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watch it be every member of Amane's dance troupe.
each as an individual playable character.
all chasing after dat C.Clover booty.
Amane's crew seems pretty legit
they are Amane's crew after all, and he only takes the best of the best
and Carl for some reason
Amane just seems like a really chill and pleasant person
odd that they made him out to be a haughty pedophile in the pre-release material
I want a buddy cop movie involving Kagura and Amane.
the best characters in BB that deserve to be in GG.
Seriously though, his title is Uzume and this is what the motherfucker did:

The Japanese Shinto goddess of joy and happiness, called the Daughter of Heaven and Heaven's Forthright Female. Her name means "whirling". She is also the goddess of good health, which people obtain from drinking the blessed water of her stream. When the sun goddess Amaterasu had hidden herself in a cave, thus covering the earth in darkness and infertility, it was Uzume who brought her back. With her provoking and curlew dances she managed to make the gods laugh so hard, that Amaterasu left the cave intrigued. Her emerging brought light and life back to earth. Her brother Ninigi married Uzume to the deity who guards the Floating Bridge to Heaven.
The dances of Uzume (Ama-no-uzume) are found in folk rites, such as the one to wake the dead, the Kagura (dance-mime), and another one which symbolizes the planting of seeds.
There's also theories that Rachel is Amaterasu.
Because of the repeating story, the fact she's an observer, and the fact you can clearly see a Coffin-Like object on Amaterasu.

Also, how do we know Linhua didn't become Seithr goo?
how do we know Linhua didn't become Seithr goo?
She gets mentioned somewhere in CP, iirc
probably not dead but also probably not important enough to ever appear again
Real talk, Amane might be the dude that saves everything in Blazblue's story. His title is the name of the person that saved Amaterasu in Japanese folklore.
You know he's going to do something when Rachel was all like "Hey're you're that important person who's important for reasons we won't cover until next game. Or maybe in a side novel and manga. Whatever Mori's feeling like at the time."
and anybody who tells me he cant because 'history says blah blah blah he has to sacrifice himself derp derp derp'
you have a story with time travel involved.
fuck history.
Bloodedge was in already. Remember that One Stroy Fight with Hazama? the one where you could use no D moves while he was unlimited? yeah that one.

Anywho, I'd like to see more Bullet, especially since she is the key to Tagers backstory.
and anybody who tells me he cant because 'history says blah blah blah he has to sacrifice himself derp derp derp'
you have a story with time travel involved.
fuck history.
Its more like photocopying souls, but sure, time travel.

Except Blood Edge would be insomniac Ragna. He'd be in a world of Seither, so his arm would be able to work and Soul eater would be active. whats the point?
When's Murakumo Ragna?

does Ragna become the Master Unit
is the true final battle Jin fighting his against his sexual confusion at the sight of his sexy robot brother-sister?
Yeah, about that...that image in the spoiler? That's not fan art. That's the Alpha-01, aka the Master Unit.
I know. Mori posted that stuff to his twitter a few months ago.
does Ragna become the Master Unit
is the true final battle Jin fighting his against his sexual confusion at the sight of his sexy robot brother-sister?
Some say Ragna is Epsilon-05 if some of Mori's art is to be taken literally.

Alpha-01 is probably the original basis of all the numbers.

What this means: everyone is related in one big messed up family.