like he fake hitstuns that he can use different moves after depending on the button pressed? Cuz he should...
Anyone mention how Beo should have dodges/counters that look like he fake hitstuns that he can use different moves after depending on the button pressed? Cuz he should...

that specific thing was in one of the concepts shown at that panel. Hope he gets it too
I played a lot of arcade beat-em-up's so I'm familiar with how Beowulf's grabs might work (perform the grab input, add another input in to specify move) but I'm not familiar with Children of the Atom. How do grabs work in that game?
The video in that twitch link doesn't load for me and I can't find any past broadcasts on the channel either. Did no one upload to youtube for this?
The video in that twitch link doesn't load for me and I can't find any past broadcasts on the channel either. Did no one upload to youtube for this?
shhhhhhh baby, it's okay Markoss has got us. Be sure to give him a thank you kiss, aye?
shhhhhhh baby, it's okay Markoss has got us. Be sure to give him a thank you kiss, aye?

Yeah I looked at his channel first. I guess he hasn't had time to upload yet? This Donkey Kong style grab interests me.
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