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"2015 is going to be the year we really take off. I can't say a whole lot right now, but there's a lot I want to push forward in the coming year." - Mori
we're get the end of the Ragna saga of Blazblue, obviously
just like KH3 is just the end of the Xehanort saga
"2015 is going to be the year we really take off. I can't say a whole lot right now, but there's a lot I want to push forward in the coming year." - Mori
Who's Mori gonna push for Summerslam?!
Prepare your anus. Mori is plotting.
hopefully this means Amane or Kagura can become the main character of the story in the next chapter.
preferably both.
or if Ragna just stops being important because his plot is resolved and a new one takes the place, then Kagura can be a main character.
If Ragna bites it at the end of Blazblue 4 (And I bet he will), Kagura will be a main character I can tell
Ragna being done for is too sad after all the stuff he's had to put up with.
Ragna being done for is too sad after all the stuff he's had to put up with.
Ragna is basically destined to die; we knew this from the very beginning. What WOULD be heartbreaking is Terumi SOMEHOW coming back, saying his was all planned, and walks away twirling his Fedora, unknown to everyone else.
arcsys hating to drop characters is why we have 3 murakumos
arcsys hating to drop characters is why we have 3 murakumos
Next game every murakumo is revived with their own moveset and slot.
Arksys HATES dropping characters.
So I'm pretty sure Terumi will somehow be back at least
Yeah, I know, but I mean at the end of the story. He just walks away scott free ready to do more havoc.
So I'm receiving BBCP soon, should I have waited for extend or does it even really matter?

I'm a huge blazblue newb
I can probably live without that, correct me if I'm wrong since I'm only going on what I've seen, didn't update 2.0 or something come out not long ago?
Yes, AKA the update that killed Blazblue.
Ah ok, damn so basically this stuff should've been dlc. Why make an entire other disc for it?!?!
Isn't nobody playing the new version?

Pros have quit, but it's still the most played ArcSys fighter in Japan atm.

How'd it kill Blazblue?

General consensus is that it sucks ass. Particularly because they made Nu and Tao absolutely retarded..
But, as I said above, the game isn't particularly dead, contrary to popular belief. It still has more people playing it in arcades than Xrd or Ultimax. A lot of people just aren't happy with the balance changes, so take of that what you will.

This made me laugh uncontrollably
hi Lotte
you look like a nerd
no wonder you got wrecked
Lotte is so fucking attractive I can't believe he became Arakune.
Waiting three games to see his face was worth it.
Explaining most of Litchi's actions over the course of the story with "but you really should have seen him BEFORE."
I'd touch him.
that posture is a turn off, he isnt even that cute, bad sense of style, cmon black and light blue is so basic, hair is messy, looks like he dosnt know what a gym is and his face is not redeeming any thing about him

conclusions: you all have bad taste
He looks better than you, motherfucker.
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